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PHOTO: EAST NEWS/WOJTEK LASKI Siodma pielgrzymka papieza Jana Pawla II do Polski, spotkanie z wladzami Uniwersytetu Jagielonskiego, Krakow, 17.06.1999 Pope's 7th visit to Poland 17/06/1999 Cracow, Wawel Meeting with Rectors of Jagiellonian University


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/WOJTEK LASKI Siodma pielgrzymka papieza Jana Pawla II do Polski, spotkanie z wladzami Uniwersytetu Jagielonskiego, Krakow, 17.06.1999 Pope's 7th visit to Poland 17/06/1999 Cracow, Wawel Meeting with Rectors of Jagiellonian University


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/WOJTEK LASKI Siodma pielgrzymka papieza Jana Pawla II do Polski, Wadowice, 16.06.1999 N/z: papiez podczas spotkania z mieszkancami miasta Pope's 7th Visit to Poland 16.06.1999 Wadowice Wadowice - a village near Cracow, where Pope was born and grown up. Here: Pope during greeting the citizens of Wadowice


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/WOJTEK LASKI Siodma pielgrzymka papieza Jana Pawla II do Polski, Wadowice, 16.06.1999 N/z: papiez podczas spotkania z mieszkancami miasta Pope's 7th Visit to Poland 16.06.1999 Wadowice Wadowice - a village near Cracow, where Pope was born and grown up. Here: Pope during greeting the citizens of Wadowice


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/AFP Pope John Paul II and a yopung girl in traditional costume hug each other 14 June 1999 in the town of Lowicz where the pontiff will celebrate a mass, on his 13 day visit to his native land.


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/AFP PHOTO Pope John Paul II blesses a group of children from a local hospital during a mass 26 January at the Kiel Center in St. Louis. The Pope is visiting this US heartland city after four days in Mexico.


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/AFP Pope John Paul II kisses a young child Mexican Cardinal Norberto Rivera(L), primate of the Catholic Church in Mexico, looks on, at the Azteca stadium during a rally described as an encounter with all the generations in Mexico City 25 January. An estimated 120,000 are attending the event. (ELECTRONIC IMAGE) AFP PHOTO/JORGE UZON


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/AFP Pope John Paul II (L) embraces a young Mexican girl after giving her communion during a mass at the Hermanos Rodriguez motor racing track in Mexico City 25 January. An estimated 850,000 people attended the event. AFP PHOTO/VATICAN POOL


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/AFP PHOTO Pope John Paul II (R) blesses a child held by his mother 24 January during his visit to the Adolfo Lopez Mateos Hospital in Mexico City. The pope met with various terminally ill patients, including those infected with the AIDS virus. Pope John Paul II is on an official five-day visit to Mexico.


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/AFP Pope John Paul II gives communion to a young faithful 24 January during a Mass at Mexico City's Hermanos Rodriguez race track. The latest report says about one million people attended the mass. AFP PHOTO/POOL


Pope John Paul II kisses a girl after praying in front of the tomb of Giuseppe Tovini, 20 September, the founder of Banco Ambrosiano, the Vatican-linked bank that collapsed in 1982 amid allegations of fraud, in the little church of San Luca. The Pope beatified Tovini 20 September on the last day of his visit to northern Italy. AFP PHOTO


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/AFP 12STE SPOTKANIE SWIATOWEGO DNIA MLODZIEZY, W KTORYM BRALO UDZIAL LACZNIE 500 TYS PIELGRZYMOW ZE 160 KRAJOW. N/Z PAPIEZ JAN PAWEL II CALUJE DZIECKO PODCZAS MSZY W CZASIE MIEDZYNARODOWEGO FORUM MLODZIEZY PARYZ/FRANCJA 23/08/1997 le Pape Jean-Paul II embrasse un b??b?? port?? par sa mA?re, le 23 ao??t, ?. la sortie de l'??glise Saint-Etienne du Mont ?. Paris o?? il vient de c??l??brer un messe avec les d??l??gu??s du forum international de la jeunesse. Le souverain pontife est attendu dans la soir??e ?. Longchamp pour une veill??e baptismale avec les jeunes pA?lerins des 12A?mes Journ??es mondiales de la jeunesse.


Pope John Paul II hugs 10-year-old Quentin Bourgninau of France who just released a white dove over the crowd of 400,000 worshipers gathered for World Youth Day at the Champ de Mars park in Paris Thursday Aug.21, 1997. (AP Photo/Jacques Brinon)


Pope John Paul II greets children who received the Holy Communion in the Holy Family Church in Zakopane, southern Poland, Saturday June 7, 1997. The Pope is on an eleven-day tour through his home country. (AP Photo/Alik Keplicz)


PHOTO; EAST NEWS/AFP Pope John Paul II kisses a Bosnian girl who came to the altar with a gift for the pontiff during the mass celebrated at the Kosevo stadium in front of some 40,000 believers 13 April. The pontiff arrived here yesterday for a historic two-day visit to the Bosnian capital.


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/AFP A Bosnian boy and girl give Pope John Paul II a piece of Bosnian soil for the traditional kiss upon the pontiff's arrival at Sarajevo airport 12 April for his historical two-day visit to the Bosnian capital.


Pope John Paul II bows to give a kiss to a child at the end of a gathering of families at Sainte Anne d'Auray, Western France, Friday Sept. 20, 1996. (AP PHOTO/Remy de la Mauviniere)


Pope John Paul II is greeted by a group of children during a general audience inside Pope Paul VI's hall at the Vatican Wednesday, Aug. 28, 1996. (AP Photo/Massimo Sambucetti)


Pope John Paul II poses with Croatian waitress Iris Vucemilovic of Split, and young Italian Alice Colo' outside the hut Lavaredo at 2,400 meters (almost a mile and a half high) Wednesday July 17, 1996. The Pontiff is spending a two-week vacation on the Italian Alps. (AP photo/Stefano Cavicchi)


Children put a scarf of flowers around the neck of Pope John Paul II during a meeting with youth on ocassion of his 76th birthday, Saturday May 18, 1996, in Postojna, 35 miles east of the capital Ljubljana. The Pope is on a three-day-visit to Slovenia. (AP Photo /Jockel Finck)


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