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Jul 09, 1938; Nuremberg, GERMANY; HERR RUDOLF HESS (R), Adolf Hitler's Deputy, greets the Fuehrer ADOLF HITLER with the Nazi salute, when the latter arrived at the Congress Hall in Nuremberg for the opening of the 10th Nations Socialist Party rally. Hess opened the rally. (Credit Image: ? KEYSTONE Pictures USA)/ eyevine


German Chancellor Adolf Hitler, right, accepts a bouquet of flowers from a young German girl on the occasion of his visit to Stettin, Germany, where he is attending a Nazi party meeting, June 21, 1938. (AP Photo)


This Associated Press photo shows the Swastika, during rehearsals at Berlins stadium, June 20, 1938, Berlin, Germany. The stadium will again will be filled to capacity when the Hitler Youth and the SA are celebrating summer solstice day in the Olympic Stadium, June 21, 1938, Berlin, Germany. Hundreds of SA men will form a torchlight sun wheel in Germany on June 28, 1938. (AP Photo)


Adolf Hitler, left, and Benito Mussolini are shown saluting during their meeting in Italy to weld the Italy-Berlin axis, June 1938. Standing behind, between the two dictators, is Mussolini's son-in-law, Count Ciano. (AP Photo)


Adolf Hitler lays the cornerstone to the scheduled people's car factory at Fallersleben near Hanover, Germany, May 26, 1938. The plant is to produce the


German Chancellor and Fuehrer Adolf Hitler, left, and Italian Prime Minister Benito Mussolini review lines of seamen aboard one of the Italian warships at Naples, Italy on May 7, 1938. The leaders watched a sea display of Italian naval power when 200 warships indulged in maneuvers in the bay. (AP Photo)


This toy auto, a gift on his birthday, brought a smile to the face of Adolf Hitler. He is shown surrounded by a group of friends and Nazi officials in Berlin. Der Fuehrer will leave Berlin for Rome, on May 2, 1938 for his long-heralded conversations with Mussolini. (AP Photo)


Nazi party leader Adolf Hitler is standing in an open cabriolet as he acknowledges an SA parade in honor of his birthday, in front of the German Chancellory in Berlin, April 20, 1938. Standing beside the car is SA chief Viktor Lutze. (AP Photo)


Apr 20, 1938; Berlin, Germany; ADOLF HITLER at his birthday party with HEINRICH HOFFMAN, EVA BRAUN and PROF. MORELL. Adolf Hitler (April 20, 1889?April 30, 1945) was the Fuhrer und Reichskanzler (Leader and Imperial chancellor) of Germany from 1933 to his death. He was leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP), better known as the Nazi Party. At the height of his power, the armies of Nazi Germany and its Axis Powers dominated much of Europe during World War II. The racial policies that Hitler directed culminated in a massive number of deaths commonly cited at over 11 million people, including 6 million Jews, in a genocide now known as the Holocaust. (Credit Image: ? KEYSTONE Pictures USA)/ eyevine


Adolf Hitler, left, is led by the Lord Mayor of the city Herrmann Neubacher to the townhall of Vienna, Austria on April 9, 1938. Behind Hitler are governor Josef Burckel (trenchcoat), Minister Rudolf Hess and Joseph Goebbels. (AP Photo)


Reichschancellor Adolf Hitler is turning the first spadeful of earth for the reichsfreeway on April 7, 1938 near Salzburg, Austria. (AP Photo) --- Erster Spatenstich durch Reichskanzler Adolf Hitler fuer die Reichsautobahnen der 'Ostmark' bei Salzburg, Oesterreich am 7. April 1938. (AP)


German Chancellor Adolf Hitler, left, is greeted by a group of flowering-bearing children in Vienna during his visit to his native Austria, April 2, 1938. (AP Photo)


Adolf Hitler speaks from behind a custom-made bullet-proof glass screen as he addresses a crowd prior to the launching of Germany's new warship, Admiral von Tirpitz, at Wilhelmshaven, Germany, April 2, 1938. (AP Photo)


Silent Austrian crowds, holding Nazi flags, watch German motorized police roll through the streets of Vienna, Austria, in April 1938. Adolf Hitler united Austria with Germany, March 12, 1938. (AP Photo)


Mar 19, 1938; Berlin, Germany; ADOLF HITLER and the leader of the Nazi Party during a meeting at the Reichstag. Adolf Hitler (April 20, 1889?April 30, 1945) was the Fuhrer und Reichskanzler (Leader and Imperial chancellor) of Germany from 1933 to his death. He was leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP), better known as the Nazi Party. At the height of his power, the armies of Nazi Germany and its Axis Powers dominated much of Europe during World War II. The racial policies that Hitler directed culminated in a massive number of deaths commonly cited at over 11 million people, including 6 million Jews, in a genocide now known as the Holocaust. (Credit Image: ? KEYSTONE Pictures USA)/ eyevine


Mar 19, 1938; Berlin, Germany; ADOLF HITLER during a meeting at the Reichstag. Adolf Hitler (April 20, 1889?April 30, 1945) was the Fuhrer und Reichskanzler (Leader and Imperial chancellor) of Germany from 1933 to his death. He was leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP), better known as the Nazi Party. At the height of his power, the armies of Nazi Germany and its Axis Powers dominated much of Europe during World War II. The racial policies that Hitler directed culminated in a massive number of deaths commonly cited at over 11 million people, including 6 million Jews, in a genocide now known as the Holocaust. (Credit Image: ? KEYSTONE Pictures USA)/ eyevine


Mar 19, 1938; Berlin, Germany; ADOLF HITLER during a meeting at the Reichstag. Adolf Hitler (April 20, 1889?April 30, 1945) was the Fuhrer und Reichskanzler (Leader and Imperial chancellor) of Germany from 1933 to his death. He was leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP), better known as the Nazi Party. At the height of his power, the armies of Nazi Germany and its Axis Powers dominated much of Europe during World War II. The racial policies that Hitler directed culminated in a massive number of deaths commonly cited at over 11 million people, including 6 million Jews, in a genocide now known as the Holocaust. (Credit Image: ? KEYSTONE Pictures USA)/ eyevine


Nazi party members salute during an assembly March 18, 1938 in Berlin. Hitler never governed from the Reichstag building, which was gutted by fire in 1933. But he planned to keep the building as part of a new government complex he wanted to build for the Nazi capital, to be renamed Germania. On the stage at the left first row from right to left is Adolf Hitler, Rudolf Hess, J. von Ribbentrop, Minister Frick, Dr. Joseph Goebbels, Baron von Neurath. (AP Photo)


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/COLLECTION LASKI Narodziny faszyzmu, Niemcy, lata 30. N/z: przejazd Adolfa Hitlera


Adolf Hitler is seen leading a motorcade down Wilhelmstreet on returning to Berlin from Austria, March 16, 1938. More than two and a half million Berliners lined the streets to welcome the Fuhrer home. (AP Photo)


Chancellor Adolf Hitler of Germany, center, had a secret when he met with former President Herbert Hoover, left, in Berlin, March 8, 1938. At extreme right is the United States Ambassador to Germany Hugh Wilson, and next to him is Paul Schmidt, interpreter for the Hoover-Hitler conversations. Little did Hoover-or the rest of the world-- dream that Hitler as this time was on the verge of his annexation of Austria. (AP Photo)


German Chancellor Adolf Hitler stands in the rear of his car, bottom right, as he is cheered by many thousands of people in the streets of Berlin, Germany, March 16, 1938, after his return from Austria. (AP Photo)


German Chancellor Adolf Hitler walks past a regimental guard of honour, bottom right, as he arrives at the Chancellory, in Berlin, Germany, March 16, 1938, after his return from Austria. Hitler was cheered by many thousands of people in the streets and from the buildings along the route. Field Marshal Hermann Goering is walking to left of Hitler. (AP Photo)


Mar 16, 1938; Berlin, Germany; ADOLF HITLER (April 20, 1889?April 30, 1945) was the Fuhrer und Reichskanzler (Leader and Imperial chancellor) of Germany from 1933 to his death. He was leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP), better known as the Nazi Party. At the height of his power, the armies of Nazi Germany and its Axis Powers dominated much of Europe during World War II. The racial policies that Hitler directed culminated in a massive number of deaths commonly cited at over 11 million people, including 6 million Jews, in a genocide now known as the Holocaust. (Credit Image: ? KEYSTONE Pictures USA)/ eyevine


During a ceremony in Vienna on March 15, 1938 a delegation of Sudeten Germans greet Adolf Hitler and Dr. Arthur Seyss-Inquart, right. (AP Photo) --- Waehrend einer Feier auf den Heldenplatz in Wien am 15. Maerz, 1938 gruessen die Sudetendeutsche Abordnung Adolf Hitler. Rechts von Adolf Hitler steht der Reichsstatthalter Dr. Seyss-Inquart. Adolf Hitler verkuendet auf dem Heldenplatz den


Taking the stand with Austrian and German generals and officials Adolf Hitler took saluting one of the most impressive military parade of German and Austrian troops at the Ringstrasse in Vienna, Austria on March 15, 1938. (AP Photo)


Adolf Hitler, Austrian-born dictator of Germany, proclaims to the crowds in Hofburg Square, Vienna, March 15, 1938, that Austria and Germany are one,


Adolf Hitler enters the city limits of Vienna, Austria on March 14, 1938. (AP Photo)


Part of the enormous crowd standing outside the Reich Propoganda Ministry, on Wilhelmstrasse, Berlin, March 12, 1938, during Adolf Hitler's proclomation, read by Minister of Propoganda Joseph Goebbels, after troops had crossed the border and entered Austria. (AP Photo)


German Chancellor Adolf Hitler, centre, and General Wilhelm Keitel, Chief of the High Command of German Armed Forces, right, drive towards Austria from Munich, March 12, 1938, after German troops had entered Austria. (AP Photo)


German Chancellor Adolf Hitler arrived at Munich Airport, Germany, March 12, 1938, on his way to Vienna. Hitler was accompanied by General Wilhelm Keitel, right. (AP Photo)


Leni Riefenstahl, center, stands with Adolf Hitler, right, and Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels, foreground left, at her Berlin mansion on March 10, 1938. Also shown in background are Bertha, Leni's mother, and Heinz Riefenstahl, Leni's brother. (AP Photo)


Mar 01, 1938; Vienna, AUSTRIA; Nazi leader ADOLF HITLER entering the square of the old Imperial Palace in Vienna at the Anschluss ?sterreichs, the inclusion of Austria in a 'Greater Germany' in 1938. (Credit Image: ? KEYSTONE Pictures USA)/ eyevine


Mar 01, 1938; Vienna, AUSTRIA; Nazi leader ADOLF HITLER entering the square of the old Imperial Palace in Vienna at the Anschluss ?sterreichs referring to the inclusion of Austria in a 'Greater Germany' in 1938. (Credit Image: ? KEYSTONE Pictures USA)/ eyevine


Adolf Hitler, salutes in March 1938 German troops parading in Vienna, Austria. (AP Photo)


German Chancellor Adolf Hitler, light coat in doorway with back to camera, with some of his ministers enter the main door of the Opera House, Berlin, Feb. 20, 1938. (AP Photo)


German Chancellor Adolf Hitler, centre standing,gives a speech inside the Kroll Opera House, Berlin, Feb. 20, 1938. (AP Photo)


German Chancellor Adolf Hitler reviews a guard of honour outside the Opera House, Berlin, Feb. 20, 1938. (AP Photo)


Chancellor Adolf Hitler of Germany had the world's February 20, 1938 ears when he addressed the Reichstag, and this original picture of the event shows him barking out his country's policies toward restless European nations. Behind him sits Gen. Hermann Goering under the huge Swastika Emblem. Goering on March 1, 1938 did some saber-rattling in calling upon his air force to stand ready to defend German minorities in other countries. (AP Photo)


German chancellor Adolf Hitler speaks to his staff at Reichstag in Berlin on Feb. 20, 1938. Also at the stage is Rudolf Hess, J. von Ribbentrop, Minister Frick, Dr. Joseph Goebbels, Baron von Neurath. (AP-Photo)


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/ LASKI COLLECTION Aneksja Austrii, Adolf Hitler wjezdzajacy w triumfie do swojego rodzinnego miasta Braunau am Inn, Austria, 1938. W nocy z 11 na 12 marca 1938 roku dwiescie tysiecy zolnierzy niemieckich wkroczylo na teren Austrii, jak podaje oficjalny komunikat, "na prosbe rzadu austriackiego". W dniu 12 marca przyjeto uchwale o przylaczeniu Austrii do III Rzeszy. Dzien pozniej Hitler proklamowal polaczenie obu panstw. Austria byla pierwszym panstwem wchlonietym przez potezna Rzesze.


Feb 03, 1938; Berlin, GERMANY; Nazi leader ADOLF HITLER (R) congratulates Baron CONSTANTIN VON NEURATH on his birthday in Berlin in 1938. (Credit Image: ? KEYSTONE Pictures USA)/ eyevine


German chancellor and Fuehrer Adolf Hitler stands in his car and reviews a parade of his bodyguards in front of the Reichs Chancellory on Wilhelmstrasse in Berlin on Jan. 30, 1938. It is the fifth anniversary of the National-Socialist regime. On the left is Hitler's deputy reichsminister Rudolf Hess and on the right is Heinrich Himmler, chief of German police. (AP Photo)


Jan 10, 1938; Berlin, GERMANY; A crowd salutes Nazi leader Adolf Hitler in the streets of Munich in 1938. (Credit Image: ? KEYSTONE Pictures USA)/ eyevine


Chief of the German secret police Heinrich Himmler, left, and his aide Reinhard Heydrich, in Vienna, Austria, in 1938, where they were arranging a visit by Adolf Hitler. (AP Photo)


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/COLLECTION LASKI Anschluss (anszlus) Austrii - aneksja terytorium Austrii przez Rzesze Niemiecka dokonana 12 marca 1938 z pogwalceniem traktatu wersalskiego, Wieden. N/z: Adolf Hitler ze wspolpracownikami podczas defilady


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/COLLECTION LASKI Anschluss (anszlus) Austrii - aneksja terytorium Austrii przez Rzesze Niemiecka dokonana 12 marca 1938 z pogwalceniem traktatu wersalskiego, Wieden. N/z: Adolf Hitler i Joseph Goebbels


In the governmental balcony of the German Opera house, seated from left to right are: Secretary of State Walther Funk, Dr. Joseph Goebbels, Adolf Hitler, Minister Rudolf Hess and Dr. Robert Ley, leader of the labor front, shown Nov. 26, 1937. (AP Photo)


German Chancellor Adolf Hitler, right, congratulates Dr. Joseph Goebbels on his 40th birthday at the ministry of propaganda and public enlightenment in Berlin, Germany, Oct. 29, 1937. The Fuehrer presented the minister of propaganda with a painting. (AP Photo)


Oct 17, 1937; Nuremburg, Bavaria, Germany; ADOLF HITLER (April 20, 1889?April 30, 1945) was the Fuhrer und Reichskanzler (Leader and Imperial chancellor) of Germany from 1933 to his death. He was leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP), better known as the Nazi Party. At the height of his power, the armies of Nazi Germany and its Axis Powers dominated much of Europe during World War II. The racial policies that Hitler directed culminated in a massive number of deaths commonly cited at over 11 million people, including 6 million Jews, in a genocide now known as the Holocaust. (Credit Image: ? KEYSTONE Pictures USA)/ eyevine


The Duke of Windsor, fourth from left, and the Duchess of Windsor, third from left, are shown as they visit German Chancellor Adolf Hitler, fifth from left, at his home in Berchtesgaden in the Bavarian Alps, Germany. Standing next to Hitler at right is Dr. Robert Ley, head of the German Labor Front, and guide of the Windsors on many industrial visits during their tour throughout the country in October 1937. (AP Photo)


German Chancellor Adolf Hitler, right, and Italian leader Benito Mussolini stand in the back of a car on their journey from the Heerstrasse Station to the Hindenburg Palace, in Berlin, Sept. 27, 1937. Three quarters of a million people lined the route to cheer the two leaders. (AP Photo)


German Chancellor and Fuehrer Adolf Hitler speaks to the Hitler Youth at the Nuremberg stadium during the annual Nazi Party rally in Germany on Sept. 11, 1937. In attendance are some 48,000 male youth and 5,000 female youth. Standing behind Hitler is Rudolf Hess, left, and Youth leader Baldur Von Schirach, wearing hat. (AP Photo)


Thirty-eight thousand ?soldiers? of the German labor service, each shouldering a shovel, paraded before Adolf Hitler at Zeppelin Meadow, near Nurenberg, Germany on Sept. 8, 1937, above, Hitler r takes the salute from his car. The spectacle lasted two hours. (AP Photo)


Sep 08, 1937; Nuremberg, GERMANY; KONSTANTIN HIERL (L) shakes hands with ADOLF HITLER during the Annual Nazi Party Congress in Nuremberg in 1937. (Credit Image: ? KEYSTONE Pictures USA)/ eyevine


Thomas J. Watson, head of IBM and president of the International Chamber of Commerce and members of the board of the ICC meet with Adolf Hitler at The Reich Chancellory in Berlin, Germany, during the ninth congress of the ICC in this July 12, 1937 photo. A lawsuit alleges U.S. computer giant IBM took part in


German Chancellor Adolf Hitler greets the victims of labour before the opening ceremony of the new highway between Dresden and Meerane, Germany on June 25, 1937. (AP Photo)


Jun 15, 1937; Berlin, Germany; ADOLF HITLER and HERMANN GOERING, founder of the Gestapo. Adolf Hitler (April 20, 1889?April 30, 1945) was the Fuhrer und Reichskanzler (Leader and Imperial chancellor) of Germany from 1933 to his death. He was leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP), better known as the Nazi Party. At the height of his power, the armies of Nazi Germany and its Axis Powers dominated much of Europe during World War II. The racial policies that Hitler directed culminated in a massive number of deaths commonly cited at over 11 million people, including 6 million Jews, in a genocide now known as the Holocaust. (Credit Image: ? KEYSTONE Pictures USA)/ eyevine


German Chancellor Adolf Hitler, center, greets a woman from Berchtesgaden, Upper Bavaria, his summer retreat, at the National Agriculture Fair in Munich, Germany, June 8, 1937. Accompanying Der Fuehrer is Minister of Agriculture Walther Darre. The woman


Some of the 180,000 boys and girls of the Hitler Youth in the Olympic Stadium, Berlin, May 1, 1937, listening to Adolf Hitler give his May Day message. (AP Photo)


Members of the Hitler Youth fill the Olympic Sradium, in Berlin, on May 1, 1937, to listen Adolf Hitler speak during the Mayday celebrations. (AP Photo)


German Chancellor Adolf Hitler is shown in May of 1937. Location unknown. (AP Photo)


German Chancellor Adolf Hitler gestures during a speech in May 1937 at an unknown location in Germany. As one of the most notorious tyrants in world history, Hitler helped form the Nazi Party in 1919. He became the dictator of Germany in 1933, and launched the holocaust as a


This aerial view shows a mass gathering of workers saluting as Swastika-banner bearers march up the narrow lane to the steps of the Old Museum where German Chancellor and Nazi leader Adolf Hitler will make a speech at the May Day demonstration in the Berlin Lustgarten, Germany, May 1, 1937. (AP Photo)


German Chancellor Adolf Hitler stands in the entrance to the Old Chancellory Building in Berlin, on April 20, 1937, listening to a birthday salute played by a military band. Standing on his left is Heinrich Himmler, Chief of the German Police and on his right is Sepp Dietrichm leader of the Storm Trooper bodyguards. (AP Photo)


German Chancellor Adolf Hitler, salutes sitting down, as he passes a detachment of tanks lined up for inspection, in Berlin, Germany, on Apr. 20, 1936, as part of his 48th birthday celebrations. (AP Photo)


Adolf Hitler salutes Nazi troops during a military review on Wilhelmplatz in Berlin, Germany, April 19, 1937. At left is fieldmarshal Werner Von Blomberg, war minister with baton. In second row from left to right are, rear admiral Erich Raeder, Col-Gen. Hermann Goering and Gen. Werner von Fritsch. Hitler celebrates his 48th birthday tomorrow. (AP Photo)


German Chancellor Adolf Hitler, center, gives his autograph to the great-granddaughter of German industrialist Emil Kirdorf, seated at right, on the occasion of Kirdorf's 90th birthday in Berlin, Germany, April 8, 1937. Hitler presented Kirdorf with the


German Chancellor Adolf Hitler, salutes officers and troops as he leaves the Tomb of the Unknown Warrior, in Berlin, Germany, Feb. 22, 1937, where he had laid a wreath during the National Day of Heroes celebrations. (AP Photo)


German Chancellor and Fuehrer Adolf Hitler and ,any government officials attended the memorial service to German war dead, in the State Opera House, Berlin, Feb. 21, 1937. Front row from left to right; Foreign Minister Baron von Neurath; Propoganda Minister Joseph Goebbels; unknown; Field Marshall Von Mackensen; Adolf Hitler; Field Marshall Von Blomberg; General Von Fritsch and Admiral Raeder.(AP Photo)


Feb 19, 1937; Berlin, Germany; ADOLF HITLER arrives for Olympics games. Adolf Hitler (April 20, 1889?April 30, 1945) was the Fuhrer und Reichskanzler (Leader and Imperial chancellor) of Germany from 1933 to his death. He was leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP), better known as the Nazi Party. At the height of his power, the armies of Nazi Germany and its Axis Powers dominated much of Europe during World War II. The racial policies that Hitler directed culminated in a massive number of deaths commonly cited at over 11 million people, including 6 million Jews, in a genocide now known as the Holocaust. (Credit Image: ? KEYSTONE Pictures USA)/ eyevine


German Chancellor Adolf Hitler arrives at the Kroll Opera House, in Berlin, Jan. 30, 1937, to deliver his speech before the assembly, in celebration of the fourth anniversary of National Socialism. (AP Photo)


German Chancellor Adolf Hitler addresses the Reichstag, in Berlin, Jan. 30, 1937, on the fourth anniversary of the birth of National Socialism. (AP Photo)


German Chancellor and Fuehrer Adolf Hitler is shown in this official 1937 photo. (AP Photo)


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/ROGER VIOLLET/AFP Allemagne nazie. Adolf Hitler (1889-1945), homme d'Etat allemand, en promenade, pr?s du Berghof, en 1937. Album d'Eva Braun. RV-399633


Nov 02, 1936; Berlin, Germany; ADOLF HITLER speaking. Adolf Hitler (April 20, 1889?April 30, 1945) was the Fuhrer und Reichskanzler (Leader and Imperial chancellor) of Germany from 1933 to his death. He was leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP), better known as the Nazi Party. At the height of his power, the armies of Nazi Germany and its Axis Powers dominated much of Europe during World War II. The racial policies that Hitler directed culminated in a massive number of deaths commonly cited at over 11 million people, including 6 million Jews, in a genocide now known as the Holocaust. (Credit Image: ? KEYSTONE Pictures USA)/ eyevine


Adolf Hitler salutes as a parade of the Hitler Youth parade in the stadium at Nuremberg, Germany on September 20, 1936. During the


Nearly 100,000 Nazi storm troopers carry banners and standards featuring the black swastika, symbolizing the Nazi movement, at the annual convention of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP) at the Luitpold arena in Nuremberg, Germany, Sept. 20, 1936. The soldiers listened to a speech given by their leader Adolf Hitler. (AP Photo)


Nearly 100,000 Nazi storm troopers packed the Luitpoldarena to listen to a speech by Reichsfeucherer Adolf Hitler on "Brown Shirt Day" at the Nazi Party Convention in Nuremberg on Sept. 20, 1936. (AP Photo)


Nazi troops, wearing steel helmets and carrying Nazi emblems, march before German chancellor Adolf Hitler at Nuremberg, Germany on Sept.17, 1936. Spectators along the sidewalk and at the windows above give the Nazi salute to the parading soldiers. The buildings are decorated with Nazi flags that are two stories high, emblems and swastikas. (AP Photo)


The National Socialist German Workers' Party's convention is climaxed by a parade of the SA troops before party leader Adolf Hitler, on Adolf Hitler Square in Nuremberg, Germany, on Sept. 13, 1936. (AP Photo)


A view of the parade of over 60,000 Hitler youths and girls at the Nazi Congress at Nuremburg, Germany on Sept. 12, 1936, as they wait for the speech from German Chancellor Adolf Hitler. (AP Photo)


Sep 01, 1936; Berlin, GERMANY; On the final day of the 1936 Berlin Olympic Games a Dutch woman broke through all barricades to demand ADOLF HITLER'S autograph, and then kissed him. (Credit Image: ? KEYSTONE Pictures USA)/ eyevine


German Chancellor Adolf Hitler, who attends the Olympics daily, seems pleased with the way the games are progressing as he watches events on August 14, 1936 at Berlin, Germany. At his left is Dr. Theodor Lewald, not in uniform, president of the German Olympic committee. The short man, second from Hitler's right, is Reich Sports leader Hans Von Tschammer. (AP Photo)


Germany's Chancleoor Adolf Hitler, centre, gives a Nazi salute to a winning yacht, from the yacht 'Nixe' , at Kiel, Germany, Aug. 10, 1936. Admiral Erich Raeder, left and Rear-Admiral Goetting, second right, also salute the winners. (AP Photo)


German Chancellor Adolf Hitler, who attends the Olympics daily, seems pleased with the way the games are progressing as he watches events on August 5, 1936 at the Olympic swimming stadium at Berlin, Germany. At his left is Dr. Theodor Lewald, not in uniform,president of the German Olympic committee. (AP Photo)


Adolf Hitler and Colonel General Hermann Goering are on the grand stand in the stadium watching the events on the field, August 2, 1936 at the Olympics in Berlin. (AP Photo)


Fuehrer Adolf Hitler, in light suit , walks with a delegation as they arrive for the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Berlin, Germany on August 1, 1936. Spectators hail the German leader from the stadium balcony with salutes. (AP Photo)


German Chancellor Adolf Hitler arrives at the Olympic Stadium, in Berlin, Aug. 1, 1936, to open the XI Olympic Games. (AP Photo)


A general view of the opening ceremony of the XI Olympic Games at the Lustgarten in Berlin, on August 1, 1936. The photo shows Dr. Joseph Goebbels delivering his opening speech. Behind him, Reichs Minister Rudolf Hess. In the back row from left to right: the leader of the Hitler Youth, Baldur von Schirach and Reichs Sports leader Hans von Tschammer und Osten. In the second row, the leader of the German automobile sports Adolf Huehlein and standing behind him, in a dark suit, States Secretary, Walther Funk. (AP Photo)


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/AFP German chancellor Adolf Hitler (3rd R) arrives on the Berlin stadium to preside the opening ceremony of the Berlin Olympics 01 August 1936.


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/AFP German chancellor Adolf Hitler gives the Nazi salute during the opening ceremony of the Berlin Olympics 01 August 1936.


Chancellor Adolf Hitler arrives at Tempelhof Aerdrome, in Berlin, July 31, 1936, as he arrived from his country home for the opening of the XI Olympic Games. (AP Photo)


Jul 12, 1936; Berlin, Germany; ADOLF HITLER Imperial Chancellor of Germany and the leader of the Nazi Party arriving at the Olympic Stadium. Adolf Hitler (April 20, 1889?April 30, 1945) was the Fuhrer und Reichskanzler (Leader and Imperial chancellor) of Germany from 1933 to his death. He was leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP), better known as the Nazi Party. At the height of his power, the armies of Nazi Germany and its Axis Powers dominated much of Europe during World War II. The racial policies that Hitler directed culminated in a massive number of deaths commonly cited at over 11 million people, including 6 million Jews, in a genocide now known as the Holocaust. (Credit Image: ? KEYSTONE Pictures USA)/ eyevine


Jul 12, 1936; Berlin, Germany; ADOLF HITLER Imperial Chancellor of Germany and the leader of the Nazi Party. Adolf Hitler (April 20, 1889?April 30, 1945) was the Fuhrer und Reichskanzler (Leader and Imperial chancellor) of Germany from 1933 to his death. He was leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP), better known as the Nazi Party. At the height of his power, the armies of Nazi Germany and its Axis Powers dominated much of Europe during World War II. The racial policies that Hitler directed culminated in a massive number of deaths commonly cited at over 11 million people, including 6 million Jews, in a genocide now known as the Holocaust. (Credit Image: ? KEYSTONE Pictures USA)/ eyevine


Chancellor Adolf Hitler, center, walks with two aides after an inspection visit to the Olympic village at Berlin, Germany on July 10, 1936. Above the gateway is the inscription:


Members of Adolf Hitler's inner circle of guards, these black-shirted troops were more than active during the incident on June 30 in Germany. They surrounded and guarded all Nazi headquarters and appeared in force in all places. At the conclusion of the rapidly changing events, climaxed by the death of former chancellor Kurt Von Schleicher, Premier Hitler's right-hand man, said the had been nipped in the bud, and. (**Caption information received incomplete) (AP Photo)


Jun 01, 1936; Berlin, GERMANY; ADOLF HITLER (5th from L, top) at the opening ceremony of the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin. (Credit Image: ? KEYSTONE Pictures USA)/ eyevine


May 26, 1936; Berlin, Germany; ADOLF HITLER and Belgian COUNT HENRI BAILLET-LATOUR entering at the Welt stadium in Berlin for the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Berlin. (Credit Image: ? KEYSTONE Pictures USA)/ eyevine


May 02, 1936; Berlin, Germany; ADOLF HITLER (C) congratulates a Greek marathon athlete of the 1896 Olympia Olympics during the opening ceremony of the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin, Germany. (Credit Image: ? KEYSTONE Pictures USA)/ eyevine


German Chancellor Adolf Hitler during his address to 80,000 workers in the Lustgarten, Berlin, May 1, 1936, s part of the May Day Celebrations. (AP Photo)


German Chancellor Adolf Hitler stands in his car and salutes thousands of Hitler Youth at the Post Stadium, Berlin, May, 1, 1936, where he will address the massed crowd as part of the May Day Celebrations. (AP Photo)


Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler addresses a crowd of 80,000 workers gathered in the Lustgarten at noon on May Day in Berlin, Germany, May 1, 1936. (AP Photo)


About 100,000 storm troopers, soldiers, workers and Nazi officials at Berlin's Lustgarten on May 1, 1936, where the promises of Adolf Hitler's Third Reich were glorified. (AP Photo)


May 01, 1936; Berlin, GERMANY; Nazi leader ADOLF HITLER (C) converses with Archbishop CESARE ORSENIGO, the Papal Nuncio in Berlin. (Credit Image: ? KEYSTONE Pictures USA)/ eyevine


German Chancellor Adolf Hitler. left, salutes as a Tank detachment passes the stand during his Birthday Parade, held in Berlin, on April 20, 1936. Nearly 15,000 men and officers, 1,000 horses, 1573 vehicles, armoured cars and tanks, took part in the parade. (AP Photo)


A group of Germans sing the ?Netherlands Thanks Prayer? on the night of the Reichstag election, March 28, 1936, in Germany. Groups throughout the nation sang this prayer which was led by Reichsfuehrer Adolf Hitler after his final campaign speech in Cologne. (AP Photo)


German Chancellor Adolf Hitler, centre left, speaks to about ten thousand people in the Exhibition Hall, in Cologne, on March 28, 1936, in his final pre-election speech. (AP Photo)


German Chancellor Adolf Hitler stands in his car and acknowledges the large crowd that turned out to greet him when he arrived in Cologne, Germany, on March 28, 1936. The Chancellor is to give a pre-election speech i the city. (AP Photo)


German Chancellor Adolf Hitler stands in his car and acknowledges the large crowd that turned out to greet him when he arrived in Cologne, Germany, on March 28, 1936. The Chancellor is to give a pre-election speech i the city. (AP Photo)


The Reichstag Plebiscite campaign reached its grand finale with Hitler's appearance at Cologne, Germany, March 28, 1936. For the first time since the demilitarization of the Rhineland, Chancellor Adolf Hitler reviewed the army at Cologne. (AP Photo)


Mar 28, 1936; Essen, GERMANY; Nazi leader ADOLF HITLER gives a speech at the Krupp factories in Essen, Germany. (Credit Image: ? KEYSTONE Pictures USA)/ eyevine


German Chancellor Adolf Hitler, stand at a podium in the Century Hall, in Breslau, Germany, on March 22, 1936, where he addressed a crowd as part of his election campaign. (AP Photo) BEST QUALITY AVAILABLE


German Chancellor Adolf Hitler, accompanied by Nazi leaders, enters the Century Hall, in Breslau, Germany, on March 22, 1936, where he addressed a crowd as part of his election campaign. (AP Photo) BEST QUALITY AVAILABLE


Mar 22, 1936; Nuremberg, Bavaria, Germany; ADOLF HITLER Imperial Chancellor of Germany and the leader of the Nazi Party speaking at a Nuremberg Party Rally. Adolf Hitler (April 20, 1889?April 30, 1945) was the Fuhrer und Reichskanzler (Leader and Imperial chancellor) of Germany from 1933 to his death. He was leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP), better known as the Nazi Party. At the height of his power, the armies of Nazi Germany and its Axis Powers dominated much of Europe during World War II. The racial policies that Hitler directed culminated in a massive number of deaths commonly cited at over 11 million people, including 6 million Jews, in a genocide now known as the Holocaust. (Credit Image: ? KEYSTONE Pictures USA)/ eyevine


German Chancellor Adolf Hitler delivers his third speech in his election campaign to a vast audience, in Franfort-On-Main, Germany, on March 17, 1936. He renewed his offer to France for peace. (AP Photo)


Cologne police officers hand over their duties to the German Army of Occupation, Cologne, Germany, March 9, 1936, after the Rhineland demilitarized zone was occupied on the orders of Chancellor Adolf Hitler. (AP Photo/Staff/Putnam)


German troops are cheered as they appeared in the streets and passed the Cathedral in Cologne, Germany, March 7, 1936, after German Chancellor Adolf Hitler had announced that the Rhineland Zone no longer existed. (AP Photo)


German Chancellor Adolf Hitler making his historical speech in the Reichstag, Berlin, March 7, 1936, where he demounced the Locarno Pact. (AP Photo)


German Chancellor Adolf Hitler salutes ofiicials before entering the Reichstag, Berlin, March 7, 1936, where he demounced the Locarno Pact. (AP Photo)


Huge crowds give the Nazi salute as German Chancellor Adolf Hitler, unseen, arrives to address the Reichstag Meeting, in Berlin, March 7, 1936. (AP Photo)


German Chancellor Adolf Hitler inspects a guard of honour before entering the Reichstag, Berlin, March 7, 1936, where he demounced the Locarno Pact. (AP Photo)


German Chancellor Adolf Hitler waves to a crowd from an open car as he leaves the ice skating stadium following pairs competition at the Winter Olympic Games in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, Feb. 24, 1936. (AP Photo)


Adolf Hitler sits with members of his government on the balcony of the Olympia House in the Ski Stadium, shortly after he spoke the inaugural words for the IV Winter Olympic Games in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, Feb. 6, 1936. (AP Photo)


German Chancellor Adolf Hitler, left, reaches out to people below him to deliver autographs at the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin, Germany. (AP Photo)


Berliners line the sidewalks greeting with a fascists' salute at the Potzdamer Platz (Potsdam Square) in Berlin, Germany, 1936. EDS note: Writing beneath the Adolf Hitler Poster reads: Freiheit - Friede (Freedom - Peace)


While thousands of Storm Troopers raise hands in salute, Chancellor Adolf Hitler leads his staff down the aisle in Nuremberg Sept. 11, 1935 at the opening of the National Socialist Party Convention. (AP Photo)


Thousands of SA members march past Adolf Hitler, saluting, standing in his car, during the opening of the Reichsparteitag (Empire Party Meeting) in Nuremberg, Germany, September 10, 1935. The meeting will last until September 16. (AP Photo)


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