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Bildnummer: 10834922 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/Ulmer FUSSBALL EUROPAMEISTERSCHAFT 2012 VIERTELFINALE Deutschland - Griechenland 22.06.2012 Marco Reus (Deutschland) jubelt nach dem Tor zum 2:1 PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxSUIxITA ; Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 hoch Aufmacher SPORTS HERREN MAENNER M? NNER UEFA EURO2012 EURO 2012 EUROPAMEISTERSCHAFT EM2012 EM NATIONALMANNSCHAFT NATIONALTEAM NATIONALELF LAENDERSPIEL L? NDERSPIEL NATIONALTRIKOT GER GERMANY GREECE GRE JUBEL JUBELT JUBELN OPTIMISTISCH FREUDE FREUEN POSITIV POSITIVE EMOTION POSITIVE EMOTIONEN Image number 10834922 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago Ulmer Football European Championship 2012 Quarter-finals Germany Greece 22 06 2012 Marco Reus Germany cheering After the goal to 2 1 PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxSUIxITA Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 vertical Highlight Sports men Men men UEFA EURO2012 Euro 2012 European Championship EM2012 euro national team National team National team Country game L length feature National jersey ger Germany Greece GRE cheering cheering cheer optimistic happiness Look forward positive positive Emotion positive Emotions


Bildnummer: 10834924 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/Ulmer FUSSBALL EUROPAMEISTERSCHAFT 2012 VIERTELFINALE Deutschland - Griechenland 22.06.2012 Sami Khedira (li) und Mesut Oezil (re, beide Deutschland) freuen sich nach dem Abpfiff PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxSUIxITA ; Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 hoch Aufmacher SPORTS HERREN MAENNER M? NNER UEFA EURO2012 EURO 2012 EUROPAMEISTERSCHAFT EM2012 EM NATIONALMANNSCHAFT NATIONALTEAM NATIONALELF LAENDERSPIEL L? NDERSPIEL NATIONALTRIKOT GER GERMANY GREECE GRE JUBEL JUBELT JUBELN OPTIMISTISCH FREUDE FREUEN POSITIV POSITIVE EMOTION POSITIVE EMOTIONEN HALBNACKT NACKT SEXY OBERKOERPER OBERK?RPER Image number 10834924 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago Ulmer Football European Championship 2012 Quarter-finals Germany Greece 22 06 2012 Sami Khedira left and Mesut Oezil right both Germany Look forward to After the Played PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxSUIxITA Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 vertical Highlight Sports men Men men UEFA EURO2012 Euro 2012 European Championship EM2012 euro national team National team National team Country game L length feature National jersey ger Germany Greece GRE cheering cheering cheer optimistic happiness Look forward positive positive Emotion positive Emotions half naked naked sexy Upper body


Bildnummer: 10834874 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/MIS 22.06.2012, Fussball Europameisterschaft 2012, Viertelfinale, Deutschland - Griechenland, in der PGE-Arena Danzig (Polen). Kopfballtor von Miroslav Klose (li, Deutschland) zum 3:1, Kyriakos Papadopoulos (Griechenland) und Torwart Michalis Sifakis (re, Griechenland) sind machtlos. ; Tor Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 quadrat Aufmacher premiumd Fussball Soccer Football Herren Manner Fu?ball Ukraine Lemberg Lviv Portugal EM-2012 Fussball-EM Europameisterschaft UEFA Greek Germany Image number 10834874 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago MIS 22 06 2012 Football European Championship 2012 Quarter-finals Germany Greece in the PGE Arena Gdansk Poland Kopfballtor from Miroslav Klose left Germany to 3 1 Kyriakos Papadopoulos Greece and Goalkeeper Michalis Sifakis right Greece are powerless goal Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 Square Highlight premiumd Football Soccer Football men Men Football Ukraine Lvov Lviv Portugal euro 2012 Football euro European Championship UEFA Greek Germany


Bildnummer: 10834879 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/MIS 22.06.2012, Fussball Europameisterschaft 2012, Viertelfinale, Deutschland - Griechenland, in der PGE-Arena Danzig (Polen). Torjubel, v.li: Mesut ?zil (Deutschland) mit Marco Reus (Deutschland). ; Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 hoch Aufmacher premiumd Fussball Soccer Football Herren Manner Fu?ball Ukraine Lemberg Lviv Portugal EM-2012 Fussball-EM Europameisterschaft UEFA Greek Germany Image number 10834879 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago MIS 22 06 2012 Football European Championship 2012 Quarter-finals Germany Greece in the PGE Arena Gdansk Poland goal celebration v left Mesut ?zil Germany with Marco Reus Germany Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 vertical Highlight premiumd Football Soccer Football men Men Football Ukraine Lvov Lviv Portugal euro 2012 Football euro European Championship UEFA Greek Germany


Bildnummer: 10834884 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/MIS 22.06.2012, Fussball Europameisterschaft 2012, Viertelfinale, Deutschland - Griechenland, in der PGE-Arena Danzig (Polen). Torjubel, Marco Reus (Deutschland). ; Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 quadrat premiumd Fussball Soccer Football Herren Manner Fu?ball Ukraine Lemberg Lviv Portugal EM-2012 Fussball-EM Europameisterschaft UEFA Greek Germany Image number 10834884 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago MIS 22 06 2012 Football European Championship 2012 Quarter-finals Germany Greece in the PGE Arena Gdansk Poland goal celebration Marco Reus Germany Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 Square premiumd Football Soccer Football men Men Football Ukraine Lvov Lviv Portugal euro 2012 Football euro European Championship UEFA Greek Germany


Bildnummer: 10834677 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/ActionPictures GERMANY - GREECE ( : ), Deutschland - Griechenland Viertelfinale, Quarterfinal, Deutsche Fussball Nationalmannschaft, DFB EM Euro 2012 am 22.06.2012 in Danzig, Europameisterschaft 2012 in P o l e n, U k r a i n e ; Emotionen Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 hoch Aufmacher premiumd Euro EM Europameisterschaft 2012 Germany international match laenderspiel national team of nationalelf nationalmannschaft nationalteam SP Image number 10834677 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago ActionPictures Germany Greece Germany Greece Quarter-finals Quarter finals German Football national team DFB euro Euro 2012 at 22 06 2012 in Gdansk European Championship 2012 in P o l E n u K r A I n E Emotions Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 vertical Highlight premiumd Euro euro European Championship 2012 Germany International Match Country game National team of National team national team National team SP


Bildnummer: 10834716 Datum: 21.06.2012 Copyright: imago/ANE Edition EURO 2012 / GERMANY-GREECE Viertelfinale-Quarter Final-PGE Arena Gdansk Danzig, 22.06.2012 Deutschland - Griechenland Der Torwart der griechischen Mannschaft, Michalis Sifakis, halt sich den Kopf nach einer Verletzung EURO 2012 / GERMANY - GREECE PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxGRE ANE20130764; Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 hoch premiumd 2012 EURO 301-12 Viertelfinale Quarter final UEFA Fussball-Soccer-Football Griechenland-Greece Deutschland-Germany Image number 10834716 date 21 06 2012 Copyright imago Ane Edition Euro 2012 Germany Greece Quarter-finals Quarter Final PGE Arena Gdansk Gdansk 22 06 2012 Germany Greece the Goalkeeper the Greek Team Michalis Sifakis holds to the Head After a Injury Euro 2012 Germany Greece PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxGRE ANE20130764 Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 vertical premiumd 2012 Euro 301 12 Quarter-finals Quarter Final UEFA Football Soccer Football Greece Greece Germany Germany


Bildnummer: 10834987 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/ANE Edition EURO 2012 / GERMANY-GREECE Viertelfinale-Quarter Final-PGE Arena Gdansk Danzig, 22.06.2012 Deutschland - Griechenland Georgios Samaras (re., Griechenland) macht das Ausgleichstor zum 1:1 gegen Torwart Manuel Neuer (Deutschland) in der 55. Minute. EURO 2012 / GERMANY - GREECE PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxGRE ANE20130921; Tor Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 quer premiumd 2012 EURO 301-12 Viertelfinale Quarter final UEFA Fussball-Soccer-Football Griechenland-Greece Deutschland-Germany Image number 10834987 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago Ane Edition Euro 2012 Germany Greece Quarter-finals Quarter Final PGE Arena Gdansk Gdansk 22 06 2012 Germany Greece Georgios Samaras right Greece makes the Ausgleichstor to 1 1 against Goalkeeper Manuel later Germany in the 55 Minute Euro 2012 Germany Greece PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxGRE goal Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 horizontal premiumd 2012 Euro 301 12 Quarter-finals Quarter Final UEFA Football Soccer Football Greece Greece Germany Germany


Bildnummer: 10834992 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/ANE Edition EURO 2012 / GERMANY-GREECE Viertelfinale-Quarter Final-PGE Arena Gdansk Danzig, 22.06.2012 Deutschland - Griechenland Torjubel - Torschutze Georgios Samaras (Griechenland) jubelt uber das Ausgleichstor zum 1:1 in der 55. Minute. EURO 2012 / GERMANY - GREECE PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxGRE ANE20130922; Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 hoch Aufmacher premiumd 2012 EURO 301-12 Viertelfinale Quarter final UEFA Fussball-Soccer-Football Griechenland-Greece Deutschland-Germany Jubel - Celebration Image number 10834992 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago Ane Edition Euro 2012 Germany Greece Quarter-finals Quarter Final PGE Arena Gdansk Gdansk 22 06 2012 Germany Greece goal celebration Scorer Georgios Samaras Greece cheering above the Ausgleichstor to 1 1 in the 55 Minute Euro 2012 Germany Greece PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxGRE Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 vertical Highlight premiumd 2012 Euro 301 12 Quarter-finals Quarter Final UEFA Football Soccer Football Greece Greece Germany Germany cheering Celebration


Bildnummer: 10834749 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/Sven Simon Torchance von Miroslav KLOSE l. und Andre SCHUERRLE (SCH?RRLE) (GER) gegen Torwart Michalis SIFAKIS und Kyriakos PAPADOPOULOS r. (GRE), Aktion, Abseits. Spiel 26, Viertelfinale, Deutschland (GER) - Griechenland (GRE), am 22.06.2012 in D a n z i g / P o l e n Fussball UEFA EURO 2012 P o l e n / U k r a i n e vom 08.06. - 01.07.2012. ; Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 quer Aufmacher Sports SP SPO Fussball Fu?ball Football Soccer EM Euro 2012 12 Euro12 Euro2012 Europameisterschaft Europa Europe Fussballeuropameisterschaft UEFA EURO 2012 TM tournament UEFA EM2012 EM12 EURO ? FussballEM FussballEM2012 European Championship 14. Fussball Europameisterschaft Turnier Nationalmannschaft Nationaltrikot Laenderspiel Landerspiel international Trikot Nationalspieler Spieler Fussballspieler Ballsport Profis Profifussballer Player Profi ATeam A - Team EM Spiel Match Germany deutsch Deutscher griechisch Greece Greek Grieche G d i n g e n quarter final quarter-final quarterfinal aktuellSport Image number 10834749 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago Sven Simon Torchance from Miroslav Klose l and Andre Schurrle ger against Goalkeeper Michalis Sifakis and Kyriakos Papadopoulos r GRE Action shot Offside Game 26 Quarter-finals Germany ger Greece GRE at 22 06 2012 in D A n Z I G P o l E n Football UEFA Euro 2012 P o l E n u K r A I n E of 08 06 01 07 2012 Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 horizontal Highlight Sports SP SPO Football Football Football Soccer euro Euro 2012 12 Euro12 EURO2012 European Championship Europe Europe European Football Championship UEFA Euro 2012 TM Tournament UEFA EM2012 EM12 Euro European Championship 14 Football European Championship Tournament national team National jersey Country game international match International Jersey National player Players Football players Ball sports Professionals Professional footballers Player Professional aTeam A team euro Game Match Germany German German Greek Greece Greek Greek G D I n G E n Quarter Final Quarter Final Quarter finals


Bildnummer: 10834753 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/Sven Simon Trainer Joachim Jogi LOEW (L?W), GER, Bundestrainer, Coach, Freisteller, Einzelbild, Halbfigur, Viertelfinale, Spiel 26, Deutschland (GER) - Griechenland (GRE), am 22.06.2012 in D A N Z I G / P o l e n Fussball UEFA EURO 2012 P o l e n / U k r a i n e vom 08.06. - 01.07.2012. ; Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 hoch premiumd aktuellSport Quarter Final viertel Germany Greece Gdansk Sports SP SPO Fussball Fu?ball Football Soccer EM Euro 2012 12 Euro12 Euro2012 Europameisterschaft Europa Europe Fussballeuropameisterschaft UEFA EURO 2012 TM tournament UEFA EM2012 EM12 EURO ? FussballEM FussballEM2012 European Championship 14. Fussball Europameisterschaft Turnier Nationalmannschaft Nationaltrikot Laenderspiel Landerspiel international Trikot Nationalspieler Spieler Fussballspieler Ballsport Profis Profifussballer Player Profi ATeam A - Team EM Spiel Match deutsch Deutscher griechisch Greek Grieche Image number 10834753 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago Sven Simon team manager Joachim Jogi Loew Loew ger German coach Coach cut out Single Quarter-finals Game 26 Germany ger Greece GRE at 22 06 2012 in D A n Z I G P o l E n Football UEFA Euro 2012 P o l E n u K r A I n E of 08 06 01 07 2012 Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 vertical premiumd Quarter Final Quarter Germany Greece Gdansk Sports SP SPO Football Football Football Soccer euro Euro 2012 12 Euro12 EURO2012 European Championship Europe Europe European Football Championship UEFA Euro 2012 TM Tournament UEFA EM2012 EM12 Euro European Championship 14 Football European Championship Tournament national team National jersey Country game international match International Jersey National player Players Football players Ball sports Professionals Professional footballers Player Professional aTeam A team euro Game Match German German Greek Greek Greek


Bildnummer: 10834903 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/Sven Simon Jubel Marco REUS (GER/ am Boden) nach seinem Tor zum 4:1, mit Mesut OEZIL (?ZIL), Viertelfinale, Spiel 26, Deutschland (GER) - Griechenland (GRE), am 22.06.2012 in D A N Z I G / P o l e n Fussball UEFA EURO 2012 P o l e n / U k r a i n e vom 08.06. - 01.07.2012. ; Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 quer Aufmacher premiumd aktuellSport Quarter Final viertel Germany Greece Gdansk Sports SP SPO Fussball Fu?ball Football Soccer EM Euro 2012 12 Euro12 Euro2012 Europameisterschaft Europa Europe Fussballeuropameisterschaft UEFA EURO 2012 TM tournament UEFA EM2012 EM12 EURO ? FussballEM FussballEM2012 European Championship 14. Fussball Europameisterschaft Turnier Nationalmannschaft Nationaltrikot Laenderspiel Landerspiel international Trikot Nationalspieler Spieler Fussballspieler Ballsport Profis Profifussballer Player Profi ATeam A - Team EM Spiel Match deutsch Deutscher griechisch Greek Grieche Jubel jubelnd jubelt Jubilation Celebration Freude Begeisterung Aktion Image number 10834903 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago Sven Simon cheering Marco Reus ger at Bottom After his goal to 4 1 with Mesut Oezil ?zil Quarter-finals Game 26 Germany ger Greece GRE at 22 06 2012 in D A n Z I G P o l E n Football UEFA Euro 2012 P o l E n u K r A I n E of 08 06 01 07 2012 Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 horizontal Highlight premiumd Quarter Final Quarter Germany Greece Gdansk Sports SP SPO Football Football Football Soccer euro Euro 2012 12 Euro12 EURO2012 European Championship Europe Europe European Football Championship UEFA Euro 2012 TM Tournament UEFA EM2012 EM12 Euro European Championship 14 Football European Championship Tournament national team National jersey Country game international match International Jersey National player Players Football players Ball sports Professionals Professional footballers Player Professional aTeam A team euro Game Match German German Greek Greek Greek cheering jubilant cheering Jubilation Celebration happiness Enthusiasm Action shot


Bildnummer: 10834904 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/Sven Simon Jubel Miroslav KLOSE (GER) nach seinem Tor zum 3:1, mit Philipp LAHM l. Spiel 26, Viertelfinale, Deutschland (GER) - Griechenland (GRE), am 22.06.2012 in D a n z i g / P o l e n Fussball UEFA EURO 2012 P o l e n / U k r a i n e vom 08.06. - 01.07.2012. ? ; Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 hoch Aufmacher premiumd Sports SP SPO Fussball Fu?ball Football Soccer EM Euro 2012 12 Euro12 Euro2012 Europameisterschaft Europa Europe Fussballeuropameisterschaft UEFA EURO 2012 TM tournament UEFA EM2012 EM12 EURO ? ? FussballEM FussballEM2012 European Championship 14. Fussball Europameisterschaft Turnier Nationalmannschaft Nationaltrikot Laenderspiel Landerspiel international Trikot Nationalspieler Spieler Fussballspieler Ballsport Profis Profifussballer Player Profi ATeam A - Team EM Spiel Match Germany deutsch Deutscher griechisch Greece Greek Grieche G d i n g e n quarter final quarter-final quarterfinal aktuellSport Jubel jubelnd jubelt Jubilation Celebration Freude Begeisterung Aktion Image number 10834904 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago Sven Simon cheering Miroslav Klose ger After his goal to 3 1 with Philipp Lahm l Game 26 Quarter-finals Germany ger Greece GRE at 22 06 2012 in D A n Z I G P o l E n Football UEFA Euro 2012 P o l E n u K r A I n E of 08 06 01 07 2012 Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 vertical Highlight premiumd Sports SP SPO Football Football Football Soccer euro Euro 2012 12 Euro12 EURO2012 European Championship Europe Europe European Football Championship UEFA Euro 2012 TM Tournament UEFA EM2012 EM12 Euro European Championship 14 Football European Championship Tournament national team National jersey Country game international match International Jersey National player Players Football players Ball sports Professionals Professional footballers Player Professional aTeam A team euro Game Match Germany German German Greek Greece Greek Greek G D I n G E n Quarter Final Quarter Final Quarter finals cheering jubilant cheering Jubilation Celebration happiness Enthusiasm Action shot


Bildnummer: 10834911 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/Sven Simon Giorgos SAMARAS (GRE) schiesst das Tor zum 1:1, gegen Torwart Manuel NEUER l. und Jerome BOATENG r. (GER), Aktion, Spiel 26, Viertelfinale, Deutschland (GER) - Griechenland (GRE), am 22.06.2012 in D a n z i g / P o l e n Fussball UEFA EURO 2012 P o l e n / U k r a i n e vom 08.06. - 01.07.2012. ? ; Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 quer premiumd Sports SP SPO Fussball Fu?ball Football Soccer EM Euro 2012 12 Euro12 Euro2012 Europameisterschaft Europa Europe Fussballeuropameisterschaft UEFA EURO 2012 TM tournament UEFA EM2012 EM12 EURO ? ? FussballEM FussballEM2012 European Championship 14. Fussball Europameisterschaft Turnier Nationalmannschaft Nationaltrikot Laenderspiel Landerspiel international Trikot Nationalspieler Spieler Fussballspieler Ballsport Profis Profifussballer Player Profi ATeam A - Team EM Spiel Match Germany deutsch Deutscher griechisch Greece Greek Grieche G d i n g e n quarter final quarter-final quarterfinal aktuellSport Image number 10834911 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago Sven Simon Giorgos Samaras GRE shoots the goal to 1 1 against Goalkeeper Manuel later l and Jerome Boateng r ger Action shot Game 26 Quarter-finals Germany ger Greece GRE at 22 06 2012 in D A n Z I G P o l E n Football UEFA Euro 2012 P o l E n u K r A I n E of 08 06 01 07 2012 Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 horizontal premiumd Sports SP SPO Football Football Football Soccer euro Euro 2012 12 Euro12 EURO2012 European Championship Europe Europe European Football Championship UEFA Euro 2012 TM Tournament UEFA EM2012 EM12 Euro European Championship 14 Football European Championship Tournament national team National jersey Country game international match International Jersey National player Players Football players Ball sports Professionals Professional footballers Player Professional aTeam A team euro Game Match Germany German German Greek Greece Greek Greek G D I n G E n Quarter Final Quarter Final Quarter finals


Bildnummer: 10834727 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/Sportimage Philipp Lahm of Germany scores his side s first goal..Euro 2012 Quarter Final match, Germany v Greece at Arena Gdansk, Gdansk, Poland on the 22nd June 2012. Pic Jake Badger/SPORTIMAGE... PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK ; Tor Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 quer premiumd Football Euro 2012 Quarter Final Germany Greece Image number 10834727 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago Philipp Lahm of Germany Scores His Side s First Goal Euro 2012 Quarter Final Match Germany v Greece AT Arena Gdansk Gdansk Poland ON The 22nd June 2012 Pic Jake Badger PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK goal Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 horizontal premiumd Football Euro 2012 Quarter Final Germany Greece


Bildnummer: 10834872 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/Colorsport Football - European Championships 2012 - Germany vs. Greece Giorgos Samaras of Greece celebrates scoring at the Baltic Arena, Gdansk PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK ; Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 quer premiumd Image number 10834872 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago Color Sports Football European Championships 2012 Germany vs Greece Giorgos Samaras of Greece Celebrates Scoring AT The Baltic Arena Gdansk PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 horizontal premiumd


Bildnummer: 10834888 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/Moritz Muller Danzig, 22.06.2012 Torjubel: Marco Reus (Deutschland), Mesut Oezil (Deutschland) Deutschland - Griechenland ; Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 hoch Aufmacher premiumd Gdansk Fussball Fu?ball Herren Mannschaft Nationalmannschaft EM Euro Europameisterschaft Europa Viertelfinale UEFA Aktion Jubel Freude Torjubel Begeisterung Emotionen Image number 10834888 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago Moritz Mueller Gdansk 22 06 2012 goal celebration Marco Reus Germany Mesut Oezil Germany Germany Greece Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 vertical Highlight premiumd Gdansk Football Football men Team national team euro Euro European Championship Europe Quarter-finals UEFA Action shot cheering happiness goal celebration Enthusiasm Emotions


Bildnummer: 10834961 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/GEPA pictures FUSSBALL - EURO 2012, GER vs GRE DANZIG,POLEN,22.JUN.12 - FUSSBALL - UEFA Europameisterschaft 2012 in Polen und der Ukraine, Laenderspiel, Viertelfinale, Deutschland vs Griechenland. Bild zeigt Mesut Oezil (GER) und Grigoris Makos (GRE). PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxAUTxITA ; Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 quer premiumd Image number 10834961 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago GEPA Pictures Football Euro 2012 ger vs GRE Gdansk Poland 22 Jun 12 Football UEFA European Championship 2012 in Poland and the Ukraine Country game Quarter-finals Germany vs Greece Picture shows Mesut Oezil ger and Grigoris Makos GRE PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxAUTxITA Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 horizontal premiumd


Bildnummer: 10834962 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/GEPA pictures FUSSBALL - EURO 2012, GER vs GRE DANZIG,POLEN,22.JUN.12 - FUSSBALL - UEFA Europameisterschaft 2012 in Polen und der Ukraine, Laenderspiel, Viertelfinale, Deutschland vs Griechenland. Bild zeigt Jerome Boateng (GER) und Giorgos Samaras (GRE). PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxAUTxITA ; Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 quer premiumd Image number 10834962 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago GEPA Pictures Football Euro 2012 ger vs GRE Gdansk Poland 22 Jun 12 Football UEFA European Championship 2012 in Poland and the Ukraine Country game Quarter-finals Germany vs Greece Picture shows Jerome Boateng ger and Giorgos Samaras GRE PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxAUTxITA Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 horizontal premiumd


Bildnummer: 10834971 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/GEPA pictures FUSSBALL - EURO 2012, GER vs GRE DANZIG,POLEN,22.JUN.12 - FUSSBALL - UEFA Europameisterschaft 2012 in Polen und der Ukraine, Laenderspiel, Viertelfinale, Deutschland vs Griechenland. Bild zeigt den Jubel von Miroslav Klose (GER). PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxAUTxITA ; Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 quer premiumd Image number 10834971 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago GEPA Pictures Football Euro 2012 ger vs GRE Gdansk Poland 22 Jun 12 Football UEFA European Championship 2012 in Poland and the Ukraine Country game Quarter-finals Germany vs Greece Picture shows the cheering from Miroslav Klose ger PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxAUTxITA Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 horizontal premiumd


Bildnummer: 10834894 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/Revierfoto Fu?ball EURO 2012 Deutschland - Griechenland am 22.06.2012 in der PGE-Arena in Danzig Torjubel Deutschland zum 4:1 durch Marco Reus ( Deutschland ), vorne - Mesut ?zil ( Deutschland ), hinten ; Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 quer Aufmacher premiumd Fu?ball Fussball Football Soccer Herren Manner Men UEFA Union of European Football Associations Turnier Tournament EURO EURO 2012 EM Europameisterschaft Deutschland Germany GER Griechenland Greece GRE Image number 10834894 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago Spot photo Football Euro 2012 Germany Greece at 22 06 2012 in the PGE Arena in Gdansk goal celebration Germany to 4 1 through Marco Reus Germany front Mesut ?zil Germany rear Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 horizontal Highlight premiumd Football Football Football Soccer men Men Men UEFA Union of European Football Associations Tournament Tournament Euro Euro 2012 euro European Championship Germany Germany ger Greece Greece GRE


Bildnummer: 10835096 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/Contrast Trainer Joachim Loew, Co Trainer Hans Dieter Flick / / Fu?ball Fussball / UEFA EM Europameisterschaft Euro 2012 Viertelfinale / Saison 2011/12 / 22.06.2012 / DFB GER BRDeutschland vs. Griechenland / Nationalmannschaft / Freude / Emotion / jubelnd / Jubel nach 1:0 / ; Emotionen Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 quer premiumd Fussball Nationalmannschaft Euro 2012 BREutschland Grieche Image number 10835096 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago Contrast team manager Joachim Loew Co team manager Hans Dieter Flick Football Football UEFA euro European Championship Euro 2012 Quarter-finals Season 2011 12 22 06 2012 DFB ger Aix vs Greece national team happiness Emotion jubilant cheering After 1 0 Emotions Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 horizontal premiumd Football national team Euro 2012 Greek


Bildnummer: 10835102 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/Contrast Miroslav Klose 3:1, Mats Hummels / / Fu?ball Fussball / UEFA EM Europameisterschaft Euro 2012 Viertelfinale / Saison 2011/12 / 22.06.2012 / DFB GER BRDeutschland vs. Griechenland / Nationalmannschaft / Freude / Emotion / jubelnd / Jubel nach 3:1 / ; Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 quer Aufmacher premiumd Fussball Nationalmannschaft Euro 2012 BREutschland Grieche Image number 10835102 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago Contrast Miroslav Klose 3 1 Mats Hummels Football Football UEFA euro European Championship Euro 2012 Quarter-finals Season 2011 12 22 06 2012 DFB ger Aix vs Greece national team happiness Emotion jubilant cheering After 3 1 Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 horizontal Highlight premiumd Football national team Euro 2012 Greek


Bildnummer: 10835103 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/Contrast Marco Reus 4:1, Jerome Boateng / / Fu?ball Fussball / UEFA EM Europameisterschaft Euro 2012 Viertelfinale / Saison 2011/12 / 22.06.2012 / DFB GER BRDeutschland vs. Griechenland / Nationalmannschaft / Freude / Emotion / jubelnd / Jubel nach 4:1 / ; Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 quer Aufmacher premiumd Fussball Nationalmannschaft Euro 2012 BREutschland Grieche Image number 10835103 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago Contrast Marco Reus 4 1 Jerome Boateng Football Football UEFA euro European Championship Euro 2012 Quarter-finals Season 2011 12 22 06 2012 DFB ger Aix vs Greece national team happiness Emotion jubilant cheering After 4 1 Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 horizontal Highlight premiumd Football national team Euro 2012 Greek


Bildnummer: 10835134 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/ActionPictures DFB Bundestrainer Joachim Jogi LOEW, L?W , fuhrt den Jubeltanz auf, DFB Co Bundestrainer Hansi FLICK jubelt nach dem Tor zum 1-0, Emotionen, Gefuehle, Reaktion, Jubel, Freude, Emotionen, Feiern, Lachen, jubelt, freuen, reisst die Arme hoch, ballt die Faust GERMANY - GREECE ( : ), Deutschland - Griechenland Viertelfinale, Quarterfinal, Deutsche Fussball Nationalmannschaft, DFB EM Euro 2012 am 22.06.2012 in Danzig, Europameisterschaft 2012 in P o l e n, U k r a i n e ; Emotionen Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 hoch premiumd Euro EM Europameisterschaft 2012 Germany international match laenderspiel national team of nationalelf nationalmannschaft nationalteam SP Image number 10835134 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago ActionPictures DFB German coach Joachim Jogi Loew Loew leads the Jubilee dance on DFB Co German coach Hansi Flick cheering After the goal to 1 0 Emotions Feelings Reaction cheering happiness Emotions celebrate Laughing cheering Look forward tears The Arms vertical ballt The fist Germany Greece Germany Greece Quarter-finals Quarter finals German Football national team DFB euro Euro 2012 at 22 06 2012 in Gdansk European Championship 2012 in P o l E n u K r A I n E Emotions Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 vertical premiumd Euro euro European Championship 2012 Germany International Match Country game National team of National team national team National team SP


Bildnummer: 10835136 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/ActionPictures Marco REUS, Nr.21 DFB schiesst das Tor zum 4-2 und jubelt mit Mesut OEZIL, 8DFB , Jubel, Freude, Emotionen, Feiern, Lachen, jubelt, freuen, reisst die Arme hoch, ballt die Faust GERMANY - GREECE ( : ), Deutschland - Griechenland Viertelfinale, Quarterfinal, Deutsche Fussball Nationalmannschaft, DFB EM Euro 2012 am 22.06.2012 in Danzig, Europameisterschaft 2012 in P o l e n, U k r a i n e ; Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 hoch Aufmacher premiumd Euro EM Europameisterschaft 2012 Germany international match laenderspiel national team of nationalelf nationalmannschaft nationalteam Image number 10835136 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago ActionPictures Marco Reus No 21 DFB shoots the goal to 4 2 and cheering with Mesut Oezil cheering happiness Emotions celebrate Laughing cheering Look forward tears The Arms vertical ballt The fist Germany Greece Germany Greece Quarter-finals Quarter finals German Football national team DFB euro Euro 2012 at 22 06 2012 in Gdansk European Championship 2012 in P o l E n u K r A I n E Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 vertical Highlight premiumd Euro euro European Championship 2012 Germany International Match Country game National team of National team national team National team


Bildnummer: 10835084 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/Sportimage Miroslav Klose of Germany scores his side s third goal..Euro 2012 Quarter Final match, Germany v Greece at Arena Gdansk, Gdansk, Poland on the 22nd June 2012. Pic Jake Badger/SPORTIMAGE... PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK ; Tor Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 quer premiumd Football Euro 2012 Quarter Final Germany Greece Image number 10835084 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago Miroslav Klose of Germany Scores His Side s Third Goal Euro 2012 Quarter Final Match Germany v Greece AT Arena Gdansk Gdansk Poland ON The 22nd June 2012 Pic Jake Badger PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK goal Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 horizontal premiumd Football Euro 2012 Quarter Final Germany Greece


Bildnummer: 10835089 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/Sportimage Marco Reus of Germany celebrates scoring his side s fourth goal..Euro 2012 Quarter Final match, Germany v Greece at Arena Gdansk, Gdansk, Poland on the 22nd June 2012. Pic Jake Badger/SPORTIMAGE... PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK ; Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 quer premiumd Football Euro 2012 Quarter Final Germany Greece Image number 10835089 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago Marco Reus of Germany Celebrates Scoring His Side s Fourth Goal Euro 2012 Quarter Final Match Germany v Greece AT Arena Gdansk Gdansk Poland ON The 22nd June 2012 Pic Jake Badger PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 horizontal premiumd Football Euro 2012 Quarter Final Germany Greece


Bildnummer: 10835300 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/Sportimage Germany manager Joachim Low..Euro 2012 Quarter Final match, Germany v Greece at Arena Gdansk, Gdansk, Poland on the 22nd June 2012. Pic Jake Badger/SPORTIMAGE... PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK ; Portrat Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 quer premiumd Football Euro 2012 Quarter Final Germany Greece Image number 10835300 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago Germany Manager Joachim Low Euro 2012 Quarter Final Match Germany v Greece AT Arena Gdansk Gdansk Poland ON The 22nd June 2012 Pic Jake Badger PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK Portrait Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 horizontal premiumd Football Euro 2012 Quarter Final Germany Greece


Bildnummer: 10835303 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/Sportimage Marco Reus of Germany celebrates scoring his side s fourth goal with Jerome Boateng..Euro 2012 Quarter Final match, Germany v Greece at Arena Gdansk, Gdansk, Poland on the 22nd June 2012. Pic Jake Badger/SPORTIMAGE... PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK ; Ritual Gestik Jubelritual Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 quer Aufmacher premiumd Football Euro 2012 Quarter Final Germany Greece Image number 10835303 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago Marco Reus of Germany Celebrates Scoring His Side s Fourth Goal with Jerome Boateng Euro 2012 Quarter Final Match Germany v Greece AT Arena Gdansk Gdansk Poland ON The 22nd June 2012 Pic Jake Badger PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK Ritual Gesture Jubilee ritual Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 horizontal Highlight premiumd Football Euro 2012 Quarter Final Germany Greece


Bildnummer: 10835306 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/Sportimage Bastian Schweinsteiger of Germany holds off Dimitris Salpingidis of Greece..Euro 2012 Quarter Final match, Germany v Greece at Arena Gdansk, Gdansk, Poland on the 22nd June 2012. Pic Jake Badger/SPORTIMAGE... PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK ; Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 quer premiumd Football Euro 2012 Quarter Final Germany Greece Image number 10835306 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago Bastian Schweinsteiger of Germany holds Off Dimitris Salpingidis of Greece Euro 2012 Quarter Final Match Germany v Greece AT Arena Gdansk Gdansk Poland ON The 22nd June 2012 Pic Jake Badger PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 horizontal premiumd Football Euro 2012 Quarter Final Germany Greece


Bildnummer: 10835109 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/Moritz Muller Danzig, 22.06.2012 Mesut Oezil (Deutschland) gegen Sokrates (Griechenland) Deutschland - Griechenland ; Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 quer Aufmacher premiumd kurios Komik Gdansk Fussball Fu?ball Herren Mannschaft Nationalmannschaft EM Euro Europameisterschaft Europa Viertelfinale UEFA Aktion Auseinandersetzung Konflikt Streit Image number 10835109 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago Moritz Mueller Gdansk 22 06 2012 Mesut Oezil Germany against Socrates Greece Germany Greece Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 horizontal Highlight premiumd funny comic Gdansk Football Football men Team national team euro Euro European Championship Europe Quarter-finals UEFA Action shot Confrontation Conflict Dispute


Bildnummer: 10835189 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/GEPA pictures FUSSBALL - EURO 2012, GER vs GRE DANZIG,POLEN,22.JUN.12 - FUSSBALL - UEFA Europameisterschaft 2012 in Polen und der Ukraine, Laenderspiel, Viertelfinale, Deutschland vs Griechenland. Bild zeigt Sami Khedira (GER). PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxAUTxITA ; FReisteller Einzelbild Aktion Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 hoch premiumd Image number 10835189 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago GEPA Pictures Football Euro 2012 ger vs GRE Gdansk Poland 22 Jun 12 Football UEFA European Championship 2012 in Poland and the Ukraine Country game Quarter-finals Germany vs Greece Picture shows Sami Khedira ger PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxAUTxITA cut out Single Action shot Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 vertical premiumd


Bildnummer: 10835191 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/GEPA pictures FUSSBALL - EURO 2012, GER vs GRE DANZIG,POLEN,22.JUN.12 - FUSSBALL - UEFA Europameisterschaft 2012 in Polen und der Ukraine, Laenderspiel, Viertelfinale, Deutschland vs Griechenland. Bild zeigt den Jubel von Philipp Lahm und Thomas Mueller (GER). PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxAUTxITA ; Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 hoch Aufmacher premiumd Image number 10835191 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago GEPA Pictures Football Euro 2012 ger vs GRE Gdansk Poland 22 Jun 12 Football UEFA European Championship 2012 in Poland and the Ukraine Country game Quarter-finals Germany vs Greece Picture shows the cheering from Philipp Lahm and Thomas Mueller ger PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxAUTxITA Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 vertical Highlight premiumd


Bildnummer: 10835194 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/GEPA pictures FUSSBALL - EURO 2012, GER vs GRE DANZIG,POLEN,22.JUN.12 - FUSSBALL - UEFA Europameisterschaft 2012 in Polen und der Ukraine, Laenderspiel, Viertelfinale, Deutschland vs Griechenland. Bild zeigt Thomas Mueller (GER) und Vassilis Torossidis (GRE). PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxAUTxITA ; Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 quer Aufmacher premiumd Image number 10835194 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago GEPA Pictures Football Euro 2012 ger vs GRE Gdansk Poland 22 Jun 12 Football UEFA European Championship 2012 in Poland and the Ukraine Country game Quarter-finals Germany vs Greece Picture shows Thomas Mueller ger and Vassilis Torossidis GRE PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxAUTxITA Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 horizontal Highlight premiumd


Bildnummer: 10835206 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/GEPA pictures FUSSBALL - EURO 2012, GER vs GRE DANZIG,POLEN,22.JUN.12 - FUSSBALL - UEFA Europameisterschaft 2012 in Polen und der Ukraine, Laenderspiel, Viertelfinale, Deutschland vs Griechenland. Bild zeigt Mesut Oezil (GER) und Sokratis Papastathopoulos (GRE). PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxAUTxITA ; Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 quer premiumd Image number 10835206 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago GEPA Pictures Football Euro 2012 ger vs GRE Gdansk Poland 22 Jun 12 Football UEFA European Championship 2012 in Poland and the Ukraine Country game Quarter-finals Germany vs Greece Picture shows Mesut Oezil ger and Sokratis Papastathopoulos GRE PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxAUTxITA Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 horizontal premiumd


Bildnummer: 10835208 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/GEPA pictures FUSSBALL - EURO 2012, GER vs GRE DANZIG,POLEN,22.JUN.12 - FUSSBALL - UEFA Europameisterschaft 2012 in Polen und der Ukraine, Laenderspiel, Viertelfinale, Deutschland vs Griechenland. Bild zeigt Miroslav Klose (GER) und Giorgos Fotakis (GRE). PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxAUTxITA ; Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 quadrat premiumd Image number 10835208 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago GEPA Pictures Football Euro 2012 ger vs GRE Gdansk Poland 22 Jun 12 Football UEFA European Championship 2012 in Poland and the Ukraine Country game Quarter-finals Germany vs Greece Picture shows Miroslav Klose ger and Giorgos Fotakis GRE PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxAUTxITA Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 Square premiumd


Bildnummer: 10835075 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/Revierfoto Fu?ball EURO 2012 Deutschland - Griechenland am 22.06.2012 in der PGE-Arena in Danzig Mesut ?zil ( Deutschland ) ; nackt halbnackt sexy Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 quer premiumd Fu?ball Fussball Football Soccer Herren Manner Men UEFA Union of European Football Associations Turnier Tournament EURO EURO 2012 EM Europameisterschaft Deutschland Germany GER Griechenland Greece GRE Aktion Einzelbild Image number 10835075 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago Spot photo Football Euro 2012 Germany Greece at 22 06 2012 in the PGE Arena in Gdansk Mesut ?zil Germany naked half naked sexy Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 horizontal premiumd Football Football Football Soccer men Men Men UEFA Union of European Football Associations Tournament Tournament Euro Euro 2012 euro European Championship Germany Germany ger Greece Greece GRE Action shot Single


Bildnummer: 10835080 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/Revierfoto Fu?ball EURO 2012 Deutschland - Griechenland am 22.06.2012 in der PGE-Arena in Danzig Deutsche Spieler feiern mit ihren Fans ; Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 quer premiumd Fu?ball Fussball Football Soccer Herren Manner Men UEFA Union of European Football Associations Turnier Tournament EURO EURO 2012 EM Europameisterschaft Deutschland Germany GER Griechenland Greece GRE Image number 10835080 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago Spot photo Football Euro 2012 Germany Greece at 22 06 2012 in the PGE Arena in Gdansk German Players celebrate with theirs supporters Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 horizontal premiumd Football Football Football Soccer men Men Men UEFA Union of European Football Associations Tournament Tournament Euro Euro 2012 euro European Championship Germany Germany ger Greece Greece GRE


Bildnummer: 10835081 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/Revierfoto Fu?ball EURO 2012 Deutschland - Griechenland am 22.06.2012 in der PGE-Arena in Danzig Deutsche Spieler feiern mit ihren Fans ; Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 quer premiumd Fu?ball Fussball Football Soccer Herren Manner Men UEFA Union of European Football Associations Turnier Tournament EURO EURO 2012 EM Europameisterschaft Deutschland Germany GER Griechenland Greece GRE Image number 10835081 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago Spot photo Football Euro 2012 Germany Greece at 22 06 2012 in the PGE Arena in Gdansk German Players celebrate with theirs supporters Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 horizontal premiumd Football Football Football Soccer men Men Men UEFA Union of European Football Associations Tournament Tournament Euro Euro 2012 euro European Championship Germany Germany ger Greece Greece GRE


Bildnummer: 10835489 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/Chai v.d. Laage Danzig, Polen, Fussball UEFA, EURO 2012, Europameisterschaft, Viertelfinale, Deutschland vs Griechenland , 22.06.2012, PGE Stadion Danzig ,Polen, Miroslav Klose, Torjubel ; Viertelfinale GER DFB Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 quer premiumd Fussball UEFA EURO 2012 Viertelfinale Image number 10835489 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago Chai v D Laage Gdansk Poland Football UEFA Euro 2012 European Championship Quarter-finals Germany vs Greece 22 06 2012 PGE Stadium Gdansk Poland Miroslav Klose goal celebration Quarter-finals ger DFB Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 horizontal premiumd Football UEFA Euro 2012 Quarter-finals


Bildnummer: 10835493 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/Chai v.d. Laage Danzig, Polen, Fussball UEFA, EURO 2012, Europameisterschaft, Viertelfinale, Deutschland vs Griechenland , 22.06.2012, PGE Stadion Danzig ,Polen, Mesut ?zil. Marco Reus, beide Deutschland, jubeln ; Viertelfinale GER DFB Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 quadrat premiumd Fussball UEFA EURO 2012 Viertelfinale Image number 10835493 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago Chai v D Laage Gdansk Poland Football UEFA Euro 2012 European Championship Quarter-finals Germany vs Greece 22 06 2012 PGE Stadium Gdansk Poland Mesut ?zil Marco Reus both Germany cheer Quarter-finals ger DFB Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 Square premiumd Football UEFA Euro 2012 Quarter-finals


Bildnummer: 10835538 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/ANE Edition EURO 2012 / GERMANY-GREECE Viertelfinale-Quarter Final-PGE Arena Gdansk Danzig, 22.06.2012 Deutschland - Griechenland 4:2 Grigoris Makos (li., Griechenland) gegen Mesut ?zil (re., Deutschland) EURO 2012 / GERMANY - GREECE PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxGRE ANE1205122; Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 quer Aufmacher 2012 EURO 301-12 Viertelfinale Quarter final UEFA Fussball-Soccer-Football Griechenland-Greece Deutschland-Germany Image number 10835538 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago Ane Edition Euro 2012 Germany Greece Quarter-finals Quarter Final PGE Arena Gdansk Gdansk 22 06 2012 Germany Greece 4 2 Grigoris Makos left Greece against Mesut ?zil right Germany Euro 2012 Germany Greece PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxGRE Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 horizontal Highlight 2012 Euro 301 12 Quarter-finals Quarter Final UEFA Football Soccer Football Greece Greece Germany Germany


Bildnummer: 10835539 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/ANE Edition EURO 2012 / GERMANY-GREECE Viertelfinale-Quarter Final-PGE Arena Gdansk Danzig, 22.06.2012 Deutschland - Griechenland 4:2 Andre Schurrle (li., Deutschland) gegen Kyriakos Papadopoulos (re., Griechenland) EURO 2012 / GERMANY - GREECE PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxGRE ANE20131072; Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 hoch Aufmacher premiumd 2012 EURO 301-12 Viertelfinale Quarter final UEFA Fussball-Soccer-Football Griechenland-Greece Deutschland-Germany Image number 10835539 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago Ane Edition Euro 2012 Germany Greece Quarter-finals Quarter Final PGE Arena Gdansk Gdansk 22 06 2012 Germany Greece 4 2 Andre Schurrle left Germany against Kyriakos Papadopoulos right Greece Euro 2012 Germany Greece PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxGRE Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 vertical Highlight premiumd 2012 Euro 301 12 Quarter-finals Quarter Final UEFA Football Soccer Football Greece Greece Germany Germany


Bildnummer: 10835541 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/ANE Edition EURO 2012 / GERMANY-GREECE Viertelfinale-Quarter Final-PGE Arena Gdansk Danzig, 22.06.2012 Deutschland - Griechenland 4:2 Tor durch Sami Khedira (re., Deutschland) zum 2:1 in der 61. Minute gegen Torwart Michalis Sifakis (Mitte, Griechenland) EURO 2012 / GERMANY - GREECE PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxGRE ANE20131075; Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 quer Aufmacher premiumd 2012 EURO 301-12 Viertelfinale Quarter final UEFA Fussball-Soccer-Football Griechenland-Greece Deutschland-Germany Image number 10835541 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago Ane Edition Euro 2012 Germany Greece Quarter-finals Quarter Final PGE Arena Gdansk Gdansk 22 06 2012 Germany Greece 4 2 goal through Sami Khedira right Germany to 2 1 in the 61 Minute against Goalkeeper Michalis Sifakis centre Greece Euro 2012 Germany Greece PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxGRE Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 horizontal Highlight premiumd 2012 Euro 301 12 Quarter-finals Quarter Final UEFA Football Soccer Football Greece Greece Germany Germany


Bildnummer: 10835543 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/ANE Edition EURO 2012 / GERMANY-GREECE Viertelfinale-Quarter Final-PGE Arena Gdansk Danzig, 22.06.2012 Deutschland - Griechenland 4:2 Torjubel - Miroslav Klose (Mitte, Deutschland) jubelt nach seinem Tor zum 3:1, zusammen mit Philipp Lahm (li., Deutschland) und Mats Hummels (Deutschland) EURO 2012 / GERMANY - GREECE PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxGRE ANE20131080; Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 quer Aufmacher premiumd 2012 EURO 301-12 Viertelfinale Quarter final UEFA Fussball-Soccer-Football Griechenland-Greece Deutschland-Germany Jubel - Celebration Image number 10835543 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago Ane Edition Euro 2012 Germany Greece Quarter-finals Quarter Final PGE Arena Gdansk Gdansk 22 06 2012 Germany Greece 4 2 goal celebration Miroslav Klose centre Germany cheering After his goal to 3 1 together with Philipp Lahm left Germany and Mats Hummels Germany Euro 2012 Germany Greece PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxGRE Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 horizontal Highlight premiumd 2012 Euro 301 12 Quarter-finals Quarter Final UEFA Football Soccer Football Greece Greece Germany Germany cheering Celebration


Bildnummer: 10835547 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/ANE Edition EURO 2012 / GERMANY-GREECE Viertelfinale-Quarter Final-PGE Arena Gdansk Danzig, 22.06.2012 Deutschland - Griechenland 4:2 Philipp Lahm (li., Deutschland) zieht ab. EURO 2012 / GERMANY - GREECE PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxGRE ANE20131074; Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 quer premiumd 2012 EURO 301-12 Viertelfinale Quarter final UEFA Fussball-Soccer-Football Griechenland-Greece Deutschland-Germany Image number 10835547 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago Ane Edition Euro 2012 Germany Greece Quarter-finals Quarter Final PGE Arena Gdansk Gdansk 22 06 2012 Germany Greece 4 2 Philipp Lahm left Germany shoots from Euro 2012 Germany Greece PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxGRE Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 horizontal premiumd 2012 Euro 301 12 Quarter-finals Quarter Final UEFA Football Soccer Football Greece Greece Germany Germany


Bildnummer: 10835548 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/ANE Edition EURO 2012 / GERMANY-GREECE Viertelfinale-Quarter Final-PGE Arena Gdansk Danzig, 22.06.2012 Deutschland - Griechenland 4:2 Tor durch Sami Khedira (re., Deutschland) zum 2:1 in der 61. Minute gegen Torwart Michalis Sifakis (Mitte, Griechenland) EURO 2012 / GERMANY - GREECE PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxGRE ANE20131076; Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 quer premiumd 2012 EURO 301-12 Viertelfinale Quarter final UEFA Fussball-Soccer-Football Griechenland-Greece Deutschland-Germany Image number 10835548 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago Ane Edition Euro 2012 Germany Greece Quarter-finals Quarter Final PGE Arena Gdansk Gdansk 22 06 2012 Germany Greece 4 2 goal through Sami Khedira right Germany to 2 1 in the 61 Minute against Goalkeeper Michalis Sifakis centre Greece Euro 2012 Germany Greece PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxGRE Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 horizontal premiumd 2012 Euro 301 12 Quarter-finals Quarter Final UEFA Football Soccer Football Greece Greece Germany Germany


Bildnummer: 10835552 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/ANE Edition EURO 2012 / GERMANY-GREECE Viertelfinale-Quarter Final-PGE Arena Gdansk Danzig, 22.06.2012 Deutschland - Griechenland 4:2 Dimitrios Salpingidis (Griechenland) zieht ab und macht das Tor zum 4:2 durch Elfmeter EURO 2012 / GERMANY - GREECE PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxGRE ANE20131087; Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 quer premiumd 2012 EURO 301-12 Viertelfinale Quarter final UEFA Fussball-Soccer-Football Griechenland-Greece Deutschland-Germany Image number 10835552 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago Ane Edition Euro 2012 Germany Greece Quarter-finals Quarter Final PGE Arena Gdansk Gdansk 22 06 2012 Germany Greece 4 2 Dimitrios Salpingidis Greece shoots from and makes the goal to 4 2 through Penalty Euro 2012 Germany Greece PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxGRE Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 horizontal premiumd 2012 Euro 301 12 Quarter-finals Quarter Final UEFA Football Soccer Football Greece Greece Germany Germany


Bildnummer: 10835554 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/ANE Edition EURO 2012 / GERMANY-GREECE Viertelfinale-Quarter Final-PGE Arena Gdansk Danzig, 22.06.2012 Deutschland - Griechenland 4:2 Georgios Samaras (re., Griechenland) erzielt das Ausgleichstor zum 1:1 gegen Torwart Manuel Neuer (Mitte, Deutschland), hinten Jerome Boateng (Deutschland) EURO 2012 / GERMANY - GREECE PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxGRE ANE20131089; Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 quer premiumd 2012 EURO 301-12 Viertelfinale Quarter final UEFA Fussball-Soccer-Football Griechenland-Greece Deutschland-Germany Image number 10835554 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago Ane Edition Euro 2012 Germany Greece Quarter-finals Quarter Final PGE Arena Gdansk Gdansk 22 06 2012 Germany Greece 4 2 Georgios Samaras right Greece reached the Ausgleichstor to 1 1 against Goalkeeper Manuel later centre Germany rear Jerome Boateng Germany Euro 2012 Germany Greece PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxGRE Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 horizontal premiumd 2012 Euro 301 12 Quarter-finals Quarter Final UEFA Football Soccer Football Greece Greece Germany Germany


Bildnummer: 10835555 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/ANE Edition EURO 2012 / GERMANY-GREECE Viertelfinale-Quarter Final-PGE Arena Gdansk Danzig, 22.06.2012 Deutschland - Griechenland 4:2 Dimitrios Salpingidis (Griechenland) erzielt das Anschlusstor zum 4:2 durch Elfmeter gegen Torwart Manuel Neuer (re., Deutschland) EURO 2012 / GERMANY - GREECE PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxGRE ANE20131090; Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 quer premiumd 2012 EURO 301-12 Viertelfinale Quarter final UEFA Fussball-Soccer-Football Griechenland-Greece Deutschland-Germany Image number 10835555 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago Ane Edition Euro 2012 Germany Greece Quarter-finals Quarter Final PGE Arena Gdansk Gdansk 22 06 2012 Germany Greece 4 2 Dimitrios Salpingidis Greece reached the Anschlu?tor to 4 2 through Penalty against Goalkeeper Manuel later right Germany Euro 2012 Germany Greece PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxGRE Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 horizontal premiumd 2012 Euro 301 12 Quarter-finals Quarter Final UEFA Football Soccer Football Greece Greece Germany Germany


Bildnummer: 10835556 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/ANE Edition EURO 2012 / GERMANY-GREECE Viertelfinale-Quarter Final-PGE Arena Gdansk Danzig, 22.06.2012 Deutschland - Griechenland 4:2 Georgios Karagounis (Griechenland) - wegen zweier gelber Karten fur das Viertelfinalspiel gesperrt, jubelt trotzig nach dem Spiel EURO 2012 / GERMANY - GREECE PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxGRE ANE20131091; Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 quer premiumd 2012 EURO 301-12 Viertelfinale Quarter final UEFA Fussball-Soccer-Football Griechenland-Greece Deutschland-Germany Image number 10835556 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago Ane Edition Euro 2012 Germany Greece Quarter-finals Quarter Final PGE Arena Gdansk Gdansk 22 06 2012 Germany Greece 4 2 Georgios Karagounis Greece due Two yellow Cards for the Quarter-final game locked cheering rebellious After the Game Euro 2012 Germany Greece PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxGRE Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 horizontal premiumd 2012 Euro 301 12 Quarter-finals Quarter Final UEFA Football Soccer Football Greece Greece Germany Germany


Bildnummer: 10835496 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/Colorsport Football - European Championships 2012 - Germany vs. Greece Giorgos Samaras of Greece looks dejected following defeat at the Baltic Arena, Gdansk PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK ; FReisteller Einzelbild Aktion Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 hoch premiumd Image number 10835496 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago Color Sports Football European Championships 2012 Germany vs Greece Giorgos Samaras of Greece looks dejected Following defeat AT The Baltic Arena Gdansk PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK cut out Single Action shot Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 vertical premiumd


Bildnummer: 10835498 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/Colorsport Football - European Championships 2012 - Germany vs. Greece Andre Schurrle of Germany and Kostas Katsouranis of Greece at the Baltic Arena, Gdansk PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK ; Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 quer Aufmacher premiumd Image number 10835498 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago Color Sports Football European Championships 2012 Germany vs Greece Andre Schurrle of Germany and Kostas Katsouranis of Greece AT The Baltic Arena Gdansk PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 horizontal Highlight premiumd


Bildnummer: 10835499 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/Colorsport Football - European Championships 2012 - Germany vs. Greece Miroslav Klose of Germany celebrates scoring at the Baltic Arena, Gdansk PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK ; Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 quer Aufmacher premiumd Image number 10835499 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago Color Sports Football European Championships 2012 Germany vs Greece Miroslav Klose of Germany Celebrates Scoring AT The Baltic Arena Gdansk PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 horizontal Highlight premiumd


Bildnummer: 10835501 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/Colorsport Football - European Championships 2012 - Germany vs. Greece Marco Reus of Germany and Vasilis Torosidis of Greece at the Baltic Arena, Gdansk PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK ; Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 quer Aufmacher premiumd Image number 10835501 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago Color Sports Football European Championships 2012 Germany vs Greece Marco Reus of Germany and Vasilis Torosidis of Greece AT The Baltic Arena Gdansk PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 horizontal Highlight premiumd


Bildnummer: 10835502 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/Colorsport Football - European Championships 2012 - Germany vs. Greece Grigoris Makos of Greece and Sami Kedira of Germany at the Baltic Arena, Gdansk PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK ; Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 quer Aufmacher premiumd Image number 10835502 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago Color Sports Football European Championships 2012 Germany vs Greece Grigoris Makos of Greece and Sami of Germany AT The Baltic Arena Gdansk PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 horizontal Highlight premiumd


Bildnummer: 10835512 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/Colorsport Football - European Championships 2012 - Germany vs. Greece Dimitris Salpigidis of Greece scores a late consolation goal via the penalty spot at the Baltic Arena, Gdansk PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK ; Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 quer premiumd Image number 10835512 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago Color Sports Football European Championships 2012 Germany vs Greece Dimitris of Greece Scores A Late Consolation Goal via The Penalty Spot AT The Baltic Arena Gdansk PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 horizontal premiumd


Bildnummer: 10835513 Datum: 22.06.2012 Copyright: imago/Colorsport Football - European Championships 2012 - Germany vs. Greece Mesut Ozil celebrates with Marco Reus of Germany following his goal at the Baltic Arena, Gdansk PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK ; Viertelfinale Danzig GER DFB GRE Fussball EM EURO Nationalteam Landerspiel x0x xub 2012 hoch premiumd Image number 10835513 date 22 06 2012 Copyright imago Color Sports Football European Championships 2012 Germany vs Greece Mesut Ozil Celebrates with Marco Reus of Germany Following His Goal AT The Baltic Arena Gdansk PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK Quarter-finals Gdansk ger DFB GRE Football euro Euro National team international match x0x xub 2012 vertical premiumd


Football: EURO 2012, Germany - Greece, Quarterfinal, Gdansk, 22.06.2012 Miroslav Klose (GER, l.) - goalkeeper Michalis Sifakis (GRE) ? pixathlon fot. Pixathlon/REPORTER


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