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Iran - Fars (7)

New Rada


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Iran - Bakhtegan Salt Lake, Fars Province, is the second largest lake in Iran with a size of 350,000 hectares. It is located about 160 km east of Schiraz and 15 km west of the city of Neyriz. The most important inflow is the Kor. Numerous dams on the river Kor have led to a significant decrease in the inflow into the lake. As a result, the salt content of the lake has increased. Taken on 21.10.2018. Photo: Rolf Zimmermann | usage worldwide


Iran - tourist group in front of the Sarasan palace of Sarvestan in the province of Fars, the exact date is controversial. Taken on 21.10.2018. Photo: Rolf Zimmermann | usage worldwide


Iran - Pasargadae (Pasargadai): ancient Persian capital in the Zagros Mountains, Fars province, large posters with Islamic propaganda and pictures of "Martyrs" (killed in the Iran-Iraq war 1980-1988). On the left, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei calls "youth in Europe and North America" to learn the truth about Islam, and he himself had an open letter on social networking on the Internet in January 2015 under this title common. Underneath the blue symbol of the messenger service telegram. Taken on 19.10.2018. Photo: Rolf Zimmermann | usage worldwide


Iran - Persepolis, large posters with the portraits of the religious leaders Ajatollah Khomeini and Khamenei, location: entrance to the World Heritage Site of Persepolis, province of Fars. Taken on 19.10.2018. Photo: Rolf Zimmermann | usage worldwide


Iran - tourist group in front of the cruciform rock tomb of King Dareios II in Naqsh-e Rostam, Fars province, north of Persepolis. Taken on 19.10.2018. Photo: Rolf Zimmermann | usage worldwide


Iran - tourist group in front of the cruciform rock tomb of King Dareios I in Naqsh-e Rostam, Fars province, north of Persepolis. Taken on 19.10.2018. Photo: Rolf Zimmermann | usage worldwide


Iran - Street scene in the province of Fars, offer freshly harvested pomegranate. Taken on 18.10.2018. Photo: Rolf Zimmermann | usage worldwide
