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Лагерь беженцев Тунисе - Redux (23)

New Rada


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A refugee stands next to the old tents at the Choucha refugee camp, in Ben Guerdane, Tunisia, Tuesday, May, 3, 2016. They are there, in the desert, at the border with Libya. Refugees and migrant workers that fled from the 2011 Libyan civil war, are still looking for a scape for their lives after the war forced them to move to south of Tunisia.


View of the shabby tents of Choucha refugee camp that was deactivated by ONU in 2013, in Ben Guerdane, Tunisia, Tuesday, May, 3, 2016. Since the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) closed the transit camp in 2013, some people remain living in the precarious and old tents.


The Egyptian Ali Ali Eid El Jawhari, 68, waters the plants in the makeshift garden next to his tent in the Choucha refugee camp, in Ben Guerdane, Tunisia, Tuesday, May, 3, 2016. Jawhari is an old man that looks like somebody who carries on his back the heavy weight of a lonely life, "there is nothing in the future, I am a lonely man with the pain in my body", regrets Ali Ali, while he takes care of the little tomatoes in the garden in front of his shabby tent.


The refugee Benedict Joseph, 33, from Liberia, arrives at the deactivated Choucha camp in Ben Guerdane, Tunisia, Tuesday, May, 3, 2016. Joseph pushes a handcart with a cow's head inside, that was given as a donation from the local traders of Ben Guerdane to be cooked. Like everybody in the camp, he uses an old identification card, with no photo on it, the refugees received from UN, to go out to the city.


A shabby tent stands at the Choucha refugee camp in Ben Guerdane, Tunisia, Tuesday, May, 3, 2016. Since the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) closed the transit camp in 2013, some of those people remain living in the precarious and old tents.


A shabby tent stands at the Choucha refugee camp in Ben Guerdane, Tunisia, Tuesday, May, 3, 2016. Since the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) closed the transit camp in 2013, some of those people remain living in the precarious and old tents.


A refugee leaves a tent that is used as a chapel at the Choucha refugee camp, in Ben Guerdane, Tunisia, Tuesday, May, 3, 2016. The men that are still there have rejected the Tunisian citizenship for many reasons, including racism and the language.


The priest Ambro Chwakwkere, 39, delivers a speech during a ceremony in a tent that is used as a chapel at the Choucha refugee camp, in Ben Guerdane, Tunisia, Tuesday, May, 3, 2016. Most of them have similar stories. They left their homelands seeking for any odd job that they could find in Libya before the war.


A refugee pushes a handcart to collect water at the Choucha refugee camp, in Ben Guerdane, Tunisia, Tuesday, May, 3, 2016. An estimated 1 million people, including 200.000 non Libyan nationals sought refuge in Choucha, according to the UNHCR. Nowadays, even the camp had finished its mission, there are, at least, 40 people.


A refugee prays at the end of the day on the Choucha refugee camp in Ben Guerdane, Tunisia, Tuesday, May, 3, 2016. The refugees that are still in the camp don't want to enter illegally in Europe by crossing the Mediterranean sea.


Kadri Salifu, 35, from Gana, chops the head of a cow before cook it in a tent of the Choucha refugee camp, in Ben Guerdane, Tunisia, Tuesday, May, 3, 2016. Salifu has the same feelings as the other refugees that are still living there, in a mix of lack of hope and desolation: "We are melting down here".


Refugees gather on the desert as the sun sets at the Choucha refugee camp, in Ben Guerdane, Tunisia, Tuesday, May, 3, 2016. The men that are still there have rejected the Tunisian citizenship for many reasons, including racism and the language. In addition of that they don't want to enter illegally in Europe by crossing the Mediterranean sea.


Kadri Salifu, 35, from Gana, chops the head of a cow before cook it in a tent of the Choucha refugee camp, in Ben Guerdane, Tunisia, Tuesday, May, 3, 2016. We need help", says Salifu while he cuts the animal's flesh.


A refugee leaves a tent that is used as a coffee bar at the Choucha refugee camp in Ben Guerdane, Tunisia, Tuesday, May, 3, 2016. Even the camp had finished its mission, there are, at least, 40 people from Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria, Chad, Egypt, Somalia, Mali, North and South Sudan waiting for some signal that could, one day, come from abroad to rescue them from this situation.


Kadri Salifu, 35, from Gana, poses for the photo in his tent at the Choucha refugee camp, in Ben Guerdane, Tunisia, Tuesday, May, 3, 2016. Salifu has the same feeling as the other refugees that are still living there, in a mix of lack of hope and desolation: "We are melting down here".


The Egyptian Ali Ali Eid El Jawhari, 68, poses for the photo in his tent at the Choucha refugee camp in Ben Guerdane, Tunisia, Tuesday, May, 3, 2016. Feeling tired, sick and old he is afraid to go back to his country. At the same time he doesn't want to stay in Tunisia: "I am tired of the Arabian world", adds Ali Ali.


Morris John Willson, 34, from Liberia, poses for the photo in his tent at the Choucha refugee camp, in Ben Guerdane, Tunisia, Tuesday, May, 3, 2016. "People from United States invited me to go to live there. I hope, one day, I will leave this place", says, Wilson.


The Liberian Benedict Joseph, 33, that dreams to be a priest, poses for the photo holding a magazine of the congregation that he said they sent to him a invitation to go to U.S., in his tent at the Choucha refugee camp, in Ben Guerdane, Tunisia, Tuesday, May, 3, 2016. Joseph is not ashamed of his condition. He is confident that one day he will leave the camp: "Hopefully the Creator will deliver to us a glorious liberty".


Steven Aqyia, 36, from Gana poses for the photo in a tent at the Choucha refugee camp in Ben Guerdane, Tunisia, Tuesday, May, 3, 2016. "I was volunteer when the camp was still opened until 2013. I received a letter from the people of the administration, of the camp, saying that I did a good work. I didn't receive any help to leave this place since then", explains, Aqyia.


Ibrahim Isaack, 47, from Sudan poses for the photo in a tent at the Choucha refugee camp in Ben Guerdane, Tunisia, Tuesday, May, 3, 2016. Isaac had his asylum rejected. "People are living here with no drinking water, no food, no health. Some of us can bring some water or food from the city but others don't get anything from any direction", says Ibrahim.


Ali Ahmed, 27, from Chad, poses for the photo in a tent at the Choucha refugee camp, in Ben Guerdane, Tunisia, Tuesday, May, 3, 2016. "I am here having hope that they (UN) will open our files and accept us as refugees. The people from Choucha are tired, they need solution to get out here from somewhere else and no to spent a lot of years here", argues, Ahmed.


Isaddin Omar, 32, from Chad, poses for the photo in a tent at the Choucha refugee camp in Ben Guerdane, Tunisia, Tuesday, May, 3, 2016. Omar doesn't want to enter illegally in Europe by crossing the Mediterranean sea. "I just want to got to a better place than here ".


Ahmed Isaack, 54, from Sudan, poses for the photo in a tent at the Choucha refugee camp that was deactivated by ONU in 2013, in Ben Guerdane, Tunisia, Tuesday, May, 3, 2016. "I was working in Libya and, after the war in 2011, I went here asking for asylum. I can't be sent to my country. We can't feel secure, there is no respect for the Human Rights in Sudan. where the civil society have no rights", explains, Isaack.
