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Crying woman in telephone box asking in speech bubble why her boyfriend's line is engaged
Crying woman in telephone box talking on the telephone
Friend helping woman hide weight gain with jacket
Friend helping woman put on jacket
Close up of angry businessman in disbelief on the telephone
Close up cartoon of angry businessman talking on the telephone
Mother and daughter standing in arid landscape under bright sun
Mother and daughter watching sun holding dry soil
Farm workers bending in rural field
Thief stealing personal belongings from safe
Doctor and female patient meeting in doctor's office
Doctor and male patient meeting in doctor's office
Portrait of doctors and nurses in front of blue and green crosses
Portrait of doctors and nurses in front of red and pink crosses
Portrait of doctors and nurses in front of white cross
Business people inside arrow moving up from clouds to sunshine
Business people with multicolored jigsaw puzzle pieces in meeting
Men and women contemplating alternative career paths
Businessmen with falling banknotes and graph on computer
Human faces on white background