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Intronizacja , konklawe i msza 15-22.10 .1978 (92)

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Pope John Paul II's is saluted by an Orthodox pope during his coronation ceremony 22 October 1978 at Saint Peter Basilica in Vatican city.


FILE -- The first appearence of Pope John Paul II after his election on Oct. 16, 1978 at the balcony of Peters Dome at the Vatican. The pontiff died on Saturday, April 2, 2005. (AP Photo/Massimo Sambucetti)


** FILE ** Popes, who held office during the 20th Century, are shown in this combo from top left to bottom right; Leo XIII (Feb. 20, 1878-July 20, 1903); Pius X (Aug. 4, 1903-Aug. 20, 1914); Pius XI (Feb. 6, 1922-Feb. 10, 1939); Pius XII (March 2, 1939-Oct. 9, 1958); John XXIII (Oct. 28, 1958-June 3, 1963); Paul VI (June 21, 1963-Aug. 6, 1978); John Paul I (Aug. 26-Sept. 28, 1978); John Paul II (Oct. 16, 1978-April 2, 2005). EDS NOTE: Pope Benedict XV (Sept. 3, 1914-Jan. 22, 1922) is not shown in photo combo. (AP Photo/Files)


Newly-elected Pope John Paul II raises his arms in greeting the crowd from the balcony of St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City in this Oct. 16, 1978 photo. Pope John Paul II, the Polish pontiff who led the Roman Catholic Church for more than a quarter century and became history's most-traveled pope, has died at 84, the Vatican announced in an e-mail Saturday, April 2, 2005. (AP Photo, File)


The newly-elected Pope John Paul II, acknowledges cheers from pilgrims crowding Saint Peter's Square from an overlooking balcony during his first appearance as pope in this Oct. 16, 1978 photo. Pope John Paul II, the Polish pontiff who led the Roman Catholic Church for more then a quarter century and became history's most-travelled Pope, died Saturday, April 2, 2005 in his Vatican apartment. He was 84.. (AP Photo/Massimo Sambucetti)


Pope John Paul II greets the cheering crowd from the balcony of St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City, Monday evening, Oct. 16, 1978, shortly after his election to succeed the late Pope John Paul I, Oct. 16, 1978. The new head of the Catholic Church, the former archbishop of Krakow, Poland, Karol Cardinal Wojtyla, is the first non-Italian since 450 years. The pontiff is flanked by, from left to right, Polish Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski; Msgr. Orazio Cocchetti of the pontifical ceremonies office; cardinal Bertoli of Italy; cardinal Siri of Italy; and Msgr. Virgilio Noe of the pontifical cermonies office. (AP Photo)


TO GO WITH AFP STORY (FILES) This file picture taken on October 16, 1978 at the Vatican shows cardinal Karol Wojtyla of Poland, who became Pope John Paul II, the first non-Italian Pope since Adrian VI of Holland in 1542. Pope John Paul II, who will be beatified on May 1, 2011 was a revered religious leader who revolutionized the papacy and contributed to the collapse of communism in eastern Europe but alienated many Roman Catholics with his conservative social views. AFP PHOTO / FILES


Karol Cardinal Wojtyla from Poland in Vatican City, Italy on Oct. 15, 1978, has been elected, as the 264th cardinal, who will reign the Catholic world as Pope John Paul II. (AP Photo)


Pope John Paul II kisses the hand of Polish Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski in Vatican City, Oct. 22, 1978 when the successor of late Pope John Paul I was officially installed as the new Pontiff, and cardinals paid obedience to the Pope. Cardinal Wyszynski is a countryman of the new Pope, who was the former archbishop of Krakow, Poland. (AP Photo)


PHOTO: LASKI DIFFUSION / EAST NEWS Msza swieta na placu sw. Piotra bedaca formalna inauguracja pontyfikatu Jana Pawla II, Watykan, Rzym, 22.10.1978. First Holy Mass celebrated by Pope John Paul II at the Saint Peter's Square in Vatican. Inauguration of his pontificate, Vatican, VATICAN CITY STATE, 22/10/1978.


PHOTO: LASKI DIFFUSION / EAST NEWS Msza swieta na placu sw. Piotra bedaca formalna inauguracja pontyfikatu Jana Pawla II, Watykan, Rzym, 22.10.1978. First Holy Mass celebrated by Pope John Paul II at the Saint Peter's Square in Vatican. Inauguration of his pontificate, Vatican, VATICAN CITY STATE, 22/10/1978.


Catholic newspapers in Krakow, Poland, announces election of Karol Wojtyla as Pope John Paul II, Oct. 1978. (AP Photo)


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