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(FILES) This file picture taken on June 10, 1987 prior to a mass in Krakow during the pontiff's visit to Poland shows Pope John Paul II waving to the cheering crowd. John Paul II to be beatified on May 1, 2011 annouced the Vatican on January 14, 2011 AFP PHOTO / FILES / ERIC FEFERBERG


Pope John Paul II holds his pastoral staff during the weekly general audience in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican on Ash Wednesday, March 8, 2000. The pope will leave on March 19 for an eight-day trip to Israel and Jordan. (AP Photo/Domenico Stinellis)


Pope John Paul II waves to the faithful from the window of his apartment overlooking St. Peter's Square at the Vatican Sunday Oct. 15, 1995. The pope looked ahead Sunday to the 17th anniversary of his papacy and asked Roman Catholics to recapture a ??tone of hope'' in the years before the millennium. The conclave of cardinals selected John Paul, then the archbishop of Krakow, Poland, on Oct. 16, 1978. The first Polish pope rapidly reshaped the papacy with his use of mass communications and foreign travel, most recently to the United States. (AP Photo/Giulio Broglio)


Pope John Paul II blesses faithful from the window of his apartment overlooking St. Peter's Square Tuesday, Dec. 26, 1995. A day after illness forced him to cut short his Christmas greetings, the pontiff felt well enough today to greet crowds from his window and offer belated holiday wishes. (AP Photo/Massimo Sambucetti)


Pope John Paul II waves to the crowd in San Salvador, El Salvador, as he arrives to offer Mass, Thursday, Feb. 8, 1996. Returning for the first time since civil war ended four years ago, but where deep bitterness still divides left and right, the Pope said the end of the superpower rivalry has given El Salvador a golden opportunity for peace. The Pope will be in El Salvador Thursday as part of his four country visit to Latin America. (AP Photo/Douglas Engle)


Pope John Paul II waves to a crowd before celebrating Mass at the Virgin of Coromoto cathedral near Gunare, Venezuela, Saturday Feb. 10, 1996. An enthusiastic crowd of about 150,000 people welcomed the pope to the hot, rural plains of Venezuela, where he is to bless the Virgin of Coromoto cathedral, reportedly the largest built this century in the Westen Hemisphere. (AP Photo/Gulio Broglio)


Pope John Paul II. welcomes worshippers at the beginning of a mass in Paderborn, Saturday, June 22, 1996. The Pope is on a three-day visit to Germany. (AP Photo/Jockel Finck)


Pope John Paul II sits during Verpers in Pannohalma Abbey Friday Sept 6 1996. Snubbed by a Russian church leader, Pope John Paul II turned to his own flock Friday with a message of hope in the face of hardships following the fall of communism. Just as the people of other times were able to begin over again, drawing renewed strength from the trials they had undergone, so will it be again today, the pope said. (AP PHOTO/Bruno Mosconi)


Pope John Paul II blesses worshippers inside St Laurent Sur Sevres Basilica before Vespers Thursday Sept 19 1996. John Paul, on a four-day visit to France, visited this Western France village to pray on the tomb of St Louis Marie Grignon de Montfort. (AP PHOTO/Michel Euler)


Pope John Paul II blesses a crowd of Catholic worshippers before celebrating Mass in the Nigerian capital of Abuja Monday, March 23, 1998. Pope John Paul II is scheduled to return to the Vatican later in the day, ending a three-day visit to Nigeria. (AP Photo/Jerome Delay)


Pope John Paul II waves to believers gathered at Vienna's Heldenplatz Sunday June 21 1998 to attend the final mass of his three day visit to Austria. Up to 40.000 people turned up for the event.(AP Photo/Ronald Zak)


Pope John Paul II leans on his pastoral staff during his visit to the San Mattia parish church in the outskirts of Rome, Sunday March 14, 1999. (AP Photo/Pier Paolo Cito)


Pope John Paul II prays during Mass at Elk, Poland, Tuesday, June 8 1999. Pope John Paul II urged more than 200,000 faithful in an impoverished rural region of his native Poland to remember the poor while striving for economic development. (AP Photo/Rudi Blaha)


King Abdullah II and Queen Rania of Jordan welcome Pope John Paul II in Amman on 19 March 2000. The Pope was on a tour to the Holy Land, visiting Jordan and Palestine. Photo by Balkis Press/ABACA.


Pope John Paul II arrives on Saint Peter Square, 21 May 2000 for the mass of canonization of 27 Mexican priests and laymen, 25 of them are martyrs. It's the most important ceremony of canonization of South Americans of the Catholic Church's story. (ELECTRONIC IMAGE)


(FILES) Pope John Paul II celebrates a mass of beatification of Anton Martin Slomsek in Maribor, 19 September 1999. Pope John Paul II is "ready" to die, one of the leaders of the Polish community in Rome, Father Konrad Hejmo, told reporters 01 April 2005. Pope John Paul II died 02 April 2005 at 21:37 (1937 GMT), the Vatican said. "The Holy Father died this evening at 21:37 in his private apartment," said a brief statement released by the Holy See. AFP PHOTO FILES GABRIEL BOUYS.


le pape Jean Paul II salue la foule, le 07 juin 1999 r Torun (200 kilomctres de Varsovie), avant de celebrer la messe de beatification de l'abbe polonais Stefan Wincenty Frelichowski, mort en 1945 dans le camp nazi de Dachau. Le pape Jean Paull II effectue, une visite pastorale en Pologne de 13 jours. (IMAGE ELECTRONIQUE) Pope John Paul II blesses faithful during a mass celebrated in Torun, Poland, 07 June 1999. The pontiff is on a 13-day trip to his homeland. During that mass, hIs Highness beatified Polish priest Stefan Wincenty Frelichowski who died in a Nazi concentration camp in Dachau in 1945. (ELECTRONIC IMAGE)


FOTO: EAST NEWS/LASKI DIFFUSION KAROL WOJTYLA, 1946 30th anniversary of pontificate of Pope John Paul II. Karol Wojtyla was elected and intronisated on 16 October 1978.


FOTO: EAST NEWS/COLLECTION LASKI KAROL WOJTYLA, 1946 30th anniversary of pontificate of Pope John Paul II. Karol Wojtyla was elected and intronisated on 16 October 1978.


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