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Conceptual illustration depicting the spread of disease throughout the world.


Conceptual illustration depicting the spread of disease throughout the world.


Zeros and ones in center of germ cell


Birth of love desire. Representation of what it happenning in the brain at the birth of love desire. Blue arrows : The hippocampus (memory area, in yellow) and the amygdala (centre of emotions, in purple) send information to the prefrontal cortex (centre of reasoning and decision-making, in green), that stimulates on its turn the hypothalamus (centre of corporal and hormonal reactions, in blue). The body is bombarded of hormones. Reactions : heart palpitations, red on the cheeks, legs trembling... Red arrows : stimulated by the secretion of dopamine (see level of secretion in the tube on the left of the illustration), the nucleus accumbens (pink area) stimulates the brain and the prefrontal cortex to push for action. Green arrow : The prefrontal cortex (centre of reasoning) moderates the action of the nucleus accumbens.


Conceptual image representing frequency. Sound byte on a grid moving through an ear.


Two cytotoxic T-cells attack a single cancer cell. T-cells are lymphocytes originating in the thymus. They come in a variety of types and play a role in the immune system.


Hepatitis C viruses floating in a microscopic space.


An illustration based on an SEM of the aids virus (HIV) infecting T-Lymphocyte.


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/BSIP Recherche d'un vaccin contre le sida. Repr??sentation d'une des recherches pour un vaccin contre le sida. Ce vaccin ?. ADN protA?ge les souris contre le virus. Le principe consiste ?. injecter dans un macrophage de souris des boucles d'ADN contenant les informations pour fabriquer des morceaux de virus (exemple : le harpon lui permettant de se fixer ?. la cellule h??te). Ces morceaux de virus sont pr??sent??s aux lymphocytes T CD4. Activ??s, ces lymphocytes d??clenchent la r??action immunitaire afin d'obtenir des lymphocytes T CD8 m??moires et des quelques anticorps sp??cifiques permettant de d??truire les morceaux de virus s??lectionn??s dans la boucle d'ADN. Research into an AIDS vaccine. Illustration of one type of research into an AIDS vaccine. This DNA vaccine protects mice from the virus. The method: DNA strands containing the information for producing fragments of the virus (ex. the harpoon enabling it to latch on to a host cell) are injected into a mouse microphage. These virus segments are presented to the T CD4 lymphocytes which, activated, trigger an immune response which produces memory T CD8 lymphocytes and a few specific antibodies making it possible to destroy the selected virus segments in the DNA strands.


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/BSIP Activation et inhibition de la douleur. Repr??sentation du circuit d'activation (?. gauche) de la douleur et de l'inhibition (?. droite). - Activation : sous l'effet de stimulus nociceptif (blessure, br??lure, inflammation), l'influx nerveux est transmis lentement par les fibres nerveuses au neurone convergent de la moelle ??piniA?re, puis au tronc c??r??bral, ?. l'hypothalamus, thalamus et cortex pour les facteurs congnitifs, directement du tronc c??r??bral au cortex pour les facteurs sensoriels. - Inhibition par stimulus sensoriel tactile au niveau de la peau qui transmet l'influx nerveux au neurone convergent de la moelle ??piniA?re plus rapidement. Ainsi l'information courcircuite celle des sensations douloureuses, et atteint le tronc c??r??bral pour se diffuser dans le cerveau. La sensation de douleur est inhib??e. Pain activation and inhibition. Illustration of the circuit of pain activation (left) and inhibition (right). - Activation: through the effects of a nociceptive stimulus (wound, burn, inflammation, etc.), a nerve impulse is slowly transmitted by the nerve fibers to the spinal wide dynamic range neurons, then to the brain stem, through the hypothalamus, thalamus and cortex, for cognitive factors, or directly to the brain stem, for sensory factors. - Inhibition by sensory tactile stimulus by the skin, which transmits the nerve impulse to the spinal wide dynamic range neurons more quickly. In this way, the information shortcircuits the pain sensations and reaches the brain stem, spreading throughout the brain. Pain is inhibited.


Typical location of endometrial fibroids and treatment options. The syringe indicates injectable synthetic hormones such as GnRH analogs. Hysteroscopic myomectomy is the removal of fibroids inside the uterus. Laparoscopic myomyectomy removes fibroids outside the uterus. Fibroid embolization uses tiny polyvinyl particles to block arteries feeding the fibroid.


Illustration of lower back pain. A 3D composite in the foreground shows the neurotransmitter release associated with pain. The background rendering includes the lower back muscles and a phantom image of the spine.


Photo illustration of the concept of the high cost of prescription medication, showing a glowing vial of prescription pills and fifty-dollar bills.


Photo illustration of the concept of the high cost of prescription medication, showing a glowing vial of prescription pills, Caduceus, and fifty-dollar bills.


Illustration of prescription medication, showing a glowing prescription vial of pills.


Illustration of prescription medication, showing a glowing prescription vial of pills.


Photo illustration of laboratory glassware.


Illustration of a complete tear (rupture) of the Achilles tendon, the strong tendon connecting the calf muscles of the leg to the heel bone, shown in an athletic shoe.


Illustration of a partial tear of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) of the right knee joint, lateral oblique view. The ACL tear is shown in a bent knee with the upper leg and body rotating over the stationary lower leg.


Illustration of a partial tear of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) of the right knee joint, lateral oblique view. The ACL tear is shown in a bent knee with the upper leg and body rotating over the stationary lower leg.