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26.04 - День Чорнобильської трагедії (165)

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Deserted amusement park and its bumber car track at the abandoned city of Pripyat near Chernobyl on Tuesday, 12th May, 2009. Chernobyl nuclear facility's number four reactor explosion in May 1986 caused a radioactive cloud, which spreaded radiation all over Northern Europe. The city and 50,000 inhabitants were evacuated after the Chernobyl disaster. After the evacuation, the city was left inhabited. LEHTIKUVA / Timo Jaakonaho *** FINLAND OUT. NO THIRD PARTY SALES. ***


Deserted amusement park and its bumber car track at the abandoned city of Pripyat near Chernobyl on Tuesday, 12th May, 2009. Chernobyl nuclear facility's number four reactor explosion in May 1986 caused a radioactive cloud, which spreaded radiation all over Northern Europe. The city and 50,000 inhabitants were evacuated after the Chernobyl disaster. After the evacuation, the city was left inhabited. LEHTIKUVA / Timo Jaakonaho *** FINLAND OUT. NO THIRD PARTY SALES. ***


Empty apartment building with the Soviet insignia in the abandoned city of Pripyat near Chernobyl on Tuesday, 12th May, 2009. Chernobyl nuclear facility's number four reactor explosion in May 1986 caused a radioactive cloud, which spreaded radiation all over Northern Europe. The city of Pripyat with 50,000 people were evacuated after the Chernobyl disaster. After the evacuation, the city was left inhabited. LEHTIKUVA / Timo Jaakonaho *** FINLAND OUT. NO THIRD PARTY SALES. ***


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/AFP A drill rig takes core samples at the exploration drilling site of Areva Resources 18 July 2007 in Cluff Lake, Canada. Twenty years after the Chernobyl disaster poisoned the world's taste for reactors, the French firm Areva is sniffing out fresh uranium supplies in Canada, and the race for nuclear power is back on.


The widow of Chernobyl victims hold portraits of their husbands who were killed in the clean-up operation following the Chernobyl explosion, during a ceremony to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the completion of the shelter that covers the damaged reactor in Kiev, Ukraine, Thursday, Dec.14, 2006. The Chernobyl plant was the site of the world's worst ever nuclear accident when Reactor No. 4 exploded and caught fire in 1986, spewing radiation across much of northern Europe. (AP Photo/Sergei Chuzavkov)


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/AFP An anti-nuclear activist wearing glasses over his gasmask stands in front of a banner during a protest to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, in Dortmund 26 April 2006.


Photo: Wojtek Laski / East News Elektrownia jadrowa 20 lat po katastrofie jadrowej, Czarnobyl, Ukraina, 26.04.2006


Photo: Wojtek Laski / East News Elektrownia jadrowa 20 lat po katastrofie jadrowej, Czarnobyl, Ukraina, 26.04.2006 N/z: licznik Geigera, pomiar skazenia radioaktywnego o wartosci 06.25 Sv


Vika Chervinska, an eight-year-old Ukrainian girl suffering from cancer waits to receive treatment with her mother at the children's hospital in Kiev Tuesday, April 18, 2006. Greenpeace said Tuesday in a new report that more than 90,000 people were likely to die of cancers caused by radiation from the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, countering a United Nations report that predicted the death toll would be around 4,000. The differing conclusions underline the contentious uncertainty that remains about the health effects of the world's worst nuclear accident as its 20th anniversary approaches. The world will mark the 20th anniversary this month of the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which sent a radioactive cloud across Europe. (AP Photo/Oded Balilty)


ADVANCE FOR USE SUNDAY, SEPT. 4, 2011 AND THEREAFTER - In this Sunday, April 2, 2006 photo, a dog walks in the deserted town of Pripyat, Ukraine, some 3 kilometers (1.86 miles) from the Chernobyl nuclear plant. Chernobyl and Fukushima are some 5,000 miles apart but have much in common. The towns nearest to each of these stricken nuclear power stations, in Ukraine and Japan, whose disasters struck 25 years apart, already reveal eerie similarities. (AP Photo/Sergey Ponomarev) ONE OF PAIR NO. 1


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/LASKI WOJTEK Elektrownia atomowa w Czarnobylu, 1986.


PHOTO:EAST NEWS/WOJTEK LASKI Zycie codzienne w okolicach Czarnobyla 4 lata po katastrofie w elektrowni atomowej. 31.03.1990 Daily life in Chernobyl area 4 years after the Nuclear Power Plant disaster, 31.03.1990


Ukrainian Greenpeace activists wearing masks protest in Donetsk, Ukraine, Saturday, Feb. 4, 2006. The demonstrators protested against storing nuclear waste in the country. Ukraine was the site of the world's worst nuclear accident when a reactor in the Chernobyl nuclear plant exploded in 1986, spewing radiation over much of northern Europe. (AP Photo/Photomig)


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/ W. LASKI Elektrownia atomowa w Czarnobylu 4 lata po katastrofie, Ukraina, 31.03.1990 N/z: zniszczona flaga sowiecka Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant 4 years after the disaster.Ukraine, 31.03.1990


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/ W. LASKI Prypec - miasto wybudowane dla pracownikow elektrowni atomowej w Czarnobylu, miasto-widmo opuszczone przez mieszkancow po katastrofie w elektrowni. Przed awaria mieszkalo tu prawie 50 tys. osob. 4 lata po katastrofie, Ukraina, 1990. N/z: wesole miasteczko Prypiat - ghost town near the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. Built for workers of the plant, it was abandoned by all of its 50.000 inhabitants after the nuclear disaster. 1990s


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/ W. LASKI Elektrownia atomowa w Czarnobylu po katastrofie, reaktor jadrowy bloku energetycznego nr 4, gdzie nastapila awaria, Ukraina, 1986 Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant after the disaster, Ukraine, 1986


Photo: East News / Wojtek Laski 4 lata po katastrofie w elektrowni atomowej w Czarnobylu. Ukraina, 1990. N/z: niepelnosprawne i chore dzieci w szpitalu - ofiary promieniowania radioaktywnego. URSS/ 4 NAS APRES LES BEBES DE TCHERNOBYL Ukraine Young victims of Tchernobyl Nuclear Disaster. Children born with innate disease.


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/ W. LASKI Elektrownia atomowa w Czarnobylu po katastrofie, reaktor jadrowy bloku energetycznego nr 4, gdzie nastapila awaria, Ukraina, 1986 Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant after the disaster, Ukraine, 1986


CZERNOBYL - 4 LATA PO WYBUCHU Skutki katastrofy w elektrowni atomowej w Czarnobylu. N/Z: eksperymentalna uprawa pomidorow w celu obserwacji mutacji roslin na skutek promieniowania, Czarnobyl, ZSRR, kwiecien 1990. Plants are grown in Chernobyl for experimental purposes. Fallout in the earth has caused botannical mutations producing giant cucumbers and pine trees with needles sticking straight up four years after the world's worst civilian nuclear disastor at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant 80 miles north of theSoviet city of Kiev in Ukraine on the weekend of April 26-27, 1986. Chernobyl, USSR - 04/1990 186177


CZERNOBYL 4 LATA PO WYBUCHU Skutki katastrofy w elektrowni atomowej w Czarnobylu. N/Z: przygotowywany do ewakuacji kolchoz w wiosce niedaleko Krasnopola na Bialorusi, pomimo wysokiego poziomu promieniowana 100 z 300 dawnych pracownikow nadal tu zamieszkuje, Bialorus, ZSRR, kwiecien 1990. The Kolkhoz "Put Lenin" (lenin's Way) (Lenin's Way) in the village of Nvavlenie near Krasnopol in Belarus which will soon be evacuated, four years after the world's worst civilian nucleat disastor at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant 80 miles north of the Soviet city of Kiev in Ukraine on the weekend of April 26-27, 1986. 100 of the 300 workers still remain despite high levels of radiation. Belarus, USSR - 04/1990. 186177 198177


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