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Sindo reflects how she trained her daughter Antoinette to become a cross border trader - for 1 year she was an apprentice, where she taught her the ropes ... how to select her tomatoes, negotiations with the transporters and how to manage the complexities of dealing with the demands of the services. Bukavu, DR Congo 26th May 2013. Cross-border trade is an economic lifeline for the stalwart citizens along borders in the Great Lakes Region of Africa. The DR Congo, and its neighbouring nations is the epi-centre of this trade, a region economically broken through decades of armed conflict, a region where corruption flourishes and its humble citizens flounder in profound poverty under an umbrella of poor governance. There are estimated more than 30 competing armed groups threatening the region, especially the M23 operating close to the Eastern capital of Goma creating waves of murder, rape and displacement. Conflict, accompanied by endemic poverty is the divisive weapon assaulting the citizens' daily. ? Carol Allen-Storey / International Alert / eyevine


Sacked Chickens. "I sell 10 chickens a day with a profit of about 5 dollars. My dream is to have the government establish a totally dedicated market exclusive to poul- try and eggs - because the environment in the larger markets is harmful very crowded and damages the chickens - may die from the heat." I am a member of the association for chicken traders - AVPEO, the association has helped me cope with trading problems, how to negotiate with the of- ficials, how to handle relationships with the officials. Nzigire is 28 years old, widowed with 5 children. Rusizi Border, Bukavu, DR Congo 25th May 2013. Cross-border trade is an economic lifeline for the stalwart citizens along borders in the Great Lakes Region of Africa. The DR Congo, and its neighbouring nations is the epi-centre of this trade, a region economically broken through decades of armed conflict, a region where corruption flourishes and its humble citizens flounder in profound poverty under an umbrella of poor governance. There are estimated more than 30 competing armed groups threatening the region, especially the M23 operating close to the Eastern capital of Goma creating waves of murder, rape and displacement. Conflict, accompanied by endemic poverty is the divisive weapon assaulting the citizens' daily. ? Carol Allen-Storey / International Alert / eyevine


"I have respect as a transporter; if I begged that would not happen." 'When I was 2 years old I contracted polio, none of us were inoculated back then. Although I was disabled, my family were very supportive - my problem of discrimination came when I attended school as the other chil- dren teased me. I finally left school because the taunting made me sad." Damian is a family man, married to a woman who is a cross border trader of cassava flour. He is also the founder of Mapendo, which translates from Swahili to LOVE ... it is the association of disabled transporters - the 'chariot riders'. Rusizi Border, Bukavu, DR Congo 25th May 2013. Cross-border trade is an economic lifeline for the stalwart citizens along borders in the Great Lakes Region of Africa. The DR Congo, and its neighbouring nations is the epi-centre of this trade, a region economically broken through decades of armed conflict, a region where corruption flourishes and its humble citizens flounder in profound poverty under an umbrella of poor governance. There are estimated more than 30 competing armed groups threatening the region, especially the M23 operating close to the Eastern capital of Goma creating waves of murder, rape and displacement. Conflict, accompanied by endemic poverty is the divisive weapon assaulting the citizens' daily. ? Carol Allen-Storey / International Alert / eyevine


Road-Side Market Trader. Close to the Rusizi boarder, a small market has been established to serve the local community since the larger market in town is too far to travel for daily needs. The work is tedious commencing early in the morning until after dark. It is also a social hub where women come together and share their lives with friends. This woman specialises in sweet potatoes - raw and roasted. Rusizi Border, Bukavu, DR Congo 24th May 2013. Cross-border trade is an economic lifeline for the stalwart citizens along borders in the Great Lakes Region of Africa. The DR Congo, and its neighbouring nations is the epi-centre of this trade, a region economically broken through decades of armed conflict, a region where corruption flourishes and its humble citizens flounder in profound poverty under an umbrella of poor governance. There are estimated more than 30 competing armed groups threatening the region, especially the M23 operating close to the Eastern capital of Goma creating waves of murder, rape and displacement. Conflict, accompanied by endemic poverty is the divisive weapon assaulting the citizens' daily. ? Carol Allen-Storey / International Alert / eyevine


"Fatigue, physically and emotionally is my daily challenge" - Esperiance Every day is a struggle for Esperiance. She is the head of household, the eco- nomic provider, as her husband does not work. Uniquely, the family work as a team ... Kalembo, Esperiance's husband does domestic chores and admit- ted he enjoys cooking. Whilst Esperiance crosses the border to purchase her chickens, her eldest siblings manage her market stall in the town. Muhangu Village, Bukavu, DR Congo 24th May 2013. Cross-border trade is an economic lifeline for the stalwart citizens along borders in the Great Lakes Region of Africa. The DR Congo, and its neighbouring nations is the epi-centre of this trade, a region economically broken through decades of armed conflict, a region where corruption flourishes and its humble citizens flounder in profound poverty under an umbrella of poor governance. There are estimated more than 30 competing armed groups threatening the region, especially the M23 operating close to the Eastern capital of Goma creating waves of murder, rape and displacement. Conflict, accompanied by endemic poverty is the divisive weapon assaulting the citizens' daily. ? Carol Allen-Storey / International Alert / eyevine


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