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Ein Hoch auf Mutti! Schauspielerin Emmy Rossum geniesst die Zeit mit ihrer Mama // Mom's the best! Emmy Rossum enjoys the time with her mother, Supplied by Instagram.com/face to face


Jennifer Lopez ist begeistert von Taylor Swift: "Lover her!!!" // Jennifer Lopez is sold on Tayler Swift: "Love her!!!", Supplied by Instagram.com/face to face


Lieber Wecker, das kann doch nicht dein Ernst sein?! Cara Delevingne moechte am Montagmorgen lieber noch ein wenig weiter schlummern // Are you serious, alarm clock? Cara Delevingne doesn't want to stand up that early, Supplied by Instagram.com/face to face


Viel schoener ohne Make-up: Kim Kardashian ist ganz ohne ihr Make-up kaum wieder zu erkennen, dabei kann sie ihre natuerliche Schoenheit gerne oefter zeigen // Even more beautiful without makeup: Kim Kardashian shows her natural beauty, Supplied by Instagram.com/face to face


Snoop Dogg mal ohne Fluppe im Mund: Der Rapper macht im Publikum ein Selfie mit seiner Tochter Cori Broadus // Daddy Snoop Dogg is taking a selfie of him and his daughter Cori Broadus, Supplied by Instagram.com/face to face


??BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM From Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, celebrities share their private lives and thoughts with the public. Picture shows: Hilary Duff showing off her lovely face and cute summertime style in a lovely recent makeup free selfie she shared. She says: ??sMake up free Friday..... I swear I have a bikini on ?z?????. (symbol for smiley face laughing) NON-EXCLUSIVE August 23, 2014 Job: 140823B1 Hollywood, CA USA www.bauergriffin.com


??BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM From Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, celebrities share their private lives and thoughts with the public. Picture shows: Hilary Duff receiving a sweet kiss from son Luca Cruz Comrie in a sweet new summertime pic she shared. She says: ??sKiss me you fool??? NON-EXCLUSIVE August 23, 2014 Job: 140823B1 Hollywood, CA USA www.bauergriffin.com


??BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM From Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, celebrities share their private lives and thoughts with the public. Picture shows: Hilary Duff having fun watching the Disney Channel with adorable son Luca Cruz Comrie in a sweet new summertime pic she shared. She says: ??sSomeone's really stressed about something that's happening on Mickey mouse clubhouse. Dont know where he gets this drama from ?z?l???. (symbol for smiley face wondering something or looking puzzled) NON-EXCLUSIVE August 23, 2014 Job: 140823B1 Hollywood, CA USA www.bauergriffin.com


??BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM From Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, celebrities share their private lives and thoughts with the public. Picture shows: Hilary Duff showing off her stunning bikini body and perfect moves underwater in this pretty new pic she shared on social media. She says: ??sUnder water flip.??? NON-EXCLUSIVE August 23, 2014 Job: 140823B1 Hollywood, CA USA www.bauergriffin.com


??BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM From Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, celebrities share their private lives and thoughts with the public. Picture shows: Hilary Duff showing off her adorable son Luca Comrie getting ready for school in an adorable recent pic she shared on July 29th. She says: ??sLittle school froggy?zz???. (symbol for frog) NON-EXCLUSIVE August 23, 2014 Job: 140823B1 Hollywood, CA USA www.bauergriffin.com


??BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM From Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, celebrities share their private lives and thoughts with the public. Picture shows: Hilary Duff showing off her adorable son Luca Comrie having some summer fun fingerpainting in a sweet recent pic she shared on July 31st. She says: ??sI think a bath is crucial tonight??? NON-EXCLUSIVE August 23, 2014 Job: 140823B1 Hollywood, CA USA www.bauergriffin.com


??BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM From Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, celebrities share their private lives and thoughts with the public. Picture shows: Miley Cyrus wearing a red plaid shirt and quirky expression in a new selfie she shared. She says: ??sgettinmuahgoodon ?z'????. (symbol for thumbs up) NON-EXCLUSIVE August 23, 2014 Job: 140823B1 Hollywood, CA USA www.bauergriffin.com


??BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM From Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, celebrities share their private lives and thoughts with the public. Picture shows: ??sRich Kids of Beverly Hills??? star Morgan Stewart showing off her look for the day in a cute short black and white ensemble, in a recent pic she shared on Instagram on August 21st. She says: ??sTis true- had a skirt moment??? NON-EXCLUSIVE August 23, 2014 Job: 140823B1 Hollywood, CA USA www.bauergriffin.com


??BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM From Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, celebrities share their private lives and thoughts with the public. Picture shows: Iggy Azalea and her ??sBlack Widow??? partner in crime Rita Ora having fun together in a new selfie they both shared. NON-EXCLUSIVE August 23, 2014 Job: 140823B1 Hollywood, CA USA www.bauergriffin.com


??BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM From Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, celebrities share their private lives and thoughts with the public. Picture shows: Rita Ora singing and playing around with fellow pop sensation Charli XCX shortly after they performed with pop pal Iggy Azalea, in a brand new pic she shared. Rita says: ??sThen this happened @charli_xcx #last1 #justhad2 #backdatthangup #warmups??? NON-EXCLUSIVE August 23, 2014 Job: 140823B1 Hollywood, CA USA www.bauergriffin.com


??BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM From Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, celebrities share their private lives and thoughts with the public. Picture shows: Gwyneth Paltrow wearing a cowboy hat and taking a makeup free selfie in a ranch location as one of her children is seen walking around in cowboy boots behind her, in a fun pic she shared recently on social media on July 24th. She says: ??sYippie Ki-Yay motherf*&$rs, the Big Sky country today on @goop??? NON-EXCLUSIVE August 23, 2014 Job: 140823B1 Hollywood, CA USA www.bauergriffin.com


??BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM From Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, celebrities share their private lives and thoughts with the public. Picture shows: Ariana Grande, Jessie J, and Nicki Minaj hanging out together while working on their highly anticipated single ??sBang Bang???, in a cute recent selfie they shared on social media on July 31st, 2014. Ariana says: ??srepost except flipped & black n white lmao. having the time of my life with these divas. love them more than words. both so down to earth and fierce. living for u @nickiminaj @isthatjessiej ?z's???. (symbol for purple heart) NON-EXCLUSIVE August 23, 2014 Job: 140823B1 Hollywood, CA USA www.bauergriffin.com


??BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM From Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, celebrities share their private lives and thoughts with the public. Picture shows: Kelly Osbourne showing off her bright purple curled hair close up, in a new selfie she shared. She says: ??s?z's?z?????. (symbols for purple hearts and devil) NON-EXCLUSIVE August 23, 2014 Job: 140823B1 Hollywood, CA USA www.bauergriffin.com


??BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM From Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, celebrities share their private lives and thoughts with the public. Picture shows: Jessie J looking cute in a jeans, t-shirt, and jacket ensemble as she attends rehearsals for the MTV VMAs in a cute new pic she shared on social media. Jessie says: ??sBeyond excited! Long day of rehearsals done! @nickiminaj @arianagrande performances are UGH-MAZING! Can't wait! #bangbang #vmas??? NON-EXCLUSIVE August 23, 2014 Job: 140823B1 Hollywood, CA USA www.bauergriffin.com


??BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM From Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, celebrities share their private lives and thoughts with the public. Picture shows: Jared Leto showing off a pic he drew and talking about a contest for fans to potentially win his shaved beard, in a new pic he shared. He says: ??sThis is a BEARD-IFUL situation! Grab a #CarnivoresTour ticket + my #BeardInABox could be YOURS! http://bit.ly/VyRTct915??? NON-EXCLUSIVE August 23, 2014 Job: 140823B1 Hollywood, CA USA www.bauergriffin.com


Mutti, ich moechte noch schlafen! Noch bevor Hilaria Baldwins Toechterchen Carmen Gabriela richtig wach werden kann, macht Mutti mit ihr die erste Yogapose // Mommy, I still want to sleep! Hilaria Baldwin's daughter Carmen Gabriela isn't really awake yet, but already integrated in the first yoga pose of her mother, Supplied by Instagram.com/face to face


Da waere doch jeder gerne ein Smoothie: Cara Delevingne umarmt einen riesigen, aufblasbaren Plastik-Smoothie // Who wouldn't like to be a smoothie in this case? Cara Delevingne hugs a huge plastic smoothie, Supplied by Instagram.com/face to face


Ist denn schon Weihnachten? Hugh Jackman darf sich ueber ein riesiges Paket freuen. Was sich darin wohl befindet? // Is it already Christmas? Hugh Jackman is excited about a big package, Supplied by Instagram.com/face to face


So, und jetzt alle mal versuchen so bloed wie nur moeglich auszusehen! Saengerin Ellie Goulding zieht eine Schnute und fordert ihre Fans auf, es ihr gleich zu tun // Singer Ellie Goulding's instruction for looking stupid: Think of an animal you like and try to look as this animal. Done., Supplied by Instagram.com/face to face


"Perfekte Taille"? Kim Kardashian schnuert sich immer enger, um der, wie sie es selber formuliert, perfekten Taille so nah wie moeglich zu kommen. Muss das sein? // "Perfect waist"? Kim Kardashian is wearing a corset in order to get the perfect waist, Supplied by Instagram.com/face to face


Ein Babyschaf und ein Babykaenguru - ich liebe die Nachmittage mit Tante Heather! Heather Marks' Neffe geniesst die Zeit mit seiner Tante // A little sheep and a baby kangaroo - I love spending time with my aunt! Heather Marks' nephew enjoys his time with his aunt, Supplied by Instagram.com/face to face


Aehm, warum genau tragt ihr eine Maske und ich nicht? Selena Gomez steht ihren Stylistinnen eher kritisch gegenueber // Why exactly are you wearing masks and I don't have to wear one? Selena Gomez doesn't feel that comfortable while getting hair and makeup done, Supplied by Instagram.com/face to face


Freakshow? Nein, es ist nur Katy Perry, die bunt bekeidet, mit Herzohrringen, die an Tannenbaumschmuck erinnern, auf einer Party auftaucht // Freakshow? No, it's just Katy Perry, who attends a party in a colourful dress, Supplied by Instagram.com/face to face


Wer nicht will, der hat.. Oliver Pocher: Pocher kippt sich als Wladimir Putin das kalte Nass ueber den Kopf // You don't want to do it? I'll do it for you! Oliver Pocher does the ice bucket challenge for Wladimir Putin, Supplied by Instagram.com/face to face fot. Face to Face/REPORTER fot. Face to Face/REPORTER


Eiskalte Promis fuer den guten Zweck: Ashley Tisdale laesst sich Eiswasser ueber den Koerper kippen, um fuer die Krankeit Amyotrophe Lateralsklerose (ALS) Aufmerksamkeit zu erregen. ALS ist eine degenerative Erkrankung des motorischen Nervensystems // Ice Bucket Challenge: Ashley Tisdale gets ice water dumped on her body to raise awareness for ALS, Supplied by Instagram.com/face to face fot. Face to Face/REPORTER fot. Face to Face/REPORTER


Wer nicht will, der hat.. Oliver Pocher: Pocher kippt sich als Angela Merkel das kalte Nass ueber den Kopf // You don't want to do it? I'll do it for you! Oliver Pocher does the ice bucket challenge for Angela Merkel, Supplied by Instagram.com/face to face fot. Face to Face/REPORTER fot. Face to Face/REPORTER


Babies koennen ja so anstrengend sein! Rihanna und ihre Nichte liegen erschoepft auf der Couch // Babies can be so exhausting! Rihanna and her niece are regenerating themselves on the couch, Supplied by Instagram.com/face to face fot. Face to Face/REPORTER fot. Face to Face/REPORTER


Jetzt bin ich genauso cool wie Tante Rihanna! Rihannas Nichte sieht die Welt durch die "Augen" ihrer Tante // Now I am just as cool as Aunty Rihanna! Rihanna's niece sees the world through her aunt's "eyes", Supplied by Instagram.com/face to face fot. Face to Face/REPORTER fot. Face to Face/REPORTER


Wer nicht will, der hat.. Oliver Pocher: Pocher kippt sich als Karl Lagerfeld das kalte Nass ueber den Kopf // You don't want to do it? I'll do it for you! Oliver Pocher does the ice bucket challenge for Karl Lagerfeld, Supplied by Instagram.com/face to face fot. Face to Face/REPORTER fot. Face to Face/REPORTER


Nein, Frauchen, ich will noch nicht nach Hause!! Darla, der Hund von Vanessa Hudgens, moechte lieber noch ein wenig draussen rumtollen, statt im Auto zu sitzen // Nooo, Mommy, I don't want to go home! Darla, dog of Vanessa Hudgens, prefers the nature instead of sitting in a car, Supplied by Instagram.com/face to face


Ich "yoga" dich in den Schlaf, meine Kleine! Hilaria Baldwin integriert diese Woche ihr Toechterchen Carmen Gabriela in jede Yogapose, weil Carmen diese Woche am 23. August ihren ersten Geburtstag feiert // I "yoga" you to sleep, my dear! Hilaria Baldwin integrates her little daughter Carmen Gabriela in this weeks yoga poses. This is because Carmen celebrates her first birthday on August 23rd, Supplied by Instagram.com/face to face


Holt Boris Becker sich goettlichen Rat? Er trifft am Flughafen diese Nonne und fuehrt ein intensives Gespraech mit ihr // Is Boris Becker receiving godly advice? He meets this nun at the airport, Supplied by Instagram.com/face to face


Gemuetlicher geht's nicht! Der Hund von Francesca Eastwood schlaeft selig auf seinem Frauchen // It can't get more comfortable than this! Francesca Eastwood's dog sleeps on her body, Supplied by Instagram.com/face to face


Wird er jetzt gross und stark? Justin Bieber uebt sich im Boxen // Will he get big and strong? Justin Bieber tries himself as a boxer, Supplied by Instagram.com/face to face


Fuer dich verrenk ich mich jederzeit! Hilaria Baldwin integriert diese Woche ihr Toechterchen Carmen Gabriela in jede Yogapose, weil Carmen diese Woche am 23. August ihren ersten Geburtstag feiert // I would bend over backwards for you! Hilaria Baldwin integrates her little daughter Carmen Gabriela in this weeks yoga poses. This is because Carmen celebrates her first birthday is on August 23rd, Supplied by Instagram.com/face to face


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Katie Price NON-EXCLUSIVE: Wednesday 20th August 2014 Job: 140820UT7 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme.co.uk: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Celebrity Big Brother 2014 UK - David McIntosh and James Jordan. NON-EXCLUSIVE: Wednesday 20th August 2014 Job: 140820UT6 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme.co.uk: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Miley Cyrus NON-EXCLUSIVE: Wednesday 20th August 2014 Job: 140820UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme.co.uk: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Kim Kardashian NON-EXCLUSIVE: Wednesday 20th August 2014 Job: 140820UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme.co.uk: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Madonna NON-EXCLUSIVE: Wednesday 20th August 2014 Job: 140820UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme.co.uk: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Cheryl Fernandez Versini aka Cheryl Cole NON-EXCLUSIVE: Wednesday 20th August 2014 Job: 140820UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme.co.uk: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Lady Gaga and Brian May NON-EXCLUSIVE: Wednesday 20th August 2014 Job: 140820UT6 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme.co.uk: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Lady Gaga NON-EXCLUSIVE: Wednesday 20th August 2014 Job: 140820UT6 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme.co.uk: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Lady Gaga NON-EXCLUSIVE: Wednesday 20th August 2014 Job: 140820UT6 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme.co.uk: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Katy Perry NON-EXCLUSIVE: Wednesday 20th August 2014 Job: 140820UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme.co.uk: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Katy Perry NON-EXCLUSIVE: Wednesday 20th August 2014 Job: 140820UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme.co.uk: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Katy Perry NON-EXCLUSIVE: Wednesday 20th August 2014 Job: 140820UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme.co.uk: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Nicole Scherzinger NON-EXCLUSIVE: Wednesday 20th August 2014 Job: 140820UT3 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme.co.uk: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Miley Cyrus NON-EXCLUSIVE: Wednesday 20th August 2014 Job: 140820UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme.co.uk: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Katy Perry NON-EXCLUSIVE: Wednesday 20th August 2014 Job: 140820UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme.co.uk: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Katy Perry NON-EXCLUSIVE: Wednesday 20th August 2014 Job: 140820UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme.co.uk: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Katy Perry NON-EXCLUSIVE: Wednesday 20th August 2014 Job: 140820UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme.co.uk: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Katy Perry NON-EXCLUSIVE: Wednesday 20th August 2014 Job: 140820UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme.co.uk: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Jessica Alba and Bruce Willis NON-EXCLUSIVE: Wednesday 20th August 2014 Job: 140820UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme.co.uk: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


Happy 56th Birthday, Madonna! Sie feiert ihren Geburtstag mit dem 20er Jahre Motto "Great Gatsby" // Happy 56th birthday, Madonna! She celebrates her birthday with the theme "Great Gatsby", Supplied by Instagram.com/face to face


Darf ich bleiben? Familienzuwachs bei Ireland Baldwin: dieser kleine Welpe heisst Kai // Can I stay? Ireland Baldwin adopted this cute puppy named Kai, Supplied by Instagram.com/face to face


Happy 56th Birthday, Madonna! Sie feiert ihren Geburtstag mit dem 20er Jahre Motto "Great Gatsby" // Happy 56th birthday, Madonna! She celebrates her birthday with the theme "Great Gatsby", Supplied by Instagram.com/face to face


Einen schoenen Menschen entstellt nichts: Lisa Rinna probiert die "Cytocell 3D Crystal Fiber Mask" aus // Keeping fresh: Lisa Rinna tries the "Cytocell 3D Crystal Fiber Mask", Supplied by Instagram.com/face to face


Kelly Osbourne verkuendet ihre grosse Neuigkeit: Sie entwirft ihre eigene Modekollektion "Stories" welche in den Kleidergroessen XXS bis XXXL erhaeltlich sein wird. Der Name der Kollektion klaert nun ihr Tattoo am Kopf auf // Kelly Osbourne reveals her news: She releases her clothing line "Stories" in sizes 0 to 24. The name of the collection explains her tattoo which she now has on her head, Supplied by Instagram.com/face to face


Kelly Osbourne verkuendet ihre grosse Neuigkeit: Sie entwirft ihre eigene Modekollektion "Stories" welche in den Kleidergroessen XXS bis XXXL erhaeltlich sein wird. Der Name der Kollektion klaert nun ihr Tattoo am Kopf auf // Kelly Osbourne reveals her news: She releases her clothing line "Stories" in sizes 0 to 24. The name of the collection explains her tattoo which she now has on her head, Supplied by Instagram.com/face to face


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Kim Kardashian NON-EXCLUSIVE: Tuesday 19th August 2014 Job: 140819UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme.co.uk: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Snoop Dogg NON-EXCLUSIVE: Tuesday 19th August 2014 Job: 140819UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme.co.uk: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Steven Gerrard and Alex Gerrard with their family. NON-EXCLUSIVE: Tuesday 19th August 2014 Job: 140819UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme.co.uk: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Lily Allen NON-EXCLUSIVE: Tuesday 19th August 2014 Job: 140819UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme.co.uk: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Snoop Dogg NON-EXCLUSIVE: Tuesday 19th August 2014 Job: 140819UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme.co.uk: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Paris Hilton NON-EXCLUSIVE: Tuesday 19th August 2014 Job: 140819UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme.co.uk: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Paris Hilton NON-EXCLUSIVE: Tuesday 19th August 2014 Job: 140819UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme.co.uk: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Lukas Podolski NON-EXCLUSIVE: Tuesday 19th August 2014 Job: 140819UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme.co.uk: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Jodie Marsh NON-EXCLUSIVE: Tuesday 19th August 2014 Job: 140819UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme.co.uk: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Ellie Goulding NON-EXCLUSIVE: Tuesday 19th August 2014 Job: 140819UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme.co.uk: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Crystal Hefner NON-EXCLUSIVE: Tuesday 19th August 2014 Job: 140819UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme.co.uk: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: P Diddy NON-EXCLUSIVE: Tuesday 19th August 2014 Job: 140819UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme.co.uk: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


??BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM From Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, celebrities share their private lives and thoughts with the public. Picture shows: Gwyneth Paltrow and very good friend Jessica Seinfeld having fun together as Jessica shares a very supportive message for Gwyneth in a new pic and message she shared on August 17th. Jessica says: ??sI have never met anyone with more true and loyal best friends than this baby girl ?z's?z'?. She is deeply and intensely loved by her friends. I hope each of you has someone in your life that is a wise and steady North Star like this one is to so many...?s??zSz?z'??zSz?s??zSz?z'? Why not tag those people in your life who kill it in the friendship department? It's Show Appreciation Sunday. (I made that up).???. (symbols for happy baby, a princess with blonde hair, and lots of beautiful stars). NON-EXCLUSIVE August 19, 2014 Job: 140819B1 Hollywood, CA USA www.bauergriffin.com


??BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM From Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, celebrities share their private lives and thoughts with the public. Picture shows: Jared Leto showing off his colorfully painted fingernails while holding a bug crab in a fun new pic he and his brother shared on social media. Shannon says: ??sBug crab??? NON-EXCLUSIVE August 19, 2014 Job: 140819B1 Hollywood, CA USA www.bauergriffin.com


??BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM From Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, celebrities share their private lives and thoughts with the public. Picture shows: Demi Lovato looking cute as she wears a snorkel and spends time in the water with a stingray in a cute recent pic she shared. Demi says: ??sI mean... We practically made out.??? NON-EXCLUSIVE August 19, 2014 Job: 140819B1 Hollywood, CA USA www.bauergriffin.com


??BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM From Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, celebrities share their private lives and thoughts with the public. Picture shows: Anna Kendrick having a blast at the Met Gala while wearing friend J Mendel???s top hat in a cute pic she shared on social media in May. Anna says: ??sWith the handsome and talented J Mendel at the #MetGala. Had the honor of briefly wearing the personal top hat of the great milliner Stephen Jones, who took this photo. Xo??? NON-EXCLUSIVE August 19, 2014 Job: 140819B1 Hollywood, CA USA www.bauergriffin.com


??BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM From Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, celebrities share their private lives and thoughts with the public. Picture shows: Jared Leto having fun and giving a thumbs up while traveling through the back roads of Massachusetts in a fun recent pic he shared on social media. Jared says: ??sOn my trusty steed exploring the back roads of Massachusetts. #DoOrDie #dangitspurtyouthere #summertime #usa #dreams??? NON-EXCLUSIVE August 19, 2014 Job: 140819B1 Hollywood, CA USA www.bauergriffin.com


??BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM From Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, celebrities share their private lives and thoughts with the public. Picture shows: Lily Allen showing off her bikini body in a cute and colorful swimsuit while relaxing in St. Tropez in this cute new pic she shared. Lily says: ??sSt tropez Lyf??? NON-EXCLUSIVE August 19, 2014 Job: 140819B1 Hollywood, CA USA www.bauergriffin.com


??BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM From Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, celebrities share their private lives and thoughts with the public. Picture shows: Demi Lovato looking cute and showing off her bikini body in a colorful swimsuit as she has fun dancing and swimming in the pool in this fun pic she shared on August 4th. Demi says: ??sThat one time I was swimming under the glass in my bungalow...... And got sucked away by the current..... ?z???z?a?z?o?z?l???. (symbols for many different smiley faces looking surprised and shocked) NON-EXCLUSIVE August 19, 2014 Job: 140819B1 Hollywood, CA USA www.bauergriffin.com


??BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM From Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, celebrities share their private lives and thoughts with the public. Picture shows: Anna Kendrick looking cute and excited on her birthday as she sports Elvis Presley???s trademark facial expression and visits his Graceland estate in Memphis, Tennessee during a birthday trip organized by her ??sThe Hollars??? co-star John Krasinski, in a fun new pic she shared on Instagram. Anna says: ??s#Graceland #BdayFun??? NON-EXCLUSIVE August 19, 2014 Job: 140819B1 Hollywood, CA USA www.bauergriffin.com


??BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM From Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, celebrities share their private lives and thoughts with the public. Picture shows: Anna Kendrick having fun in full costume as she gets back into the swing of things during some down time while filming ??sPitch Perfect 2???, in a cute behind the scenes pic she shared on May 18th. She says: ??sI don't know what you're talking about. #TeachersPet #BackToSchoolParty??? NON-EXCLUSIVE August 19, 2014 Job: 140819B1 Hollywood, CA USA www.bauergriffin.com


??BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM From Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, celebrities share their private lives and thoughts with the public. Picture shows: Britney Spears wearing matching sunglasses with her cute lookalike sons Jayden James Federline and Sean Preston Federline as the trio enjoy brunch together in this sweet summertime pic she recently shared. Britney says: ??sBrunch with my boys! ?z'Z???. (symbol for two little boys) NON-EXCLUSIVE August 19, 2014 Job: 140819B1 Hollywood, CA USA www.bauergriffin.com


??BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM From Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, celebrities share their private lives and thoughts with the public. Picture shows: Britney Spears looking sexy in black lingerie, with her hair and makeup all done up in this behind the scenes pic she recently shared from a shoot for her upcoming lingerie collection. Britney says: ??sThis was one of the most beautiful shoots I think I've done. More to come!??? NON-EXCLUSIVE August 19, 2014 Job: 140819B1 Hollywood, CA USA www.bauergriffin.com


??BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM From Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, celebrities share their private lives and thoughts with the public. Picture shows: Britney Spears showing off her toned abs in a midriff-baring grey t-shirt and black shorts ensemble and looking happy as she takes her two sons Jayden James Federline and Sean Preston Federline to Disneyland in a cute recent pic she shared on July 25th. Britney says: ??sTook these two little Mouseketeers to @Disneyland today... like mama like sons ;)??? NON-EXCLUSIVE August 19, 2014 Job: 140819B1 Hollywood, CA USA www.bauergriffin.com


??BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM From Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, celebrities share their private lives and thoughts with the public. Picture shows: Britney Spears looking cute in a midriff-baring black ensemble as she enjoys a date night with boyfriend David Lucado in a cute recent pic she shared on July 23rd. Britney says: ??sDate night!??? NON-EXCLUSIVE August 19, 2014 Job: 140819B1 Hollywood, CA USA www.bauergriffin.com


??BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM From Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, celebrities share their private lives and thoughts with the public. Picture shows: Miley Cyrus making some interesting faces while having fun in a room filled with green lights, in a new selfie she shared. Miley says: ??sweird ass faces in some weird ass light??? NON-EXCLUSIVE August 19, 2014 Job: 140819B1 Hollywood, CA USA www.bauergriffin.com


??BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM From Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, celebrities share their private lives and thoughts with the public. Picture shows: Miley Cyrus giving a thumbs up and wearing an overalls-like ensemble as she spends time at a charity center, in a sweet new pic she shared. Miley says: ??sMet some of the coolest young people I've ever met today http://myfriendsplace.org/" NON-EXCLUSIVE August 19, 2014 Job: 140819B1 Hollywood, CA USA www.bauergriffin.com


??BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM From Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, celebrities share their private lives and thoughts with the public. Picture shows: Lily Allen showing off her stunning, shimmery gold tinted eye makeup in a brand new close up selfie she shared. Lily says: ??sst Tropez bronzed??? NON-EXCLUSIVE August 19, 2014 Job: 140819B1 Hollywood, CA USA www.bauergriffin.com


??BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM From Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, celebrities share their private lives and thoughts with the public. Picture shows: Miley Cyrus wearing colorful bracelets with her hair up as she gives a thumbs up and promotes a charity in a fun new pic she shared on Instagram. Miley says: ??shttp://myfriendsplace.org/" NON-EXCLUSIVE August 19, 2014 Job: 140819B1 Hollywood, CA USA www.bauergriffin.com


??BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM From Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, celebrities share their private lives and thoughts with the public. Picture shows: Jessica Seinfeld wearing a bright blue swimsuit and taking on the ALS/Ice Bucket Challenge in a cute new pic/video she shared. Jessica says: ??s#ALS #ICEBUCKETCHALLENGE @derekblasberg @gabbyschwartz @nickbrown85??? NON-EXCLUSIVE August 19, 2014 Job: 140819B1 Hollywood, CA USA www.bauergriffin.com


??BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM From Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, celebrities share their private lives and thoughts with the public. Picture shows: Jared Leto having fun standing on the saddle while riding a horse with brother Shannon Leto in a fun new pic he shared. Jared says: ??sMe and @shannonleto horseback surfing. :) #shannonpeekabooleto??? NON-EXCLUSIVE August 19, 2014 Job: 140819B1 Hollywood, CA USA www.bauergriffin.com


??BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM From Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, celebrities share their private lives and thoughts with the public. Picture shows: Nicole Scherzinger wearing a colorful two piece swimsuit and showing off her perfect abs as she takes on the ALS/Ice Bucket charity challenge in a cute new pic she shared. Nicole says: ??sThnx for the #ALSIceBucketChallenge @blockettagram! I nominate @thekingdream @trickystewart and @kiesza. U have 24 hours!??? NON-EXCLUSIVE August 19, 2014 Job: 140819B1 Hollywood, CA USA www.bauergriffin.com


??BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM From Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, celebrities share their private lives and thoughts with the public. Picture shows: James Franco taking a selfie while wearing a blue t-shirt and promoting a new worksop he???s involved with, in a new pic he shared. James says: ??s?????Z?????Z?????Z?????Z?????Z?????Z?????Z?????Z??? Studio 4 in LA is hosting an open registration with a free workshop with Ajay Jhaveri of Argentum Photo Lab, this Sunday August 24th at 10AM!! RSVP here: http://www.phwstudio4.com/studio-4-los-angeles.html???. (symbol for lots of hearts) NON-EXCLUSIVE August 19, 2014 Job: 140819B1 Hollywood, CA USA www.bauergriffin.com


??BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM From Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, celebrities share their private lives and thoughts with the public. Picture shows: Britney Spears looking cute as she enjoys a girls night out with a friend while wearing a pretty black skirt and red shirt ensemble, in a cute recent pic she shared. She says: ??sIt's a girls night! ?z'"?z'??z'??z'????. (symbols for lipstick, painted nails, dancing girl in red dress, and kiss) NON-EXCLUSIVE August 19, 2014 Job: 140819B1 Hollywood, CA USA www.bauergriffin.com


??BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM From Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, celebrities share their private lives and thoughts with the public. Picture shows: VS Angel and supermodel Erin Heatherton looking lovely as she takes a barefaced and topless selfie while holding some beautiful flowers in a new pic she shared. Erin says: ??sHugging trees.. and flowers in sunny #palmsprings #sweatitout #nofilter?sS??Z?zSz?????Z?z?????. (symbols for peace sign, flowers, a sun, and a happy smiley face) NON-EXCLUSIVE August 19, 2014 Job: 140819B1 Hollywood, CA USA www.bauergriffin.com


??BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM From Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, celebrities share their private lives and thoughts with the public. Picture shows: Demi Lovato crossing her eyes and making a silly face while showing off her perfect hair and makeup for a press day starting at 6:00am, in a cute new selfie she shared. Demi says: ??s6 am glamour-puss. #votedemilovato??? NON-EXCLUSIVE August 19, 2014 Job: 140819B1 Hollywood, CA USA www.bauergriffin.com


??BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM From Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, celebrities share their private lives and thoughts with the public. Picture shows: Joseph Gordon-Levitt looking handsome in a suit as he spends time in the green room waiting to appear on ??sThe Late Show with David Letterman??? in a new pic he shared on Twitter. Joseph says: ??sTonight, Dave's got Joseph Gordon-Levitt (@hitRECordJoe), recent #Emmy winner for @hitRECord on #PivotTV.??? NON-EXCLUSIVE August 19, 2014 Job: 140819B1 Hollywood, CA USA www.bauergriffin.com


??BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM From Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, celebrities share their private lives and thoughts with the public. Picture shows: Coco Rocha showing off her perfect hair standing on end while she visits the desert in the midst of a thunderstorm in a wild and fun new selfie she shared. Coco says: ??sThe thunderstorm has literally left my hair standing on end. Is this normal?!??? NON-EXCLUSIVE August 19, 2014 Job: 140819B1 Hollywood, CA USA www.bauergriffin.com


Obwohl frisch frisiert, entscheidet sich Kelly Osbourne fuer eine Loewenmaehne aus Eis! // Even though she was just at the hair dresser, Kelly Osbourne tries herself on a lion's mane made of ice, Supplied by Instagram.com/face to face


Fruchtige Erfrischung! Alessandra Ambrosio kuehlt sich auf Maui mit einem Ananas Cocktail ab und laesst es sich am Wochenende richtig gut gehen // Fruity refreshment! Alessandra Ambrosio refreshes herself with a pineapple cocktail in Maui, Supplied by Instagram.com/face to face


Volle Fahrt voraus! Als Stressabbau zwischen Konzerten geniesst Beyonce die Zeit beim Kart fahren // Beyonce is getting ready to race, Supplied by Instagram.com/face to face


Feierstimmung! Cara Delevingne feiert ihren Geburtstag ausgiebig mit Freunden // Party time! Cara Delevingne celebrates her birthday with friends, Supplied by Instagram.com/face to face


Volle Fahrt voraus! Als Stressabbau zwischen Konzerten geniesst Beyonce die Zeit beim Kart fahren // Beyonce is getting ready to race, Supplied by Instagram.com/face to face


Diese Aussicht ist selbst kopfueber zu geniessen! Alessandra Ambrosio guckt sich Hawaii aus einer anderen Perspektive an // The view of Hawaii is also fantastic upside down! Alessandra Ambrosio is doing a headstand in Hawaii, Supplied by Instagram.com/face to face


Die ungeschminkte Wahrheit ueber Kelly Osbourne: Sie bekommt ihre blonden Haare wieder lila uebergefaerbt // The undone truth about Kelly Osbourne: She gets her blonde hair touched up back to purple, Supplied by Instagram.com/face to face


Was fuer Hundstage! Kaley Cuoco nimmt ihren Hund Ruby bei dem heissen Wetter mit in den Pool zur Erfrischung: "Cooling off with Ruby it's extremely hot outside! Keep your pets hydrated, send them through the sprinklers, or hose them down! And please NEVER leave ur furry friends in the car!!!" // The dog days of summer! Kaley Cuoco takes her dog Ruby into the pool with her to cool off from the extreme heat: "Cooling off with Ruby it's extremely hot outside! Keep your pets hydrated, send them through the sprinklers, or hose them down! And please NEVER leave ur furry friends in the car!!!", Supplied by Instagram.com/face to face


Wer ist der Mann an ihrer Seite? Selena Gomez schmiegt sich an Guynemer Caceres // Who is the man on her side? Selena Gomez spends time with Guynemer Caceres, Supplied by Instagram.com/face to face


Wenn ich dich kuesse, geht fuer mich die Sonne auf! Luca, der Sohn von Hilary Duff, gibt seiner Mutter ein Kuesschen // I love you, my sunshine! Luca, the son of Hilary Duff, kisses his mom, Supplied by Instagram.com/face to face


Wenn ich es mir nur doll genug wuensche, habe ich gleich Locken: Hilaria Baldwin sitzt beim Friseur unter der Haube // If I meditate hard enough, I am going to have curls: Hilaria Baldwin is at the hairdresser, Supplied by Instagram.com/face to face


Vier Kuchen in ihrem Namen: Cara Delevingne bekommt diese Kuchen zu ihrem Geburtstag: "Lucky I have a short name! Thank you" // Four pies in her name: Cara Delevingne receives these pies for her birthday celebration: "Lucky I have a short name! Thank you", Supplied by Instagram.com/face to face


So macht Arbeiten Spass! Hilaria Baldwin verbiegt sich fuer die Arbeit an ihrem neuen Yoga Buch: "Would you expect me to write my yoga book any other way??" // Working while doing Yoga? Hilaria Baldwin works on her new yoga book, of course while doing a yoga pose: "Would you expect me to write my yoga book any other way??", Supplied by Instagram.com/face to face


Ein gutes Team! Pierce Brosnan und seine Kollegin Olga Kurylenko kommen auch abseits der Dreharbeiten gut miteinander aus // A good team! Pierce Brosnan and his colleague Olga Kurylenko get along great behind the scenes, Supplied by Instagram.com/face to face


Was soll ich nur fuer's Date anziehen? Hilaria Baldwin hat eine etwas andere Art, sich Kleidung auszusuchen // What should I wear to the date tonight? Hilaria Baldwin shows a different way to pick out clothes, Supplied by Instagram.com/face to face


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Abbey Clancy Abbey Crouch with friends and Peter Crouch NON-EXCLUSIVE: Sunday 17th August 2014 Job: 140817UT3 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme.co.uk: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Ricky Gervais NON-EXCLUSIVE: Sunday 17th August 2014 Job: 140817UT3 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme.co.uk: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Fran, Cheska and Binky NON-EXCLUSIVE: Sunday 17th August 2014 Job: 140817UT3 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme.co.uk: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Abbey Clancy Abbey Crouch with friends and Peter Crouch NON-EXCLUSIVE: Sunday 17th August 2014 Job: 140817UT3 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme.co.uk: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Kelly Osbourne NON-EXCLUSIVE: Monday 18th August 2014 Job: 140818UT5 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme.co.uk: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Kim Kardashian NON-EXCLUSIVE: Monday 18th August 2014 Job: 140818UT5 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme.co.uk: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Paris Hilton NON-EXCLUSIVE: Monday 18th August 2014 Job: 140818UT7 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme.co.uk: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Vin Diesel Fast and Furious 7 teaser for fans. NON-EXCLUSIVE: Monday 18th August 2014 Job: 140818UT6 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme.co.uk: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Hugh Jackman NON-EXCLUSIVE: Monday 18th August 2014 Job: 140818UT6 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme.co.uk: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Paris Hilton NON-EXCLUSIVE: Monday 18th August 2014 Job: 140818UT5 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme.co.uk: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


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