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Death toll from floods in Germany rises to 103 (635)

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Hochwasser an der Ruhr, nach langen heftigen Regenfallen trat der Fluss aus dem Bett und uberschwemmte die Landschaft und Ortschaften, der h?chste Pegelstand, der je gemessen wurde, uber 20 Menschen wurden von der Feuerwehr und DLRG in Bochum Dahlhausen aus uberfluteten Hausern gerettet, Bochum, NRW, Deutschland Ruhr Hochwasser *** Flood at the Ruhr, after long heavy rainfalls the river came out of its bed and flooded the landscape and villages, the highest water level ever measured, more than 20 people were rescued from flooded houses by the fire brigade and DLRG in Bochum Dahlhausen, Bochum, NRW, Germany Ruhr floods


Hochwasser an der Ruhr, nach langen heftigen Regenfallen trat der Fluss aus dem Bett und uberschwemmte die Landschaft und Ortschaften, der h?chste Pegelstand, der je gemessen wurde, uber 20 Menschen wurden von der Feuerwehr und DLRG in Bochum Dahlhausen aus uberfluteten Hausern gerettet, Bochum, NRW, Deutschland Ruhr Hochwasser *** Flood at the Ruhr, after long heavy rainfalls the river came out of its bed and flooded the landscape and villages, the highest water level ever measured, more than 20 people were rescued from flooded houses by the fire brigade and DLRG in Bochum Dahlhausen, Bochum, NRW, Germany Ruhr floods


Starkregen Ueberschwemmungen durch Wetterkatastrophe in NRW Solingen / 15.07.2021, Ortsteil Glueder, Solingen , Starkregen Ueberschwemmungen durch Wetterkatastrophe in NRW Solingen, im Bild: der historische Balkhauser Kotten steht vollstaendig unter Wasser und wurde stark beschaedigt. *** Heavy rain floods by weather disaster in NRW Solingen 15 07 2021, district Glueder, Solingen , heavy rain floods by weather disaster in NRW Solingen, in the picture the historical Balkhauser Kotten is completely under water and was strongly damaged nordphoto GmBHxMeuter nph00351


Hochwasser an der Ruhr, nach langen heftigen Regenfallen trat der Fluss aus dem Bett und uberschwemmte die Landschaft und Ortschaften, der h?chste Pegelstand, der je gemessen wurde, uber 20 Menschen wurden von der Feuerwehr und DLRG in Bochum Dahlhausen aus uberfluteten Hausern gerettet, Bochum, NRW, Deutschland Ruhr Hochwasser *** Flood at the Ruhr, after long heavy rainfalls the river came out of its bed and flooded the landscape and villages, the highest water level ever measured, more than 20 people were rescued from flooded houses by the fire brigade and DLRG in Bochum Dahlhausen, Bochum, NRW, Germany Ruhr floods


In der Eifel haben heftige Regenfalle und Dauerregen fur ?berschwemmungen und ?berflutungen gesorgt. Im Ahrtal trat der Fluss vielerorts uber die Ufer und uberschwemmte nicht nur Keller sondern ganze Ortschaften. Im Bild der Ort Dernau Landkreis Ahrweiler, der beinahe komplett von den Wassermassen geflutet wurde. Viele Menschen verloren alles. Dernau, 15.07.2021 *** In the Eifel heavy rains and continuous rain have caused floods and inundations In the Ahr valley the river overflowed its banks in many places and flooded not only cellars but also whole villages In the picture the village Dernau district Ahrweiler , which was almost completely flooded by the water masses Many people lost everything Dernau, 15 07 2021 Foto:xC.xHardtx/xFuturexImage


Wehr des Baldeneysee in Essen, die Wassermassen tosen durch die ge?ffneten Stauwehre, Hochwasser an der Ruhr, nach langen heftigen Regenfallen trat der Fluss aus dem Bett und uberschwemmte die Landschaft und Ortschaften, der h?chste Pegelstand, der je gemessen wurde, NRW, Deutschland Ruhr Hochwasser *** Weir of the Baldeneysee in Essen, the water masses roar through the opened weirs, high water at the Ruhr, after long heavy rainfalls the river came out of the bed and flooded the landscape and villages, the highest water level ever measured, NRW, Germany Ruhr floods


Hochwasser an der Ruhr, nach langen heftigen Regenfallen trat der Fluss aus dem Bett und uberschwemmte die Landschaft und Ortschaften, der h?chste Pegelstand, der je gemessen wurde, ?berflutete Ruhrpromenade in Mulheim, Gastronomen bringen ihr Mobiliar in Sicherheit, Mulheim an der Ruhr, NRW, Deutschland, Ruhr Hochwasser *** Flooding on the Ruhr, after long heavy rains the river came out of its bed and flooded the countryside and towns, the highest water level ever measured, flooded Ruhr promenade in Mulheim, restaurateurs bring their furniture to safety, Mulheim an der Ruhr, NRW, Germany, Ruhr floods


Hochwasser an der Ruhr, nach langen heftigen Regenfallen trat der Fluss aus dem Bett und uberschwemmte die Landschaft und Ortschaften, der h?chste Pegelstand, der je gemessen wurde, ?berflutete Ruhrpromenade in Mulheim, Gastronomen bringen ihr Mobiliar in Sicherheit, Mulheim an der Ruhr, NRW, Deutschland, Ruhr Hochwasser *** Flooding on the Ruhr, after long heavy rains the river came out of its bed and flooded the countryside and towns, the highest water level ever measured, flooded Ruhr promenade in Mulheim, restaurateurs bring their furniture to safety, Mulheim an der Ruhr, NRW, Germany, Ruhr floods


Hochwasser an der Ruhr, nach langen heftigen Regenfallen trat der Fluss aus dem Bett und uberschwemmte die Landschaft und Ortschaften, der h?chste Pegelstand, der je gemessen wurde, ?berflutete Ruhrpromenade in Mulheim, Gastronomen bringen ihr Mobiliar in Sicherheit, Mulheim an der Ruhr, NRW, Deutschland, Ruhr Hochwasser *** Flooding on the Ruhr, after long heavy rains the river came out of its bed and flooded the countryside and towns, the highest water level ever measured, flooded Ruhr promenade in Mulheim, restaurateurs bring their furniture to safety, Mulheim an der Ruhr, NRW, Germany, Ruhr floods


Hochwasser an der Ruhr, nach langen heftigen Regenfallen trat der Fluss aus dem Bett und uberschwemmte die Landschaft und Ortschaften, der h?chste Pegelstand, der je gemessen wurde, uber 20 Menschen wurden von der Feuerwehr und DLRG in Bochum Dahlhausen aus uberfluteten Hausern gerettet, Bochum, NRW, Deutschland Ruhr Hochwasser *** Flood at the Ruhr, after long heavy rainfalls the river came out of its bed and flooded the landscape and villages, the highest water level ever measured, more than 20 people were rescued from flooded houses by the fire brigade and DLRG in Bochum Dahlhausen, Bochum, NRW, Germany Ruhr floods


News Bilder des Tages Wehr des Baldeneysee in Essen, die Wassermassen tosen durch die ge?ffneten Stauwehre, Hochwasser an der Ruhr, nach langen heftigen Regenfallen trat der Fluss aus dem Bett und uberschwemmte die Landschaft und Ortschaften, der h?chste Pegelstand, der je gemessen wurde, NRW, Deutschland Ruhr Hochwasser *** Weir of the Baldeneysee in Essen, the water masses roar through the opened weirs, high water at the Ruhr, after long heavy rainfalls the river came out of the bed and flooded the landscape and villages, the highest water level ever measured, NRW, Germany Ruhr floods


Starkregen Ueberschwemmungen durch Wetterkatastrophe in NRW Solingen / 15.07.2021, Ortsteil Glueder, Solingen , Starkregen Ueberschwemmungen durch Wetterkatastrophe in NRW Solingen, im Bild: der Fluss Wupper sonst klein und beschaulich wird zum reissenden Fluss durch wasserablassen der Wupperstaudaemme und reisst einen halben Campingplatz mit in die Fluten, ein Tierheim musste evakuiert werden *** Heavy rain floods by weather disaster in North Rhine-Westphalia Solingen 15 07 2021, district Glueder, Solingen, heavy rain floods by weather disaster in North Rhine-Westphalia Solingen, in the picture the river Wupper otherwise small and contemplative becomes the tearing river by water drainage of the Wupperstaudaemme and tears a half camping nordphoto GmBHxMeuter nph00351


20210716 , BELGIQUE : Interventions des autorites militaires afin de venir en aide ?? la population. Les rues de Li??ge, en Belgique, apr??s de fortes pluies, mercredi 14 et jeudi 15 juillet 2021. Le plan provincial en cas de catastrophe a ete declare dans les provinces de Li??ge, Luxembourg et Namur apr??s de fortes precipitations. LaZoeau de plusieurs rivi??res a atteint des niveaux alarmants. Au moins 59 personnes ont perdu la vie en Allemagne et en Belgique dans des inondations ?? la suite de jours de fortes pluies. Les precipitations en Europe occidentale ont entra?Ine le debordement de nombreux cours daZoeau en Belgique, en France, en Allemagne, aux Pays-Bas et en Suisse. - Interventions by the military authorities to help the population. The streets of Li??ge, Belgium, after heavy rains, Wednesday 14 and Thursday 15 July 2021. The provincial disaster plan was declared in the provinces of Li??ge, Luxembourg and Namur after heavy rainfall. Water in several rivers has reached alarming levels. At least 59 people have lost their lives in Germany and Belgium in floods following days of heavy rain. Rainfall in Western Europe has led to the overflow of many rivers in Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Switzerland. Photo Philippe BOURGUET/bePress Photo Agency/bppa


20210716 , BELGIQUE : Interventions des autorites militaires afin de venir en aide ?? la population. Les rues de Li??ge, en Belgique, apr??s de fortes pluies, mercredi 14 et jeudi 15 juillet 2021. Le plan provincial en cas de catastrophe a ete declare dans les provinces de Li??ge, Luxembourg et Namur apr??s de fortes precipitations. LaZoeau de plusieurs rivi??res a atteint des niveaux alarmants. Au moins 59 personnes ont perdu la vie en Allemagne et en Belgique dans des inondations ?? la suite de jours de fortes pluies. Les precipitations en Europe occidentale ont entra?Ine le debordement de nombreux cours daZoeau en Belgique, en France, en Allemagne, aux Pays-Bas et en Suisse. - Interventions by the military authorities to help the population. The streets of Li??ge, Belgium, after heavy rains, Wednesday 14 and Thursday 15 July 2021. The provincial disaster plan was declared in the provinces of Li??ge, Luxembourg and Namur after heavy rainfall. Water in several rivers has reached alarming levels. At least 59 people have lost their lives in Germany and Belgium in floods following days of heavy rain. Rainfall in Western Europe has led to the overflow of many rivers in Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Switzerland. Photo Philippe BOURGUET/bePress Photo Agency/bppa


210716 -- MUHLHEIM, July 16, 2021 -- A car is seen in the water of the overflowing river in Muhlheim, a city in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, July 15, 2021. Floods caused by persistent heavy rainfall in western Germany have killed at least 80 people, local media reported Friday morning. Photo by /Xinhua GERMANY-MUHLHEIM-RAINFALL-FLOODS JoachimxBywaletz PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


210716 -- MUHLHEIM, July 16, 2021 -- A car is seen in the water of the overflowing river in Muhlheim, a city in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, July 15, 2021. Floods caused by persistent heavy rainfall in western Germany have killed at least 80 people, local media reported Friday morning. Photo by /Xinhua GERMANY-MUHLHEIM-RAINFALL-FLOODS JoachimxBywaletz PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


210716 -- MUHLHEIM, July 16, 2021 -- A car is seen in the water of the overflowing river in Muhlheim, a city in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, July 15, 2021. Floods caused by persistent heavy rainfall in western Germany have killed at least 80 people, local media reported Friday morning. Photo by /Xinhua GERMANY-MUHLHEIM-RAINFALL-FLOODS JoachimxBywaletz PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


210716 -- MUHLHEIM, July 16, 2021 -- People stand behind a warning line due to the rising floods in Muhlheim, a city in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, July 15, 2021. Floods caused by persistent heavy rainfall in western Germany have killed at least 80 people, local media reported Friday morning. Photo by /Xinhua GERMANY-MUHLHEIM-RAINFALL-FLOODS JoachimxBywaletz PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


Starkregen Ueberschwemmungen durch Wetterkatastrophe in NRW / 15.07.2021, Ortsteil Unterburg , Solingen , Starkregen Ueberschwemmungen durch Wetterkatastrophe in NRW, im Bild: Ortsteil Solingen Unterburg, einer historischen Touristenstadt, der beschauliche kleine Fluss Eschbach verbreitert sich und tritt ueber die Ufer Haeuser stehen unter Wasser, der ganze Ort wird in der Nacht evakuiert, *** Heavy rain floods by weather disaster in North Rhine-Westphalia 15 07 2021, district Unterburg, Solingen, heavy rain floods by weather disaster in North Rhine-Westphalia, in the picture district Solingen Unterburg, a historical tourist town, the contemplative small river Eschbach widens and steps over the banks houses are under water, the whole pla nordphoto GmBHxMeuter nph00351


Starkregen Ueberschwemmungen durch Wetterkatastrophe in NRW / 15.07.2021, Ortsteil Unterburg , Solingen , Starkregen Ueberschwemmungen durch Wetterkatastrophe in NRW, im Bild: Ortsteil Solingen Unterburg, einer historischen Touristenstadt, der beschauliche kleine Fluss Eschbach verbreitert sich und tritt ueber die Ufer Haeuser stehen unter Wasser, der ganze Ort wird in der Nacht evakuiert, *** Heavy rain floods by weather disaster in North Rhine-Westphalia 15 07 2021, district Unterburg, Solingen, heavy rain floods by weather disaster in North Rhine-Westphalia, in the picture district Solingen Unterburg, a historical tourist town, the contemplative small river Eschbach widens and steps over the banks houses are under water, the whole pla nordphoto GmBHxMeuter nph00351


Starkregen Ueberschwemmungen durch Wetterkatastrophe in NRW / 15.07.2021, Ortsteil Unterburg , Solingen , Starkregen Ueberschwemmungen durch Wetterkatastrophe in NRW, im Bild: Ortsteil Solingen Unterburg, einer historischen Touristenstadt, der beschauliche kleine Fluss Eschbach verbreitert sich und tritt ueber die Ufer Haeuser stehen unter Wasser, der ganze Ort wird in der Nacht evakuiert, *** Heavy rain floods by weather disaster in North Rhine-Westphalia 15 07 2021, district Unterburg, Solingen, heavy rain floods by weather disaster in North Rhine-Westphalia, in the picture district Solingen Unterburg, a historical tourist town, the contemplative small river Eschbach widens and steps over the banks houses are under water, the whole pla nordphoto GmBHxMeuter nph00351


Starkregen Ueberschwemmungen durch Wetterkatastrophe in NRW / 15.07.2021, Ortsteil Unterburg , Solingen , Starkregen Ueberschwemmungen durch Wetterkatastrophe in NRW, im Bild: Ortsteil Solingen Unterburg, einer historischen Touristenstadt, der beschauliche kleine Fluss Eschbach verbreitert sich und tritt ueber die Ufer Haeuser stehen unter Wasser, der ganze Ort wird in der Nacht evakuiert, *** Heavy rain floods by weather disaster in North Rhine-Westphalia 15 07 2021, district Unterburg, Solingen, heavy rain floods by weather disaster in North Rhine-Westphalia, in the picture district Solingen Unterburg, a historical tourist town, the contemplative small river Eschbach widens and steps over the banks houses are under water, the whole pla nordphoto GmBHxMeuter nph00351


Starkregen Ueberschwemmungen durch Wetterkatastrophe in NRW / 15.07.2021, Ortsteil Unterburg , Solingen , Starkregen Ueberschwemmungen durch Wetterkatastrophe in NRW, im Bild: Ortsteil Solingen Unterburg, einer historischen Touristenstadt, der beschauliche kleine Fluss Eschbach verbreitert sich und tritt ueber die Ufer Haeuser stehen unter Wasser, der ganze Ort wird in der Nacht evakuiert, *** Heavy rain floods by weather disaster in North Rhine-Westphalia 15 07 2021, district Unterburg, Solingen, heavy rain floods by weather disaster in North Rhine-Westphalia, in the picture district Solingen Unterburg, a historical tourist town, the contemplative small river Eschbach widens and steps over the banks houses are under water, the whole plac nordphoto GmBHxMeuter nph00351


Starkregen Ueberschwemmungen durch Wetterkatastrophe in NRW Solingen / 15.07.2021, Ortsteil Glueder, Solingen , Starkregen Ueberschwemmungen durch Wetterkatastrophe in NRW Solingen, im Bild: der Fluss Wupper sonst klein und beschaulich wird zum reissenden Fluss durch wasserablassen der Wupperstaudaemme und reisst einen halben Campingplatz mit in die Fluten, ein Tierheim musste evakuiert werden *** Heavy rain floods by weather disaster in North Rhine-Westphalia Solingen 15 07 2021, district Glueder, Solingen, heavy rain floods by weather disaster in North Rhine-Westphalia Solingen, in the picture the river Wupper otherwise small and contemplative becomes the tearing river by water drainage of the Wupperstaudaemme and tears a half camping nordphoto GmBHxMeuter nph00351


Starkregen Ueberschwemmungen durch Wetterkatastrophe in NRW Solingen / 15.07.2021, Ortsteil Glueder, Solingen , Starkregen Ueberschwemmungen durch Wetterkatastrophe in NRW Solingen, im Bild: Campingplatz Glueder wurde teilweise weggespuelt durch die sonst kleine Wupper *** Heavy rain floods by weather disaster in NRW Solingen 15 07 2021, district Glueder, Solingen , Heavy rain floods by weather disaster in NRW Solingen, in the picture camping site Glueder was partly washed away by the otherwise small Wupper river nordphoto GmBHxMeuter nph00351


Starkregen Ueberschwemmungen durch Wetterkatastrophe in NRW Solingen / 15.07.2021, Ortsteil Glueder, Solingen , Starkregen Ueberschwemmungen durch Wetterkatastrophe in NRW Solingen, im Bild: Campingplatz Glueder wurde teilweise weggespuelt durch die sonst kleine Wupper *** Heavy rain floods by weather disaster in NRW Solingen 15 07 2021, district Glueder, Solingen , Heavy rain floods by weather disaster in NRW Solingen, in the picture camping site Glueder was partly washed away by the otherwise small Wupper river nordphoto GmBHxMeuter nph00351


Starkregen Ueberschwemmungen durch Wetterkatastrophe in NRW Solingen / 15.07.2021, Ortsteil Glueder, Solingen , Starkregen Ueberschwemmungen durch Wetterkatastrophe in NRW Solingen, im Bild: Campingplatz Glueder wurde teilweise weggespuelt durch die sonst kleine Wupper *** Heavy rain floods by weather disaster in NRW Solingen 15 07 2021, district Glueder, Solingen , Heavy rain floods by weather disaster in NRW Solingen, in the picture camping site Glueder was partly washed away by the otherwise small Wupper river nordphoto GmBHxMeuter nph00351


Starkregen Ueberschwemmungen durch Wetterkatastrophe in NRW Solingen / 15.07.2021, Ortsteil Glueder, Solingen , Starkregen Ueberschwemmungen durch Wetterkatastrophe in NRW Solingen, im Bild: der historische Balkhauser Kotten steht vollstaendig unter Wasser und wurde stark beschaedigt. *** Heavy rain floods by weather disaster in NRW Solingen 15 07 2021, district Glueder, Solingen , heavy rain floods by weather disaster in NRW Solingen, in the picture the historical Balkhauser Kotten is completely under water and was strongly damaged nordphoto GmBHxMeuter nph00351


Starkregen Ueberschwemmungen durch Wetterkatastrophe in NRW Solingen / 15.07.2021, Ortsteil Glueder, Solingen , Starkregen Ueberschwemmungen durch Wetterkatastrophe in NRW Solingen, im Bild: der historische Balkhauser Kotten steht vollstaendig unter Wasser und wurde stark beschaedigt. *** Heavy rain floods by weather disaster in NRW Solingen 15 07 2021, district Glueder, Solingen , heavy rain floods by weather disaster in NRW Solingen, in the picture the historical Balkhauser Kotten is completely under water and was strongly damaged nordphoto GmBHxMeuter nph00351


In der Eifel haben heftige Regenfalle und Dauerregen fur ?berschwemmungen und ?berflutungen gesorgt. Im Ahrtal trat der Fluss vielerorts uber die Ufer und uberschwemmte nicht nur Keller sondern ganze Ortschaften. Im Bild die Stra?e zwischen Dernau und Walporzheim, die von den Fluten auf einem Abschnitt einfach mitgerissen wurde. Dernau, 15.07.2021 *** In the Eifel heavy rains and continuous rain have caused floods and inundations In the Ahr valley the river overflowed its banks in many places and flooded not only cellars but also whole villages In the picture the road between Dernau and Walporzheim, which was simply carried away by the floods on a section Dernau, 15 07 2021 Foto:xC.xHardtx/xFuturexImage


In der Eifel haben heftige Regenfalle und Dauerregen fur ?berschwemmungen und ?berflutungen gesorgt. Im Ahrtal trat der Fluss vielerorts uber die Ufer und uberschwemmte nicht nur Keller sondern ganze Ortschaften. Im Bild die Stra?e zwischen Dernau und Walporzheim, die von den Fluten auf einem Abschnitt einfach mitgerissen wurde. Dernau, 15.07.2021 *** In the Eifel heavy rains and continuous rain have caused floods and inundations In the Ahr valley the river overflowed its banks in many places and flooded not only cellars but also whole villages In the picture the road between Dernau and Walporzheim, which was simply carried away by the floods on a section Dernau, 15 07 2021 Foto:xC.xHardtx/xFuturexImage


In der Eifel haben heftige Regenfalle und Dauerregen fur ?berschwemmungen und ?berflutungen gesorgt. Im Ahrtal trat der Fluss vielerorts uber die Ufer und uberschwemmte nicht nur Keller sondern ganze Ortschaften. Im Bild die Stra?e zwischen Dernau und Walporzheim, die von den Fluten auf einem Abschnitt einfach mitgerissen wurde. Dernau, 15.07.2021 *** In the Eifel heavy rains and continuous rain have caused floods and inundations In the Ahr valley the river overflowed its banks in many places and flooded not only cellars but also whole villages In the picture the road between Dernau and Walporzheim, which was simply carried away by the floods on a section Dernau, 15 07 2021 Foto:xC.xHardtx/xFuturexImage


In der Eifel haben heftige Regenfalle und Dauerregen fur ?berschwemmungen und ?berflutungen gesorgt. Im Ahrtal trat der Fluss vielerorts uber die Ufer und uberschwemmte nicht nur Keller sondern ganze Ortschaften. Im Bild die Stra?e zwischen Dernau und Walporzheim, die von den Fluten auf einem Abschnitt einfach mitgerissen wurde. Dernau, 15.07.2021 *** In the Eifel heavy rains and continuous rain have caused floods and inundations In the Ahr valley the river overflowed its banks in many places and flooded not only cellars but also whole villages In the picture the road between Dernau and Walporzheim, which was simply carried away by the floods on a section Dernau, 15 07 2021 Foto:xC.xHardtx/xFuturexImage


In der Eifel haben heftige Regenfalle und Dauerregen fur ?berschwemmungen und ?berflutungen gesorgt. Im Ahrtal trat der Fluss vielerorts uber die Ufer und uberschwemmte nicht nur Keller sondern ganze Ortschaften. Im Bild der Ort Dernau Landkreis Ahrweiler, der beinahe komplett von den Wassermassen geflutet wurde. Viele Menschen verloren alles. Dernau, 15.07.2021 *** In the Eifel heavy rains and continuous rain have caused floods and inundations In the Ahr valley the river overflowed its banks in many places and flooded not only cellars but also whole villages In the picture the village Dernau district Ahrweiler , which was almost completely flooded by the water masses Many people lost everything Dernau, 15 07 2021 Foto:xC.xHardtx/xFuturexImage


In der Eifel haben heftige Regenfalle und Dauerregen fur ?berschwemmungen und ?berflutungen gesorgt. Im Ahrtal trat der Fluss vielerorts uber die Ufer und uberschwemmte nicht nur Keller sondern ganze Ortschaften. Im Bild der Ort Dernau Landkreis Ahrweiler, der beinahe komplett von den Wassermassen geflutet wurde. Viele Menschen verloren alles. Dernau, 15.07.2021 *** In the Eifel heavy rains and continuous rain have caused floods and inundations In the Ahr valley the river overflowed its banks in many places and flooded not only cellars but also whole villages In the picture the village Dernau district Ahrweiler , which was almost completely flooded by the water masses Many people lost everything Dernau, 15 07 2021 Foto:xC.xHardtx/xFuturexImage


In der Eifel haben heftige Regenfalle und Dauerregen fur ?berschwemmungen und ?berflutungen gesorgt. Im Ahrtal trat der Fluss vielerorts uber die Ufer und uberschwemmte nicht nur Keller sondern ganze Ortschaften. Im Bild der Ort Dernau Landkreis Ahrweiler, der beinahe komplett von den Wassermassen geflutet wurde. Viele Menschen verloren alles. Dernau, 15.07.2021 *** In the Eifel heavy rains and continuous rain have caused floods and inundations In the Ahr valley the river overflowed its banks in many places and flooded not only cellars but also whole villages In the picture the village Dernau district Ahrweiler , which was almost completely flooded by the water masses Many people lost everything Dernau, 15 07 2021 Foto:xC.xHardtx/xFuturexImage


In der Eifel haben heftige Regenfalle und Dauerregen fur ?berschwemmungen und ?berflutungen gesorgt. Im Ahrtal trat der Fluss vielerorts uber die Ufer und uberschwemmte nicht nur Keller sondern ganze Ortschaften. Im Bild das Camp der Rettungskrafte in den Bergen uber dem Ort Dernau Landkreis Ahrweiler, der beinahe komplett von den Wassermassen geflutet wurde. Viele Menschen verloren alles. Dernau, 15.07.2021 *** In the Eifel heavy rains and continuous rain caused floods and floodings In the Ahr valley the river overflowed its banks in many places and flooded not only cellars but also whole villages In the picture the camp of the rescue forces in the mountains above the village Dernau district Ahrweiler , which was almost completel Foto:xC.xHardtx/xFuturexImage


In der Eifel haben heftige Regenfalle und Dauerregen fur ?berschwemmungen und ?berflutungen gesorgt. Im Ahrtal trat der Fluss vielerorts uber die Ufer und uberschwemmte nicht nur Keller sondern ganze Ortschaften. Im Bild das Camp der Rettungskrafte in den Bergen uber dem Ort Dernau Landkreis Ahrweiler, der beinahe komplett von den Wassermassen geflutet wurde. Viele Menschen verloren alles. Dernau, 15.07.2021 *** In the Eifel heavy rains and continuous rain caused floods and floodings In the Ahr valley the river overflowed its banks in many places and flooded not only cellars but also whole villages In the picture the camp of the rescue forces in the mountains above the village Dernau district Ahrweiler , which was almost completel Foto:xC.xHardtx/xFuturexImage


In der Eifel haben heftige Regenfalle und Dauerregen fur ?berschwemmungen und ?berflutungen gesorgt. Im Ahrtal trat der Fluss vielerorts uber die Ufer und uberschwemmte nicht nur Keller sondern ganze Ortschaften. Im Bild das Camp der Rettungskrafte in den Bergen uber dem Ort Dernau Landkreis Ahrweiler, der beinahe komplett von den Wassermassen geflutet wurde. Viele Menschen verloren alles. Dernau, 15.07.2021 *** In the Eifel heavy rains and continuous rain caused floods and floodings In the Ahr valley the river overflowed its banks in many places and flooded not only cellars but also whole villages In the picture the camp of the rescue forces in the mountains above the village Dernau district Ahrweiler , which was almost completel Foto:xC.xHardtx/xFuturexImage


In der Eifel haben heftige Regenfalle und Dauerregen fur ?berschwemmungen und ?berflutungen gesorgt. Im Ahrtal trat der Fluss vielerorts uber die Ufer und uberschwemmte nicht nur Keller sondern ganze Ortschaften. Im Bild der Ort Dernau Landkreis Ahrweiler, der beinahe komplett von den Wassermassen geflutet wurde. Viele Menschen verloren alles. Dernau, 15.07.2021 *** In the Eifel heavy rains and continuous rain have caused floods and inundations In the Ahr valley the river overflowed its banks in many places and flooded not only cellars but also whole villages In the picture the village Dernau district Ahrweiler , which was almost completely flooded by the water masses Many people lost everything Dernau, 15 07 2021 Foto:xC.xHardtx/xFuturexImage


In der Eifel haben heftige Regenfalle und Dauerregen fur ?berschwemmungen und ?berflutungen gesorgt. Im Ahrtal trat der Fluss vielerorts uber die Ufer und uberschwemmte nicht nur Keller sondern ganze Ortschaften. Im Bild der Ort Dernau Landkreis Ahrweiler, der beinahe komplett von den Wassermassen geflutet wurde. Viele Menschen verloren alles. Dernau, 15.07.2021 *** In the Eifel heavy rains and continuous rain have caused floods and inundations In the Ahr valley the river overflowed its banks in many places and flooded not only cellars but also whole villages In the picture the village Dernau district Ahrweiler , which was almost completely flooded by the water masses Many people lost everything Dernau, 15 07 2021 Foto:xC.xHardtx/xFuturexImage


In der Eifel haben heftige Regenfalle und Dauerregen fur ?berschwemmungen und ?berflutungen gesorgt. Im Ahrtal trat der Fluss vielerorts uber die Ufer und uberschwemmte nicht nur Keller sondern ganze Ortschaften. Im Bild der Ort Dernau Landkreis Ahrweiler, der beinahe komplett von den Wassermassen geflutet wurde. Viele Menschen verloren alles. Dernau, 15.07.2021 *** In the Eifel heavy rains and continuous rain have caused floods and inundations In the Ahr valley the river overflowed its banks in many places and flooded not only cellars but also whole villages In the picture the village Dernau district Ahrweiler , which was almost completely flooded by the water masses Many people lost everything Dernau, 15 07 2021 Foto:xC.xHardtx/xFuturexImage


In der Eifel haben heftige Regenfalle und Dauerregen fur ?berschwemmungen und ?berflutungen gesorgt. Im Ahrtal trat der Fluss vielerorts uber die Ufer und uberschwemmte nicht nur Keller sondern ganze Ortschaften. Im Bild der Ort Dernau Landkreis Ahrweiler, der beinahe komplett von den Wassermassen geflutet wurde. Viele Menschen verloren alles. Dernau, 15.07.2021 *** In the Eifel heavy rains and continuous rain have caused floods and inundations In the Ahr valley the river overflowed its banks in many places and flooded not only cellars but also whole villages In the picture the village Dernau district Ahrweiler , which was almost completely flooded by the water masses Many people lost everything Dernau, 15 07 2021 Foto:xC.xHardtx/xFuturexImage


In der Eifel haben heftige Regenfalle und Dauerregen fur ?berschwemmungen und ?berflutungen gesorgt. Im Ahrtal trat der Fluss vielerorts uber die Ufer und uberschwemmte nicht nur Keller sondern ganze Ortschaften. Im Bild die Stra?e zwischen Dernau und Walporzheim, die von den Fluten auf einem Abschnitt einfach mitgerissen wurde. Dernau, 15.07.2021 *** In the Eifel heavy rains and continuous rain have caused floods and inundations In the Ahr valley the river overflowed its banks in many places and flooded not only cellars but also whole villages In the picture the road between Dernau and Walporzheim, which was simply carried away by the floods on a section Dernau, 15 07 2021 Foto:xC.xHardtx/xFuturexImage


In der Eifel haben heftige Regenfalle und Dauerregen fur ?berschwemmungen und ?berflutungen gesorgt. Im Ahrtal trat der Fluss vielerorts uber die Ufer und uberschwemmte nicht nur Keller sondern ganze Ortschaften. Im Bild die Stra?e zwischen Dernau und Walporzheim, die von den Fluten auf einem Abschnitt einfach mitgerissen wurde. Dernau, 15.07.2021 *** In the Eifel heavy rains and continuous rain have caused floods and inundations In the Ahr valley the river overflowed its banks in many places and flooded not only cellars but also whole villages In the picture the road between Dernau and Walporzheim, which was simply carried away by the floods on a section Dernau, 15 07 2021 Foto:xC.xHardtx/xFuturexImage


In der Eifel haben heftige Regenfalle und Dauerregen fur ?berschwemmungen und ?berflutungen gesorgt. Im Ahrtal trat der Fluss vielerorts uber die Ufer und uberschwemmte nicht nur Keller sondern ganze Ortschaften. Im Bild der Ort Dernau Landkreis Ahrweiler, der beinahe komplett von den Wassermassen geflutet wurde. Viele Menschen verloren alles. Dernau, 15.07.2021 *** In the Eifel heavy rains and continuous rain have caused floods and inundations In the Ahr valley the river overflowed its banks in many places and flooded not only cellars but also whole villages In the picture the village Dernau district Ahrweiler , which was almost completely flooded by the water masses Many people lost everything Dernau, 15 07 2021 Foto:xC.xHardtx/xFuturexImage


In der Eifel haben heftige Regenfalle und Dauerregen fur ?berschwemmungen und ?berflutungen gesorgt. Im Ahrtal trat der Fluss vielerorts uber die Ufer und uberschwemmte nicht nur Keller sondern ganze Ortschaften. Im Bild die Stra?e zwischen Dernau und Walporzheim, die von den Fluten auf einem Abschnitt einfach mitgerissen wurde. Dernau, 15.07.2021 *** In the Eifel heavy rains and continuous rain have caused floods and inundations In the Ahr valley the river overflowed its banks in many places and flooded not only cellars but also whole villages In the picture the road between Dernau and Walporzheim, which was simply carried away by the floods on a section Dernau, 15 07 2021 Foto:xC.xHardtx/xFuturexImage


In der Eifel haben heftige Regenfalle und Dauerregen fur ?berschwemmungen und ?berflutungen gesorgt. Im Ahrtal trat der Fluss vielerorts uber die Ufer und uberschwemmte nicht nur Keller sondern ganze Ortschaften. Im Bild die Stra?e zwischen Dernau und Walporzheim, die von den Fluten auf einem Abschnitt einfach mitgerissen wurde. Dernau, 15.07.2021 *** In the Eifel heavy rains and continuous rain have caused floods and inundations In the Ahr valley the river overflowed its banks in many places and flooded not only cellars but also whole villages In the picture the road between Dernau and Walporzheim, which was simply carried away by the floods on a section Dernau, 15 07 2021 Foto:xC.xHardtx/xFuturexImage


In der Eifel haben heftige Regenfalle und Dauerregen fur ?berschwemmungen und ?berflutungen gesorgt. Im Ahrtal trat der Fluss vielerorts uber die Ufer und uberschwemmte nicht nur Keller sondern ganze Ortschaften. Im Bild ein Rettungshelikopter uber der Stra?e zwischen Dernau und Walporzheim, die von den Fluten auf einem Abschnitt einfach mitgerissen wurde. Dernau, 15.07.2021 *** In the Eifel heavy rains and continuous rain have caused floods and inundations In the Ahr valley the river overflowed its banks in many places and flooded not only cellars but whole villages In the picture a rescue helicopter over the road between Dernau and Walporzheim, which was simply carried away by the floods on a section Dernau, 15 07 2021 Foto:xC.xHardtx/xFuturexImage


Wuerzburg, Reichenberg, 15.07.2021, Hochwasser in Deutschland Bild: Durch Starkregen kam es in vielen Orten zu groesseren Ueberschwemmungen. *** Wuerzburg, Reichenberg, 15 07 2021, Floods in Germany Picture Due to heavy rain there were major floods in many places Copyright: HMBxMedia/JulienxBecker


Wuerzburg, Reichenberg, 15.07.2021, Hochwasser in Deutschland Bild: Durch Starkregen kam es in vielen Orten zu groesseren Ueberschwemmungen. *** Wuerzburg, Reichenberg, 15 07 2021, Floods in Germany Picture Due to heavy rain there were major floods in many places Copyright: HMBxMedia/JulienxBecker


Wuerzburg, Reichenberg, 15.07.2021, Hochwasser in Deutschland Bild: Durch Starkregen kam es in vielen Orten zu groesseren Ueberschwemmungen. *** Wuerzburg, Reichenberg, 15 07 2021, Floods in Germany Picture Due to heavy rain there were major floods in many places Copyright: HMBxMedia/JulienxBecker


Wuerzburg, Reichenberg, 15.07.2021, Hochwasser in Deutschland Bild: Durch Starkregen kam es in vielen Orten zu groesseren Ueberschwemmungen. *** Wuerzburg, Reichenberg, 15 07 2021, Floods in Germany Picture Due to heavy rain there were major floods in many places Copyright: HMBxMedia/JulienxBecker


Wuerzburg, Reichenberg, 15.07.2021, Hochwasser in Deutschland Bild: Durch Starkregen kam es in vielen Orten zu groesseren Ueberschwemmungen. *** Wuerzburg, Reichenberg, 15 07 2021, Floods in Germany Picture Due to heavy rain there were major floods in many places Copyright: HMBxMedia/JulienxBecker


Wuerzburg, Reichenberg, 15.07.2021, Hochwasser in Deutschland Bild: Durch Starkregen kam es in vielen Orten zu groesseren Ueberschwemmungen. *** Wuerzburg, Reichenberg, 15 07 2021, Floods in Germany Picture Due to heavy rain there were major floods in many places Copyright: HMBxMedia/JulienxBecker


Wuerzburg, Reichenberg, 15.07.2021, Hochwasser in Deutschland Bild: Durch Starkregen kam es in vielen Orten zu groesseren Ueberschwemmungen. *** Wuerzburg, Reichenberg, 15 07 2021, Floods in Germany Picture Due to heavy rain there were major floods in many places Copyright: HMBxMedia/JulienxBecker


Wuerzburg, Reichenberg, 15.07.2021, Hochwasser in Deutschland Bild: Durch Starkregen kam es in vielen Orten zu groesseren Ueberschwemmungen. *** Wuerzburg, Reichenberg, 15 07 2021, Floods in Germany Picture Due to heavy rain there were major floods in many places Copyright: HMBxMedia/JulienxBecker


Wuerzburg, Reichenberg, 15.07.2021, Hochwasser in Deutschland Bild: Durch Starkregen kam es in vielen Orten zu groesseren Ueberschwemmungen. *** Wuerzburg, Reichenberg, 15 07 2021, Floods in Germany Picture Due to heavy rain there were major floods in many places Copyright: HMBxMedia/JulienxBecker


Wuerzburg, Reichenberg, 15.07.2021, Hochwasser in Deutschland Bild: Durch Starkregen kam es in vielen Orten zu groesseren Ueberschwemmungen. *** Wuerzburg, Reichenberg, 15 07 2021, Floods in Germany Picture Due to heavy rain there were major floods in many places Copyright: HMBxMedia/JulienxBecker


Wuerzburg, Reichenberg, 15.07.2021, Hochwasser in Deutschland Bild: Durch Starkregen kam es in vielen Orten zu groesseren Ueberschwemmungen. *** Wuerzburg, Reichenberg, 15 07 2021, Floods in Germany Picture Due to heavy rain there were major floods in many places Copyright: HMBxMedia/JulienxBecker


Wuerzburg, Reichenberg, 15.07.2021, Hochwasser in Deutschland Bild: Durch Starkregen kam es in vielen Orten zu groesseren Ueberschwemmungen. *** Wuerzburg, Reichenberg, 15 07 2021, Floods in Germany Picture Due to heavy rain there were major floods in many places Copyright: HMBxMedia/JulienxBecker


Wehr des Baldeneysee in Essen, die Wassermassen tosen durch die ge?ffneten Stauwehre, Hochwasser an der Ruhr, nach langen heftigen Regenfallen trat der Fluss aus dem Bett und uberschwemmte die Landschaft und Ortschaften, der h?chste Pegelstand, der je gemessen wurde, NRW, Deutschland Ruhr Hochwasser *** Weir of the Baldeneysee in Essen, the water masses roar through the opened weirs, high water at the Ruhr, after long heavy rainfalls the river came out of the bed and flooded the landscape and villages, the highest water level ever measured, NRW, Germany Ruhr floods


Wehr des Baldeneysee in Essen, die Wassermassen tosen durch die ge?ffneten Stauwehre, Hochwasser an der Ruhr, nach langen heftigen Regenfallen trat der Fluss aus dem Bett und uberschwemmte die Landschaft und Ortschaften, der h?chste Pegelstand, der je gemessen wurde, NRW, Deutschland Ruhr Hochwasser *** Weir of the Baldeneysee in Essen, the water masses roar through the opened weirs, high water at the Ruhr, after long heavy rainfalls the river came out of the bed and flooded the landscape and villages, the highest water level ever measured, NRW, Germany Ruhr floods


Zufahrt Campingplatz Bootshaus/Naturfreunde Stockstadt am Erfelder Altrhein - Suedhessen 15.07.2021: Hochwasser am Rhein des sueshessischen Ried *** Access road camping site boathouse Naturfreunde Stockstadt at Erfelder Altrhein Suedhessen 15 07 2021 Floods at the Rhine of the Sueshessisches Ried


Zufahrt Campingplatz Bootshaus/Naturfreunde Stockstadt am Erfelder Altrhein - Suedhessen 15.07.2021: Hochwasser am Rhein des sueshessischen Ried *** Access road camping site boathouse Naturfreunde Stockstadt at Erfelder Altrhein Suedhessen 15 07 2021 Floods at the Rhine of the Sueshessisches Ried


Ueber die Ufer getretener Erfelder Altrhein beim Darmstaedter Schwimm- und Wassersportclub - Suedhessen 15.07.2021: Hochwasser am Rhein des suedhessischen Ried *** Erfelder Altrhein overflowed its banks at the Darmstaedter Schwimm und Wassersportclub Suedhessen 15 07 2021 Floods on the Rhine of the Suedhessisches Ried


Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler Hochwasser in Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler Rheinland-Pfalz, 15.07.2021 Die Folgen von Unwetter und Hochwasser in Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler: Ein durch die Kraft des Wassers zerstoerter Pkw Hochwasser in Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler Rheinland-Pfalz, 15.07.2021 *** Bad Neuenahr Ahrweiler Flood in Bad Neuenahr Ahrweiler Rhineland-Palatinate, 15 07 2021 The consequences of storms and floods in Bad Neuenahr Ahrweiler A car destroyed by the force of the water Flood in Bad Neuenahr Ahrweiler Rhineland-Palatinate, 15 07 2021 Copyright: xEibner-Pressefotox EP_RWS


Hochwasser an der Ruhr, nach langen heftigen Regenfallen trat der Fluss aus dem Bett und uberschwemmte die Landschaft und Ortschaften, der h?chste Pegelstand, der je gemessen wurde, Mulheim an der Ruhr, NRW, Deutschland Ruhr Hochwasser *** Flood at the Ruhr, after long heavy rainfalls the river came out of the bed and flooded the landscape and villages, the highest water level ever measured, Mulheim an der Ruhr, NRW, Germany Ruhr floods


Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler Hochwasser in Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler Rheinland-Pfalz, 15.07.2021 Die Folgen von Unwetter und Hochwasser in Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler: Eine betende Engelsfigur steht in der Schlammdecke in der verwuesteten Innenstadt Hochwasser in Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler Rheinland-Pfalz, 15.07.2021 *** Bad Neuenahr Ahrweiler Floods in Bad Neuenahr Ahrweiler Rhineland-Palatinate, 15 07 2021 The aftermath of storms and floods in Bad Neuenahr Ahrweiler A praying angel figure stands in the muddy downtown area Floods in Bad Neuenahr Ahrweiler Rhineland-Palatinate, 15 07 2021 Copyright: xEibner-Pressefotox EP_RWS


Prum/Eifel Themenfoto: Naturkatastrophe, Hochwasser, Rheinland-Pfalz, Prum, 15.07.2021 Die Autobahnbrucke der BAB A61 ragt hoch uber die Fluten, Themenfoto: Naturkatastrophe, Hochwasser, Rheinland-Pfalz, Eifel, Prum - *** Prum Eifel theme photo natural disaster, flood, Rhineland-Palatinate, Prum, 15 07 2021 The motorway bridge of the BAB A61 rises high above the floods, theme photo natural disaster, flood, Rhineland-Palatinate, Eifel, Prum Copyright: xAugstx/xEibner-Pressefotox EP_jat


Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler Hochwasser in Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler Rheinland-Pfalz, 15.07.2021 Die Folgen von Unwetter und Hochwasser in Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler: Eine Schlammschicht bedeckt die Strasse in der Innenstadt Hochwasser in Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler Rheinland-Pfalz, 15.07.2021 *** Bad Neuenahr Ahrweiler Floods in Bad Neuenahr Ahrweiler Rhineland-Palatinate, 15 07 2021 The aftermath of storms and floods in Bad Neuenahr Ahrweiler A layer of mud covers the street in the city center Floods in Bad Neuenahr Ahrweiler Rhineland-Palatinate, 15 07 2021 Copyright: xEibner-Pressefotox EP_RWS


Hochwasser an der Ruhr, nach langen heftigen Regenfallen trat der Fluss aus dem Bett und uberschwemmte die Landschaft und Ortschaften, der h?chste Pegelstand, der je gemessen wurde, Hattingen, NRW, Deutschland Ruhr Hochwasser *** Flood at the Ruhr, after long heavy rainfalls the river came out of the bed and flooded the landscape and villages, the highest water level ever measured, Hattingen, NRW, Germany Ruhr floods


Hochwasser an der Ruhr, nach langen heftigen Regenfallen trat der Fluss aus dem Bett und uberschwemmte die Landschaft und Ortschaften, der h?chste Pegelstand, der je gemessen wurde, Hattingen, NRW, Deutschland Ruhr Hochwasser *** Flood at the Ruhr, after long heavy rainfalls the river came out of the bed and flooded the landscape and villages, the highest water level ever measured, Hattingen, NRW, Germany Ruhr floods


Hochwasser an der Ruhr, nach langen heftigen Regenfallen trat der Fluss aus dem Bett und uberschwemmte die Landschaft und Ortschaften, der h?chste Pegelstand, der je gemessen wurde, Mulheim an der Ruhr, NRW, Deutschland Ruhr Hochwasser *** Flood at the Ruhr, after long heavy rainfalls the river came out of the bed and flooded the landscape and villages, the highest water level ever measured, Mulheim an der Ruhr, NRW, Germany Ruhr floods


NRW Feuerwehrmann stirbt in den Fluten von Altena - Person mit Kajak gerettet - Raumpanzer der Bundeswehr fahrt durch offene Stra?e Feuerwehrmann stirbt in den Fluten in Altena: Ortsteile komplett ?berflutet - Mehrere Stra?en unpassierbarNordrhein-Westfalen, 58762 Altena, Deutschland *** NRW Firefighter dies in Altena floods Person rescued with kayak Bundeswehr evacuation tank drives through open road Firefighter dies in Altena floods Local districts completely flooded Several roads impassableNorth Rhine Westphalia, 58762 Altena, Germany Copyright: 7aktuell.dex xMarcxGruber


NRW Feuerwehrmann stirbt in den Fluten von Altena - Person mit Kajak gerettet - Raumpanzer der Bundeswehr fahrt durch offene Stra?e Feuerwehrmann stirbt in den Fluten in Altena: Ortsteile komplett ?berflutet - Mehrere Stra?en unpassierbarNordrhein-Westfalen, 58762 Altena, Deutschland *** NRW Firefighter dies in Altena floods Person rescued with kayak Bundeswehr evacuation tank drives through open road Firefighter dies in Altena floods Local districts completely flooded Several roads impassableNorth Rhine Westphalia, 58762 Altena, Germany Copyright: 7aktuell.dex xMarcxGruber


A view of a flooded street in Liege region, Belgium, after heavy rainfall, Wednesday July 14, 2021. The provincial disaster plan has been declared in Liege, Luxembourg and Namur provinces after large amounts of rainfall. Water in several rivers has reached alarming levels. At least 19 people have lost their lives in Germany and Belgium in floodings following days of heavy rains. Precipitation across western Europe has led to many rivers overflowing their beds in Belgium, France Germany, the Netherlands, and Switzerland. Photo by Philippe Bourguet/bePress Photo Agency/bppa/ABACAPRESS.COM


A view of a flooded street in Liege region, Belgium, after heavy rainfall, Wednesday July 14, 2021. The provincial disaster plan has been declared in Liege, Luxembourg and Namur provinces after large amounts of rainfall. Water in several rivers has reached alarming levels. At least 19 people have lost their lives in Germany and Belgium in floodings following days of heavy rains. Precipitation across western Europe has led to many rivers overflowing their beds in Belgium, France Germany, the Netherlands, and Switzerland. Photo by Philippe Bourguet/bePress Photo Agency/bppa/ABACAPRESS.COM


A view of a flooded street in Liege region, Belgium, after heavy rainfall, Wednesday July 14, 2021. The provincial disaster plan has been declared in Liege, Luxembourg and Namur provinces after large amounts of rainfall. Water in several rivers has reached alarming levels. At least 19 people have lost their lives in Germany and Belgium in floodings following days of heavy rains. Precipitation across western Europe has led to many rivers overflowing their beds in Belgium, France Germany, the Netherlands, and Switzerland. Photo by Philippe Bourguet/bePress Photo Agency/bppa/ABACAPRESS.COM


A view of a flooded street in Liege region, Belgium, after heavy rainfall, Wednesday July 14, 2021. The provincial disaster plan has been declared in Liege, Luxembourg and Namur provinces after large amounts of rainfall. Water in several rivers has reached alarming levels. At least 19 people have lost their lives in Germany and Belgium in floodings following days of heavy rains. Precipitation across western Europe has led to many rivers overflowing their beds in Belgium, France Germany, the Netherlands, and Switzerland. Photo by Philippe Bourguet/bePress Photo Agency/bppa/ABACAPRESS.COM


A view of a flooded street in Liege region, Belgium, after heavy rainfall, Wednesday July 14, 2021. The provincial disaster plan has been declared in Liege, Luxembourg and Namur provinces after large amounts of rainfall. Water in several rivers has reached alarming levels. At least 19 people have lost their lives in Germany and Belgium in floodings following days of heavy rains. Precipitation across western Europe has led to many rivers overflowing their beds in Belgium, France Germany, the Netherlands, and Switzerland. Photo by Philippe Bourguet/bePress Photo Agency/bppa/ABACAPRESS.COM


A view of a flooded street in Liege region, Belgium, after heavy rainfall, Wednesday July 14, 2021. The provincial disaster plan has been declared in Liege, Luxembourg and Namur provinces after large amounts of rainfall. Water in several rivers has reached alarming levels. At least 19 people have lost their lives in Germany and Belgium in floodings following days of heavy rains. Precipitation across western Europe has led to many rivers overflowing their beds in Belgium, France Germany, the Netherlands, and Switzerland. Photo by Philippe Bourguet/bePress Photo Agency/bppa/ABACAPRESS.COM


A view of a flooded street in Liege region, Belgium, after heavy rainfall, Wednesday July 14, 2021. The provincial disaster plan has been declared in Liege, Luxembourg and Namur provinces after large amounts of rainfall. Water in several rivers has reached alarming levels. At least 19 people have lost their lives in Germany and Belgium in floodings following days of heavy rains. Precipitation across western Europe has led to many rivers overflowing their beds in Belgium, France Germany, the Netherlands, and Switzerland. Photo by Philippe Bourguet/bePress Photo Agency/bppa/ABACAPRESS.COM


A view of a flooded street in Liege region, Belgium, after heavy rainfall, Wednesday July 14, 2021. The provincial disaster plan has been declared in Liege, Luxembourg and Namur provinces after large amounts of rainfall. Water in several rivers has reached alarming levels. At least 19 people have lost their lives in Germany and Belgium in floodings following days of heavy rains. Precipitation across western Europe has led to many rivers overflowing their beds in Belgium, France Germany, the Netherlands, and Switzerland. Photo by Philippe Bourguet/bePress Photo Agency/bppa/ABACAPRESS.COM


A view of a flooded street in Liege region, Belgium, after heavy rainfall, Wednesday July 14, 2021. The provincial disaster plan has been declared in Liege, Luxembourg and Namur provinces after large amounts of rainfall. Water in several rivers has reached alarming levels. At least 19 people have lost their lives in Germany and Belgium in floodings following days of heavy rains. Precipitation across western Europe has led to many rivers overflowing their beds in Belgium, France Germany, the Netherlands, and Switzerland. Photo by Philippe Bourguet/bePress Photo Agency/bppa/ABACAPRESS.COM


A view of a flooded street in Liege region, Belgium, after heavy rainfall, Wednesday July 14, 2021. The provincial disaster plan has been declared in Liege, Luxembourg and Namur provinces after large amounts of rainfall. Water in several rivers has reached alarming levels. At least 19 people have lost their lives in Germany and Belgium in floodings following days of heavy rains. Precipitation across western Europe has led to many rivers overflowing their beds in Belgium, France Germany, the Netherlands, and Switzerland. Photo by Philippe Bourguet/bePress Photo Agency/bppa/ABACAPRESS.COM


A view of a flooded street in Liege region, Belgium, after heavy rainfall, Wednesday July 14, 2021. The provincial disaster plan has been declared in Liege, Luxembourg and Namur provinces after large amounts of rainfall. Water in several rivers has reached alarming levels. At least 19 people have lost their lives in Germany and Belgium in floodings following days of heavy rains. Precipitation across western Europe has led to many rivers overflowing their beds in Belgium, France Germany, the Netherlands, and Switzerland. Photo by Philippe Bourguet/bePress Photo Agency/bppa/ABACAPRESS.COM


A view of a flooded street in Liege region, Belgium, after heavy rainfall, Wednesday July 14, 2021. The provincial disaster plan has been declared in Liege, Luxembourg and Namur provinces after large amounts of rainfall. Water in several rivers has reached alarming levels. At least 19 people have lost their lives in Germany and Belgium in floodings following days of heavy rains. Precipitation across western Europe has led to many rivers overflowing their beds in Belgium, France Germany, the Netherlands, and Switzerland. Photo by Philippe Bourguet/bePress Photo Agency/bppa/ABACAPRESS.COM


A view of a flooded street in Liege region, Belgium, after heavy rainfall, Wednesday July 14, 2021. The provincial disaster plan has been declared in Liege, Luxembourg and Namur provinces after large amounts of rainfall. Water in several rivers has reached alarming levels. At least 19 people have lost their lives in Germany and Belgium in floodings following days of heavy rains. Precipitation across western Europe has led to many rivers overflowing their beds in Belgium, France Germany, the Netherlands, and Switzerland. Photo by Philippe Bourguet/bePress Photo Agency/bppa/ABACAPRESS.COM


A view of a flooded street in Liege region, Belgium, after heavy rainfall, Wednesday July 14, 2021. The provincial disaster plan has been declared in Liege, Luxembourg and Namur provinces after large amounts of rainfall. Water in several rivers has reached alarming levels. At least 19 people have lost their lives in Germany and Belgium in floodings following days of heavy rains. Precipitation across western Europe has led to many rivers overflowing their beds in Belgium, France Germany, the Netherlands, and Switzerland. Photo by Philippe Bourguet/bePress Photo Agency/bppa/ABACAPRESS.COM


A view of a flooded street in Liege region, Belgium, after heavy rainfall, Wednesday July 14, 2021. The provincial disaster plan has been declared in Liege, Luxembourg and Namur provinces after large amounts of rainfall. Water in several rivers has reached alarming levels. At least 19 people have lost their lives in Germany and Belgium in floodings following days of heavy rains. Precipitation across western Europe has led to many rivers overflowing their beds in Belgium, France Germany, the Netherlands, and Switzerland. Photo by Philippe Bourguet/bePress Photo Agency/bppa/ABACAPRESS.COM


A view of a flooded street in Liege region, Belgium, after heavy rainfall, Wednesday July 14, 2021. The provincial disaster plan has been declared in Liege, Luxembourg and Namur provinces after large amounts of rainfall. Water in several rivers has reached alarming levels. At least 19 people have lost their lives in Germany and Belgium in floodings following days of heavy rains. Precipitation across western Europe has led to many rivers overflowing their beds in Belgium, France Germany, the Netherlands, and Switzerland. Photo by Philippe Bourguet/bePress Photo Agency/bppa/ABACAPRESS.COM


A view of a flooded street in Liege region, Belgium, after heavy rainfall, Wednesday July 14, 2021. The provincial disaster plan has been declared in Liege, Luxembourg and Namur provinces after large amounts of rainfall. Water in several rivers has reached alarming levels. At least 19 people have lost their lives in Germany and Belgium in floodings following days of heavy rains. Precipitation across western Europe has led to many rivers overflowing their beds in Belgium, France Germany, the Netherlands, and Switzerland. Photo by Philippe Bourguet/bePress Photo Agency/bppa/ABACAPRESS.COM


A view of a flooded street in Liege region, Belgium, after heavy rainfall, Wednesday July 14, 2021. The provincial disaster plan has been declared in Liege, Luxembourg and Namur provinces after large amounts of rainfall. Water in several rivers has reached alarming levels. At least 19 people have lost their lives in Germany and Belgium in floodings following days of heavy rains. Precipitation across western Europe has led to many rivers overflowing their beds in Belgium, France Germany, the Netherlands, and Switzerland. Photo by Philippe Bourguet/bePress Photo Agency/bppa/ABACAPRESS.COM


A view of a flooded street in Liege region, Belgium, after heavy rainfall, Wednesday July 14, 2021. The provincial disaster plan has been declared in Liege, Luxembourg and Namur provinces after large amounts of rainfall. Water in several rivers has reached alarming levels. At least 19 people have lost their lives in Germany and Belgium in floodings following days of heavy rains. Precipitation across western Europe has led to many rivers overflowing their beds in Belgium, France Germany, the Netherlands, and Switzerland. Photo by Philippe Bourguet/bePress Photo Agency/bppa/ABACAPRESS.COM


A view of a flooded street in Liege region, Belgium, after heavy rainfall, Wednesday July 14, 2021. The provincial disaster plan has been declared in Liege, Luxembourg and Namur provinces after large amounts of rainfall. Water in several rivers has reached alarming levels. At least 19 people have lost their lives in Germany and Belgium in floodings following days of heavy rains. Precipitation across western Europe has led to many rivers overflowing their beds in Belgium, France Germany, the Netherlands, and Switzerland. Photo by Philippe Bourguet/bePress Photo Agency/bppa/ABACAPRESS.COM


A view of a flooded street in Liege region, Belgium, after heavy rainfall, Wednesday July 14, 2021. The provincial disaster plan has been declared in Liege, Luxembourg and Namur provinces after large amounts of rainfall. Water in several rivers has reached alarming levels. At least 19 people have lost their lives in Germany and Belgium in floodings following days of heavy rains. Precipitation across western Europe has led to many rivers overflowing their beds in Belgium, France Germany, the Netherlands, and Switzerland. Photo by Philippe Bourguet/bePress Photo Agency/bppa/ABACAPRESS.COM


A view of a flooded street in Liege region, Belgium, after heavy rainfall, Wednesday July 14, 2021. The provincial disaster plan has been declared in Liege, Luxembourg and Namur provinces after large amounts of rainfall. Water in several rivers has reached alarming levels. At least 19 people have lost their lives in Germany and Belgium in floodings following days of heavy rains. Precipitation across western Europe has led to many rivers overflowing their beds in Belgium, France Germany, the Netherlands, and Switzerland. Photo by Philippe Bourguet/bePress Photo Agency/bppa/ABACAPRESS.COM


NRW Feuerwehrmann stirbt in den Fluten von Altena - Person mit Kajak gerettet - Raumpanzer der Bundeswehr fahrt durch offene Stra?e Feuerwehrmann stirbt in den Fluten in Altena: Ortsteile komplett ?berflutet - Mehrere Stra?en unpassierbarNordrhein-Westfalen, 58762 Altena, Deutschland *** NRW Firefighter dies in Altena floods Person rescued with kayak Bundeswehr evacuation tank drives through open road Firefighter dies in Altena floods Local districts completely flooded Several roads impassableNorth Rhine Westphalia, 58762 Altena, Germany Copyright: 7aktuell.dex xMarcxGruber


NRW Feuerwehrmann stirbt in den Fluten von Altena - Person mit Kajak gerettet - Raumpanzer der Bundeswehr fahrt durch offene Stra?e Feuerwehrmann stirbt in den Fluten in Altena: Ortsteile komplett ?berflutet - Mehrere Stra?en unpassierbarNordrhein-Westfalen, 58762 Altena, Deutschland *** NRW Firefighter dies in Altena floods Person rescued with kayak Bundeswehr evacuation tank drives through open road Firefighter dies in Altena floods Local districts completely flooded Several roads impassableNorth Rhine Westphalia, 58762 Altena, Germany Copyright: 7aktuell.dex xMarcxGruber


NRW Feuerwehrmann stirbt in den Fluten von Altena - Person mit Kajak gerettet - Raumpanzer der Bundeswehr fahrt durch offene Stra?e Feuerwehrmann stirbt in den Fluten in Altena: Ortsteile komplett ?berflutet - Mehrere Stra?en unpassierbarNordrhein-Westfalen, 58762 Altena, Deutschland *** NRW Firefighter dies in Altena floods Person rescued with kayak Bundeswehr evacuation tank drives through open road Firefighter dies in Altena floods Local districts completely flooded Several roads impassableNorth Rhine Westphalia, 58762 Altena, Germany Copyright: 7aktuell.dex xMarcxGruber


NRW Feuerwehrmann stirbt in den Fluten von Altena - Person mit Kajak gerettet - Raumpanzer der Bundeswehr fahrt durch offene Stra?e Feuerwehrmann stirbt in den Fluten in Altena: Ortsteile komplett ?berflutet - Mehrere Stra?en unpassierbarNordrhein-Westfalen, 58762 Altena, Deutschland *** NRW Firefighter dies in Altena floods Person rescued with kayak Bundeswehr evacuation tank drives through open road Firefighter dies in Altena floods Local districts completely flooded Several roads impassableNorth Rhine Westphalia, 58762 Altena, Germany Copyright: 7aktuell.dex xMarcxGruber


NRW Feuerwehrmann stirbt in den Fluten von Altena - Person mit Kajak gerettet - Raumpanzer der Bundeswehr fahrt durch offene Stra?e Feuerwehrmann stirbt in den Fluten in Altena: Ortsteile komplett ?berflutet - Mehrere Stra?en unpassierbarNordrhein-Westfalen, 58762 Altena, Deutschland *** NRW Firefighter dies in Altena floods Person rescued with kayak Bundeswehr evacuation tank drives through open road Firefighter dies in Altena floods Local districts completely flooded Several roads impassableNorth Rhine Westphalia, 58762 Altena, Germany Copyright: 7aktuell.dex xMarcxGruber


NRW Feuerwehrmann stirbt in den Fluten von Altena - Person mit Kajak gerettet - Raumpanzer der Bundeswehr fahrt durch offene Stra?e Feuerwehrmann stirbt in den Fluten in Altena: Ortsteile komplett ?berflutet - Mehrere Stra?en unpassierbarNordrhein-Westfalen, 58762 Altena, Deutschland *** NRW Firefighter dies in Altena floods Person rescued with kayak Bundeswehr evacuation tank drives through open road Firefighter dies in Altena floods Local districts completely flooded Several roads impassableNorth Rhine Westphalia, 58762 Altena, Germany Copyright: 7aktuell.dex xMarcxGruber


NRW Feuerwehrmann stirbt in den Fluten von Altena - Person mit Kajak gerettet - Raumpanzer der Bundeswehr fahrt durch offene Stra?e Feuerwehrmann stirbt in den Fluten in Altena: Ortsteile komplett ?berflutet - Mehrere Stra?en unpassierbarNordrhein-Westfalen, 58762 Altena, Deutschland *** NRW Firefighter dies in Altena floods Person rescued with kayak Bundeswehr evacuation tank drives through open road Firefighter dies in Altena floods Local districts completely flooded Several roads impassableNorth Rhine Westphalia, 58762 Altena, Germany Copyright: 7aktuell.dex xMarcxGruber


NRW Feuerwehrmann stirbt in den Fluten von Altena - Person mit Kajak gerettet - Raumpanzer der Bundeswehr fahrt durch offene Stra?e Feuerwehrmann stirbt in den Fluten in Altena: Ortsteile komplett ?berflutet - Mehrere Stra?en unpassierbarNordrhein-Westfalen, 58762 Altena, Deutschland *** NRW Firefighter dies in Altena floods Person rescued with kayak Bundeswehr evacuation tank drives through open road Firefighter dies in Altena floods Local districts completely flooded Several roads impassableNorth Rhine Westphalia, 58762 Altena, Germany Copyright: 7aktuell.dex xMarcxGruber


NRW Feuerwehrmann stirbt in den Fluten von Altena - Person mit Kajak gerettet - Raumpanzer der Bundeswehr fahrt durch offene Stra?e Feuerwehrmann stirbt in den Fluten in Altena: Ortsteile komplett ?berflutet - Mehrere Stra?en unpassierbarNordrhein-Westfalen, 58762 Altena, Deutschland *** NRW Firefighter dies in Altena floods Person rescued with kayak Bundeswehr evacuation tank drives through open road Firefighter dies in Altena floods Local districts completely flooded Several roads impassableNorth Rhine Westphalia, 58762 Altena, Germany Copyright: 7aktuell.dex xMarcxGruber


NRW Feuerwehrmann stirbt in den Fluten von Altena - Person mit Kajak gerettet - Raumpanzer der Bundeswehr fahrt durch offene Stra?e Feuerwehrmann stirbt in den Fluten in Altena: Ortsteile komplett ?berflutet - Mehrere Stra?en unpassierbarNordrhein-Westfalen, 58762 Altena, Deutschland *** NRW Firefighter dies in Altena floods Person rescued with kayak Bundeswehr evacuation tank drives through open road Firefighter dies in Altena floods Local districts completely flooded Several roads impassableNorth Rhine Westphalia, 58762 Altena, Germany Copyright: 7aktuell.dex xMarcxGruber


NRW Feuerwehrmann stirbt in den Fluten von Altena - Person mit Kajak gerettet - Raumpanzer der Bundeswehr fahrt durch offene Stra?e Feuerwehrmann stirbt in den Fluten in Altena: Ortsteile komplett ?berflutet - Mehrere Stra?en unpassierbarNordrhein-Westfalen, 58762 Altena, Deutschland *** NRW Firefighter dies in Altena floods Person rescued with kayak Bundeswehr evacuation tank drives through open road Firefighter dies in Altena floods Local districts completely flooded Several roads impassableNorth Rhine Westphalia, 58762 Altena, Germany Copyright: 7aktuell.dex xMarcxGruber


14 July 2021, North Rhine-Westphalia, Leichlingen: People look at the floods of the Wupper , which has divided the village of Balken into two halts. Due to the heavy rainfall during the day, the small river had become a raging torrent. The house was completely enclosed by the water. Photo: Roberto Pfeil/dpa


14 July 2021, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Karlsruhe: The Rhine gauge Maxau shows a height of 8.10 meters. Due to high water, navigation was suspended at Karlsruhe. Photo: Uli Deck/dpa


14.07.2021, Hagen, Deutschland, - Schaden nach den Sturzfluten in Hagen. *** 14 07 2021, Hagen, Germany, damage after the flash floods in Hagen


14.07.2021, Hagen, Deutschland, - Schaden nach den Sturzfluten in Hagen. *** 14 07 2021, Hagen, Germany, damage after the flash floods in Hagen


14.07.2021, Hagen, Deutschland, - PKW schwimmt in den Sturzfluten. *** 14 07 2021, Hagen, Germany, car floats in flash floods


14.07.2021, Hagen, Deutschland, - Schaden nach den Sturzfluten in Hagen. *** 14 07 2021, Hagen, Germany, damage after the flash floods in Hagen


14.07.2021, Hagen, Deutschland, - Schaden nach den Sturzfluten in Hagen. *** 14 07 2021, Hagen, Germany, damage after the flash floods in Hagen


14.07.2021, Hagen, Deutschland, - Der Bahnhof Hohenlimburg nach den Sturzfluten in Hagen. *** 14 07 2021, Hagen, Germany, The train station Hohenlimburg after the flash floods in Hagen


14.07.2021, Hagen, Deutschland, - Schaden nach den Sturzfluten in Hagen. *** 14 07 2021, Hagen, Germany, damage after the flash floods in Hagen


Bildnummer: 59796904 Datum: 07.06.2013 Copyright: imago/Rainer Weisflog Pegelhauschen an der Brucke Muhlberg DEU/Brandenburg/Muehlberg-Elbe ? Die 2008 fertiggestellte 690 m lange Elbebrucke bei Muhlberg im Sudwesten von Brandenburg verbindet Muhlberg im Landkreis Elbe-Elster mit Sachsen und Sachsen-Anhalt. Brandenburg hat aus den Hochwassern der Elbe gelernt und bei Muhlberg die Deiche auf drei Seiten um die Stadt erh?ht. In Brandenburg wird die Scheitelwelle der Elbeflut wird erst in den nachsten Tagen erwartet. Der Wasserstand der Elbe erreichte 9,57 Meter. Das ist dreimal mehr als normal - aber auch fast ein halber Meter weniger als bei der Jahrhundertflut 2002. Seit Mittwoch gilt die h?chste Warnstufe 4 und Katastrophenalarm. ( Gesellschaft Naturkatastrophe Hochwasser Flut x0x xkg 2013 quer Aufmacher Auenlandschaft Ausgleichsmassnahme aussen Aussenansicht Aussenansichten Aussenaufnahme Bauten Bauwerk Bauwerke Binnenschifffahrt Europa Brandenburg cities Deich Deichbefestigung Deichlandschaft deutsch Deutschland draussen Elbe Elbeflut Elbfluss Elbstrom Europa Elbe-Elster-Kreis Europe Extremereignis fliessen Flusse Fluss Flussaue Flusslandschaft Flusssystem Flussverlegung Flut Flutereignis Fluthilfe Flutkatastrophe Flutwelle Foerdermittel Gebiete Germany Gewasser Gewassermanagement hochwasser Hochwasser im Jahr 2013 Hochwasseralarm Hochwasserdeich Hochwassergefahr Hochwassermanagement Hochwasserpegel Hochwasserrisiko Hochwasserrisikomanagement Hochwasserschutz Hochwasserschutzanlagen Hochwasserschutzkonzepte HWRM-PL an Jahr 2013 Jahrhunderthochwasse Katastrophe Katastrophen Katastrophenalarm Landkreis Elbe-Elster Landschaft Landschaften Landschaftsplanung Lebensraume Lebensraum LUa Muehlberg-Elbe Nachhaltigkeit Natur Naturgewalt Naturkatastrophe Naturkatastrophen Naturlebensraum NBL Neue Bundeslander Niederschlagsmenge Ostdeutschland Pegel Pegelstande Raumplanung Risikomanagementplane Hochwassermarke Schaden Sommer Sommertag technischer Hochwasserschutz uberflutet uberfluteten Ueberflutung Ueberflutungen ueberschwemmte ueberschwemmten Ueberschwemmung Ueberschwemmungen Ufer Umgestaltung Umwelt Umweltkatastrophe Umweltschutz Umweltschutzmassnahmen Urlaub Verwustung Warnstufe Warnstufe 4 Wasser Wasserbau Wasserbilanz Wasserflachen Wasserregulierung Wasserreserven Wasserruckhalt Wasserschutz Wasserstande Wasserstand Wasserstrassen Wasserwirtschaft Wetter Wirtschaft Infrastruktur Brucke Elbbrucke bei Muhlberg Strassenbrucke Bruckenbauwerk Polderland Pegelhauschen an der Brucke Muhlberg 59796904 Date 07 06 2013 Copyright Imago Rainer Weisflog Level cottage to the Bridge Muhlberg DEU Brandenburg Elbe the 2008 Completed 690 M Length Elbebrucke at Muhlberg in South West from Brandenburg combines Muhlberg in County Elbe Elster with Saxony and Saxony Anhalt Brandenburg has out the the Elbe learned and at Muhlberg the Dikes on Three Pages to the City increased in Brandenburg will the the Elbe River flood will First in the next Days expected the Water level the Elbe reached 9 57 Metres the is Three times more as Normal but too Almost a sake Metres Less as at the Century flood 2002 since Wednesday is the Highest Warning 4 and Society Natural disaster Floods Flood x0x xkg 2013 horizontal Highlight Shire exterior exterior view Outside view Buildings Building Structures Inland waterways Europe Brandenburg CITIES Dyke Dyke fortification Dyke landscape German Germany outside Elbe Elbe River flood Elbe Europe Elbe Elster Circle Europe flow Rivers River Flussaue River landscape River system Flood Flood aid Flood disaster Tsunami Areas Germany Waters Floods Floods in Year 2013 Flood alarm Flood danger Flood level Flood protection Flood protection facilities PL to Year 2013 Disaster Disasters County Elbe Elster Landscape Landscapes Landscape Planning Habitats Habitat LUA Elbe Sustainability Nature Force of nature Natural disaster Natural disasters NBL New Federal countries Rainfall East Germany Level Level stands Land use planning High-water mark Damage Summer Summer Technical Flood protection flooded flooded About flooding Overnight flooding flooded flooded Flood Flooding Shore Transformation Environment Environmental disaster Environmental Protection Environmental protection measures Holiday Devastation Warning Warning 4 Water Waterways Water surfaces Water regulation Water reserves Water protection Water levels Water level Waterways Water management Weather Economy Infrastructure Bridge Elbe bridge at Muhlberg Road bridge Bridge construction Level cottage to the Bridge Muhlberg


Bildnummer: 59796899 Datum: 07.06.2013 Copyright: imago/Rainer Weisflog Hochwasserschutz bei Belgern DEU/Sachsen/Belgern Copyright ? Belgern und Torgau bereiten sich auf Elbehochwasser vor. Bundeswehrsoldaten verlegen in einer Senke der Bundesstrasse 182 eine Barrikade aus Sandsacken. Dabei ist ungewiss, ob sich die Scheitel treffen und ob sich die Mengen addieren. Die Wassermengen lassen sich so schwer berechnen. Der Wasserstand der Elbe erreichte bei Muhlberg 9,67 Meter. Das ist dreimal mehr als normal - aber auch fast ein halber Meter weniger als bei der Jahrhundertflut 2002. ( Gesellschaft Naturkatastrophe Hochwasser Flut x0x xkg 2013 quer Aufmacher Auenlandschaft Ausgleichsmassnahme aussen Aussenansicht Aussenansichten Aussenaufnahme Bauten Bauwerk Bauwerke Europa Sachsen Deich Deichbefestigung Deichlandschaft Deutschland draussen Elbe Elbeflut Elbfluss Elbstrom Europe Extremereignis fliessen Flusse Fluss Flussaue Flusslandschaft Flusssystem Flussverlegung Flut Flutereignis Fluthilfe Flutkatastrophe Flutwelle Gebiete Germany Gewasser Gewassermanagement hochwasser Hochwasser im Jahr 2013 Hochwasseralarm Hochwasserdeich Hochwassergefahr Hochwassermanagement Hochwasserpegel Hochwasserrisiko Hochwasserrisikomanagement Hochwasserschutz Hochwasserschutzanlagen Hochwasserschutzkonzepte Jahr 2013 Jahrhunderthochwasse Katastrophenschutz Katastrophen Katastrophenalarm Landschaft Landschaften Landschaftsplanung Lebensraume Lebensraum Nachhaltigkeit Natur Naturgewalt Naturkatastrophe Naturkatastrophen Naturlebensraum NBL Neue Bundeslander Ostdeutschland Pegel Pegelstande Raumplanung Risikomanagementplane Hochwassermarke Schaden Sommer Sommertag technischer Hochwasserschutz uberflutet uberfluteten Ueberflutung Ueberflutungen ueberschwemmte ueberschwemmten Ueberschwemmung Ueberschwemmungen Ufer Umgestaltung Umwelt Umweltkatastrophe Umweltschutz Umweltschutzmassnahmen Urlaub Verwustung Warnstufe Warnstufe 4 Wasser Wasserbau Wasserbilanz Wasserflachen Wasserregulierung Wasserreserven Wasserruckhalt Wasserschutz Wasserstande Wasserstand Wasserstrassen Wasserwirtschaft Wetter Wirtschaft Sandsacke verlegen Bundeswehr Hilfseinsatz Bundeswehrsoldaten blaues band Mittelsachsen Elbaue 59796899 Date 07 06 2013 Copyright Imago Rainer Weisflog Flood protection at Belgern DEU Saxony Belgern Copyright Belgern and Torgau prepare to on Elbe floods before Bundeswehr soldiers embarrassed in a Sink the Federal Street 182 a Barricade out Sandbags here is uncertain whether to the Crest Meeting and whether to the Quantities add the Volume of water let to as heavy Calculate the Water level the Elbe reached at Muhlberg 9 67 Metres the is Three times more as Normal but too Almost a sake Metres Less as at the Century flood 2002 Society Natural disaster Floods Flood x0x xkg 2013 horizontal Highlight Shire exterior exterior view Outside view Buildings Building Structures Europe Saxony Dyke Dyke fortification Dyke landscape Germany outside Elbe Elbe River flood Elbe Europe flow Rivers River Flussaue River landscape River system Flood Flood aid Flood disaster Tsunami Areas Germany Waters Floods Floods in Year 2013 Flood alarm Flood danger Flood level Flood protection Flood protection facilities Year 2013 Disaster preparedness Disasters Landscape Landscapes Landscape Planning Habitats Habitat Sustainability Nature Force of nature Natural disaster Natural disasters NBL New Federal countries East Germany Level Level stands Land use planning High-water mark Damage Summer Summer Technical Flood protection flooded flooded About flooding Overnight flooding flooded flooded Flood Flooding Shore Transformation Environment Environmental disaster Environmental Protection Environmental protection measures Holiday Devastation Warning Warning 4 Water Waterways Water surfaces Water regulation Water reserves Water protection Water levels Water level Waterways Water management Weather Economy Sandbags embarrassed Bundeswehr Auxiliary use Bundeswehr soldiers Blue Tie Central Saxony Elbaue


Bildnummer: 59796917 Datum: 07.06.2013 Copyright: imago/Rainer Weisflog Pegelhaeuschen an der Bruecke Muehlberg DEU/Brandenburg/Muehlberg-Elbe ? Die 2008 fertiggestellte 690 m lange Elbebruecke bei Muehlberg im suedwesten von Brandenburg verbindet Muehlberg im Landkreis Elbe-Elster mit Sachsen und Sachsen-Anhalt. Brandenburg hat aus den Hochwassern der Elbe gelernt und bei Muehlberg die Deiche auf drei Seiten um die Stadt erhoet. In Brandenburg wird die Scheitelwelle der Elbeflut wird erst in den naechsten Tagen erwartet. Der Wasserstand der Elbe erreichte 9,57 Meter. Das ist dreimal mehr als normal - aber auch fast ein halber Meter weniger als bei der Jahrhundertflut 2002. Seit Mittwoch gilt die hoechste Warnstufe 4 und Katastrophenalarm. ( Gesellschaft Naturkatastrophe Hochwasser Flut x0x xkg 2013 quer Auenlandschaft Ausgleichsmassnahme aussen Aussenansicht Aussenansichten Aussenaufnahme Bauten Bauwerk Bauwerke Binnenschifffahrt Europa Brandenburg cities Deich Deichbefestigung Deichlandschaft deutsch Deutschland draussen Elbe Elbeflut Elbfluss Elbstrom Europa Elbe-Elster-Kreis Europe Extremereignis fliessen Fluesse Fluss Flussaue Flusslandschaft Flusssystem Flussverlegung Flut Flutereignis Fluthilfe Flutkatastrophe Flutwelle Foerdermittel Gebiete Germany Gewaesser Gewaessermanagement hochwasser Hochwasser im Jahr 2013 Hochwasseralarm Hochwasserdeich Hochwassergefahr Hochwassermanagement Hochwasserpegel Hochwasserrisiko Hochwasserrisikomanagement Hochwasserschutz Hochwasserschutzanlagen Hochwasserschutzkonzepte HWRM-PL an Jahr 2013 Jahrhunderthochwasse Katastrophe Katastrophen Katastrophenalarm Landkreis Elbe-Elster Landschaft Landschaften Landschaftsplanung Lebensraeume Lebensraum LUa Muehlberg-Elbe Nachhaltigkeit Natur Naturgewalt Naturkatastrophe Naturkatastrophen Naturlebensraum NBL Neue Bundeslaender Niederschlagsmenge Ostdeutschland Pegel Pegelstaende Raumplanung Risikomanagementplaene Hochwassermarke Schaden Sommer Sommertag technischer Hochwasserschutz ueberflutet ueberfluteten Ueberflutung Ueberflutungen ueberschwemmte ueberschwemmten Ueberschwemmung Ueberschwemmungen Ufer Umgestaltung Umwelt Umweltkatastrophe Umweltschutz Umweltschutzmassnahmen Urlaub Verwuestung Warnstufe Warnstufe 4 Wasser Wasserbau Wasserbilanz Wasserflaechen Wasserregulierung Wasserreserven Wasserrueckhalt Wasserschutz Wasserstaende Wasserstand Wasserstrassen Wasserwirtschaft Wetter Wirtschaft Infrastruktur Bruecke Elbbruecke bei Muehlberg Strassenbruecke Brueckenbauwerk Polderland 59796917 Date 07 06 2013 Copyright Imago Rainer Weisflog Pegelhaeuschen to the Bruecke DEU Brandenburg Elbe the 2008 Completed 690 M Length Elbebruecke at in Southwest from Brandenburg combines in County Elbe Elster with Saxony and Saxony Anhalt Brandenburg has out the the Elbe learned and at the Dikes on Three Pages to the City in Brandenburg will the the Elbe River flood will First in the next Days expected the Water level the Elbe reached 9 57 Metres the is Three times more as Normal but too Almost a sake Metres Less as at the Century flood 2002 since Wednesday is the highest Warning 4 and Society Natural disaster Floods Flood x0x xkg 2013 horizontal Shire exterior exterior view Outside view Buildings Building Structures Inland waterways Europe Brandenburg CITIES Dyke Dyke fortification Dyke landscape German Germany outside Elbe Elbe River flood Elbe Europe Elbe Elster Circle Europe flow Rivers River Flussaue River landscape River system Flood Flood aid Flood disaster Tsunami Areas Germany Water Floods Floods in Year 2013 Flood alarm Flood danger Flood level Flood protection Flood protection facilities PL to Year 2013 Disaster Disasters County Elbe Elster Landscape Landscapes Landscape Planning habitat Habitat LUA Elbe Sustainability Nature Force of nature Natural disaster Natural disasters NBL New Bundeslaender Rainfall East Germany Level Pegelstaende Land use planning High-water mark Damage Summer Summer Technical Flood protection flooded flooded About flooding Overnight flooding flooded flooded Flood Flooding Shore Transformation Environment Environmental disaster Environmental Protection Environmental protection measures Holiday Devastation Warning Warning 4 Water Waterways Water areas Water regulation Water reserves Water protection Water Water level Waterways Water management Weather Economy Infrastructure Bruecke Elbe bridge at Strassenbruecke


Bildnummer: 58914821 Datum: 14.08.2002 Copyright: imago/STAR-MEDIA Jahrhundertflut in Sachsen. Hochwasser der Mulde - ?berflutungen in Bad Duben am 14.8.2002. Gesellschaft GER xsp x0x 2002 quer Highlight 2002 quer Querformat Deutschland Europa Feature Fluss Flusse Flut Gesellschaft Gewasser Hochwasser Hochwasserkatastrophe Hochwasserschaden Hochwasserschaden Jahrhundertflut Katastrophe Katastrophen Landschaft Naturkatastrophe Naturkatastrophen Person Personen Sachsen Schaden Schaden Staat Stra?e Stra?en ?berflutung ?berflutungen ?berschwemmung ?berschwemmungen Verkehr Wasser Wirtschaft Zerst?rung Zerst?rungen 58914821 Date 14 08 2002 Copyright Imago Star Media Century flood in Saxony Floods the Dump Floods in Bath Duben at 14 8 2002 Society ger xsp x0x 2002 horizontal Highlight 2002 horizontal Landscape Germany Europe Feature River Rivers Flood Society Waters Floods Flood disaster Flood damage Flood damage Century flood Disaster Disasters Landscape Natural disaster Natural disasters Person People Saxony Damage Damage State Road Roads Flooding Floods Flooding Flooding Traffic Water Economy Destruction Destruction


Hochwasser 13.08.2002: LKW der Bundeswehr fahren durch die uberflutete Stadt Fl?ha, Augustusburger Stra?e. Fl?ha Sachsen Deutschland *** Floods 13 08 2002 Trucks of the German Armed Forces drive through the flooded city of Fl?ha, Augustusburger Stra?e Fl?ha Sachsen Germany


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