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Pictured: Heidi Klum, Santa Claus Mandatory Credit ?? Isabella Esme/Broadimage SVEDKA Vodka And Smartwater Present Heidi Klum's Haunted Holiday Party Benefitting The American Red Cross At Finale 12/1/12, New York, New York, United States of America Broadimage Newswire Los Angeles 1+ (310) 301-1027 New York 1+ (646) 827-9134 sales@broadimage.com http://www.broadimage.com


Pictured: Heidi Klum Mandatory Credit ? Bim/Broadimage Heidi Klum's 12th Annual Halloween Party 10/30/11, Las Vegas, California, United States of America Broadimage Newswire Los Angeles 1+ (310) 301-1027 New York 1+ (646) 827-9134 sales@broadimage.com http://www.broadimage.com


MAVRIXONLINE.COM - DAILY MAIL ONLINE OUT - Heidi Klum goes all out as she is wheeled in on an autopsy table into her 12th Annual Halloween Party held at Tao Nightclub at The Venetian Hotel & Casino. Her annual Halloween party is one of the most highly-anticipated events, with celebrities and guest trying to outdo the host. Klum was wheeled into the party on an outpost table by two blood-spattered doctors. The 'Project Runway' host who decided to dress up as a dead body, spent most of the day being airbrushed with make-up to ensure her appearance was very realistic. Talking about the outfit, Klum said: "It's kind of like a dead body with the first layer of skin ripped off. It's basically like me naked. All my veins and blood will all be visible, you don't feel quite naked with it because it is so colorful," as been reported. Heidi is no stranger to dressing up for Halloween, going bigger and better every year. Halloween is Heidi's favorite time of the year and enjoys outdoing her own costumes. Las Vegas, NV. 29th October 2011. Fees must be agreed for image use. Byline, credit, TV usage, web usage or linkback must read MAVRIXONLINE.COM. Failure to byline correctly will incur double the agreed fee. Tel: +1 305 542 9275.


MAVRIXONLINE.COM - DAILY MAIL ONLINE OUT - Heidi Klum goes all out as she is wheeled in on an autopsy table into her 12th Annual Halloween Party held at Tao Nightclub at The Venetian Hotel & Casino. Her annual Halloween party is one of the most highly-anticipated events, with celebrities and guest trying to outdo the host. Klum was wheeled into the party on an outpost table by two blood-spattered doctors. The 'Project Runway' host who decided to dress up as a dead body, spent most of the day being airbrushed with make-up to ensure her appearance was very realistic. Talking about the outfit, Klum said: "It's kind of like a dead body with the first layer of skin ripped off. It's basically like me naked. All my veins and blood will all be visible, you don't feel quite naked with it because it is so colorful," as been reported. Heidi is no stranger to dressing up for Halloween, going bigger and better every year. Halloween is Heidi's favorite time of the year and enjoys outdoing her own costumes. Las Vegas, NV. 29th October 2011. Fees must be agreed for image use. Byline, credit, TV usage, web usage or linkback must read MAVRIXONLINE.COM. Failure to byline correctly will incur double the agreed fee. Tel: +1 305 542 9275.


Model and television personality Heidi Klum, left, and husband Seal attend Heidi Klum's annual Halloween party at the Dream Hotel on Monday, Oct. 31, 2011 in New York. (AP Photo/Evan Agostini)


Model and television personality Heidi Klum, left, and husband Seal attend Heidi Klum's annual Halloween party at the Dream Hotel on Monday, Oct. 31, 2011 in New York. (AP Photo/Evan Agostini)


Model and television personality Heidi Klum, left, and husband Seal attend Heidi Klum's annual Halloween party at the Dream Hotel on Monday, Oct. 31, 2011 in New York. (AP Photo/Evan Agostini)


?BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM Heidi Klum and husband Seal go all out with their Halloween costumes for their annual party. NON-EXCLUSIVE October 31, 2010 Job: 101031P3 New York, New York www.bauergriffin.com www.bauergriffinonline.com


?AXELLE/BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM 7th Annual Heidi Klum Halloween Party. Privilege, Los Angeles, CA. October 31, 2006. www.bauer-griffin.com Pic Shows: Heidi Klum and Seal.


5492 NEW YORK, NEW YORK - Monday October 31 2005. Heidi Klum dressed as a vampire outside the Happy Valley club in New York for her annual Halloween party. Photograph: poses for the photographers during her Halloween party at Happy Valley in New York City on October 31, 2005. Photograph: Pacificcoastnews.com.UK: +44 131 225 3333/3322USA: +1 310 261 9676


5492 NEW YORK, NEW YORK - Monday October 31 2005. Heidi Klum dressed as a vampire outside the Happy Valley club in New York for her annual Halloween party. Photograph: poses for the photographers during her Halloween party at Happy Valley in New York City on October 31, 2005. Photograph: Pacificcoastnews.com.UK: +44 131 225 3333/3322USA: +1 310 261 9676


Bildnummer: 50671151 Datum: 06.02.2005 Copyright: imago/T-F-Foto Model Heidi Klum (re., GER) winkt mit ihrem Freund Seal (GBR/Sanger) in Drachenkostum von einem Umzugswagen - Karnevalsumzug in Bergisch Gladbach, Personen , optimistisch; 2005, Bergisch Gladbach, Stra?enfeste , traditionelle Feste , Karneval, Fasching, Fastnacht, Karnevalsumzug, Karnevalsumzuge, Fastnachtsumzug, Fastnachtsumzuge, Karnevalist, Karnevalisten, Verkleidung, Verkleidungen, Kostum, Kostume, verkleidet, verkleidet, verkleidete, kostumiert, kostumierte , Drachenkostum, Drachenkostume, Drache, Drachen, Schminke, geschminkt, geschminkter, geschminktes, geschminkte, Models, Musiker, Pop, Freund, Freunde, Mann, Manner, Lebensgefahrte, Paar, winkend, winkt, winken; , quer, Kbdig, Gruppenbild, close, Musik, Kunst, Deutschland, Randbild, People


Bildnummer: 50671223 Datum: 06.02.2005 Copyright: imago/T-F-Foto Model Heidi Klum (GER) im Drachenkostum wahrend eines Karnevalsumzugs in Bergisch Gladbach, Personen , optimistisch; 2005, Bergisch Gladbach, Stra?enfeste , traditionelle Feste , Karneval, Fasching, Fastnacht, Karnevalsumzug, Karnevalsumzuge, Fastnachtsumzug, Fastnachtsumzuge, Karnevalist, Karnevalisten, Verkleidung, Verkleidungen, Kostum, Kostume, verkleidet, verkleidete, kostumiert, kostumierte , Drachenkostum, Drachenkostume, Drache, Drachen, Schminke, geschminkt, geschminkter, geschminktes, geschminkte, Models, lachelnd, lacheln, lachelt; , hoch, Kbdig, Portrat, Deutschland, Randbild, People


Bildnummer: 50671943 Datum: 07.02.2005 Copyright: imago/T-F-Foto Sanger Seal (GBR) kusst Freundin Model Heidi Klum (GER) wahrend des K?lner Karnevalsumzugs, Personen , Gluck , Harmonie , Liebe , optimistisch; 2005, K?ln, Rosenmontagszug, Rosenmontag, Stra?enfeste , traditionelle Feste, Karneval, Fasching, Fastnacht, Karnevalsumzug, Karnevalsumzuge, Faschingsumzug, Faschingsumzuge, Fastnachtsumzug, Fastnachtsumzuge, Karnevalist, Karnevalisten, Rote Funken, Uniform, Uniformen, Garde, Garden, Gardeuniform, Funkengarde, Kostum, Kostume, kostumierte, kostumiert, , , , , Models, Musiker, Pop, Soul, Paar, Paare, Verlobter, Verlobte, Lebensgefahrte, Lebensgefahrtin, Partner, Partnerin, Freundin, Kuss, Kusse, kussend, kussen, Nahe, Zartlichkeit; , quer, Kbdig, Gruppenbild, close, Musik, Kunst, Deutschland, Randbild, People / Mann, Frau


Bildnummer: 50672221 Datum: 07.02.2005 Copyright: imago/Chai von der Laage Model Heidi Klum (GER) und Freund Seal (re., GBR/Sanger) nehmen begeistert am traditionellen Rosenmontagsumzug auf dem Wagen der Roten Funken in K?ln teil, Personen , optimistisch , Freude; 2005, K?ln, Rosenmontag, Rosenmontagsumzug, Stra?enfeste, traditionelle Feste, Karneval, Fasching, Fastnacht, Karnevalsumzug, Karnevalsumzuge, Faschingumzug, Faschingsumzuge, Fastnachtumzug, Fastnachtumzuge, Karnevalist, Karnevalisten, Funkengarde, Rote, Funken, Uniform, Uniformen, Garde, Garden, Gardeuniform, Gardeuniformen, Kostum, Kostume, kostumiert, verkleidet, Verkleidung, Verkleidungen, Models, Paar, Paare, Partner, Partnerin, Freundin, Lebensgefahrtin, Verlobte, Verlobter, Musiker, Soul, Pop; , Quadrat, Kbdig, Gruppenbild, Musik, Kunst, Deutschland, Randbild, People, Lebensgefahrte / Mann