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PHOTO: EAST NEWS/WOJTEK LASKI Siodma pielgrzymka papieza Jana Pawla II do Polski, spotkanie papieza z Prezydium Sejmu i Senatu oraz przedstawicielami Parlamentarzystow, czlonkami rzadu RP, Warszawa, 11.06.1999 N/z: wicemarszalek Senatu Donald Tusk podczas przywitania z papiezem Visiting the Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski and members of Parliament and Governmernt at Sejm, the Polish House of Parliament Pope with Donald Tusk (UW) - v-ce President of Polish Senate


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/WOJTEK LASKI Siodma pielgrzymka papieza Jana Pawla II do Polski, Palac Prezydencki, Warszawa, 11.06.1999 N/z: spotkanie papieza z para prezydencka, Jan Pawel II, prezydent RP Aleksander Kwasniewski Pope's 7th Visit to Poland 11.06.1999 WARSAW Meeting of the Holy Father with Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski in his residence - Namiestnikowski Palace 30th anniversary of pontificate of Pope John Paul II. Karol Wojtyla was elected and intronisated on 16 October 1978.


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/WOJTEK LASKI Siodma pielgrzymka papieza Jana Pawla II do Polski, spotkanie papieza z Prezydium Sejmu i Senatu oraz przedstawicielami Parlamentarzystow, czlonkami rzadu RP, Warszawa, 11.06.1999 N/z: Donald Tusk, Jan Pawel II, Arturo Mari, Alicja Grzeskowiak Pope's 7th Visit to Poland 11.06.1999 WARSAW Meeting of the Holy Father with Donald Tusk. 30th anniversary of pontificate of Pope John Paul II. Karol Wojtyla was elected and intronisated on 16 October 1978.


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/WOJTEK LASKI Siodma pielgrzymka papieza Jana Pawla II do Polski, spotkanie papieza z Prezydium Sejmu i Senatu oraz przedstawicielami Parlamentarzystow, czlonkami rzadu RP, Warszawa, 11.06.1999 N/z: Donald Tusk, Jan Pawel II, Arturo Mari, Alicja Grzeskowiak Pope's 7th Visit to Poland 11.06.1999 WARSAW Meeting of the Holy Father with Donald Tusk. 30th anniversary of pontificate of Pope John Paul II. Karol Wojtyla was elected and intronisated on 16 October 1978.


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/WOJTEK LASKI Siodma pielgrzymka papieza Jana Pawla II do Polski, Drohiczyn, 10.06.1999 N/z: papiez i prawoslawny arcybiskup Sawa podczas ekumenicznej mszy Pope's 7th Visit to Poland DROHICZYN, 10.06.1999 Ecumenical Mass


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/WOJTEK LASKI Siodma pielgrzymka papieza Jana Pawla II do Polski, pozegnanie Ojca Swietego na zakonczenie wizyty w Polsce (lotnisko Balice) Krakow 17.06.1999 N/z: Jan Pawel II, prezydent RP Aleksander Kwasniewski Gdansk, Arrival of Pope at Rebiechowo Airport, with president Kwasniewski


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/WOJTEK LASKI Pope 7th Visit of John Paul II at Poland, 06.05.1999 Gdansk, Arrival of Pope at Rebiechowo Airport


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/WOJTEK LASKI Pope 7th Visit of John Paul II at Poland, 06.05.1999 Gdansk, Arrival of Pope at Rebiechowo Airport


Pope John Paul II looks on as Sister Nirmala - leader of the Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta order who succeded Mother Teresa in 1997 -, kisses his ring after the Regina Coeli address at the Vatican Sunday May 16, 1999. During the address, the Pontiff saluted Kosovo refugees among the pilgrims gathered in St. Peter's square, saying he was praying for peace. (AP Photo/{Plinio Lepri)


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/AFP Pope John Paul II (R) greets US Vice President Al Gore during a prayer service at the St. Louis Cathedral Basilica in St. Louis, MO, 27 January. The Pope met with US President Bill Clinton 26 January upon his arrival in St. Louis, and is scheduled to return to Rome 27 January. (ELECTRONIC IMAGE) AFP PHOTO Paul J. RICHARDS


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/AFP Pope John Paul II is escorted before a crowd in the National Guard Hanger at Lambert International Airport in St. Louis, MO, by US Vice President Al Gore (R) during a brief departure ceremony. Pope John Paul II ended his two-day visit to St. Louis and headed back to Rome. AFP PHOTO Peter NEWCOMB


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/AFP Pope Johm Paul II waves to well wishers as US President Bill Clinton (R) applauds during an arrival ceremony 26 January at Lambert International Airport in St. Louis, MO. After meeting with President Clinton, the Pope is scheduled to attend a youth gathering, say Mass and attend an evening prayer service during his 30-hour pastoral visit. (ELECTRONIC IMAGE) AFP PHOTO Paul J. RICHARDS


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/AFP (FILES) US President Bill Clinton (L) and Pope John Paul II (C) take the stage with Archbishop Justin Rigali of the Archdiocese of St. Louis at an arrival ceremony 26 January, 1999 upon the Pope's arrival at Lambert International Airport in St. Louis. It was announced 28 September, 2003 by Pope John Paul II, that Rigali of Philadelphia was the only appointment to Cardinal from the Catholic church of the United States. AFP PHOTO/FILES/Joyce NALTCHAYAN


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/AFP Spanish King Juan Carlos (C) and Queen Sofia are welcomed by Pope John Paul II (R) during a private audience at the Vatican 29 September. The King and Queen of Spain arrived in Italy for a five-day state visit. EPA PHOTO/ANSA-REUTERS POOL


South African President Nelson Mandela (L) talks with Pope John Paul II during their meeting at the Vatican 18 June 1998. Mandela thanked the Pope for the Catholic Church's help in education and health care of black South Africans when the white minority government wrote them off as second-class citizens. AFP PHOTO PAOLO COCCO POOL


Cuban President Fidel Castro talks to Pope John Paul II after the Mass celebrated at the Plaza of the Revolution in Havana Sunday, Jan. 25, 1998. In the background is a large painting of Jesus Christ that was put on the front of the National Library for the Mass.(AP Photo/Arturo Mari-POOL)


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/AFP Pope John Paul II and Cuban President Fidel Castro (R) are seen at the Palace of the Revolution in Havana 22 January. The Pope is on the second day of a five-day visit to Cuba.


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/WOJTEK LASKI VI pielgrzymka papieza Jana Pawla II do Polski, Krakow, 10.06.1997 N/z: papiez podczas ceremoni pozegnalnej, z lewej prymas Jozef Glemp, z prawej para prezydencka, prezydent RP Aleksandrer Kwasniewski i Jolanta Kwasniewska


PHOTO: WOJTEK LASKI / EAST NEWS VI pielgrzymka papieza Jana Pawla II do Polski,Czestochowa, 06.06.1997. N/Z: Lech Walesa wraz z zona Danuta i jedna z corek na spotkaniu z papiezem Sixth apostolic journey of Pope John Paul II to Poland - 1997. Pictured: Lech Walesa with his wife and one of their daughters are welcome by the Pope John Paul the second, Jasna Gora, Czestochowa, POLAND, 1997.


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/AFP Mother Teresa smiles as she chats with Pope John Paul II at the Vatican, 20 May 1997. The Pope received Mother Teresa, the founder of the Missionaries of Charity, for a private audience. Mother Teresa earned the sobriquet "Saint of the Gutters" for her untiring work to help the ill and dying of eastern India.


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