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Papież z hostią i monstrancją (11)

New Rada


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Pope John Paul II holds the holy Host during the Easter mass celebrated in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican, Sunday, April 11, 2004. The Pontiff called for world leaders to resolve conflicts in Iraq, the Middle East and Africa, and used his Easter message to pray that hope will conquer the


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/AFP Pope John Paul II holds up the host during an open-air papal mass at Abbassyin stadium in Damascus 06 May 2001. AFP PHOTO/Rabih MOGHRABI


PHOTO: EAST NEWS PIELGRZYMKA PAPIEZA JANA PWLA II DO EGIPTU: MSZA NA STADIONIE W KAIRZE Pope John Paul II lifts the host during a Mass at Cairo stadium 25 February 2000, on the second day of his visit to Egypt. Some 20,000 people attended the service. (ELECTRONIC IMAGE)


Pope John Paul II holds up a host as he celebrates Mass at the Bydgoszcz airport, Monday, June 7, 1999. A goal of John Paul's 13-day pilgrimage to his homeland, the longest trip to any single country of his papacy, is to fortify the church's influence in Poland a decade after communist rule ended. (AP Photo/Rudi Blaha)


PHOTO: WOJTEK LASKI / EAST NEWS VI pielgrzymka papieza Jana Pawla II do Polski. N/Z: Jan Pawel II celebruje msze swieta w Sanktuarium Matki Bozej Fatimskiej na Krzeptowkach, pierwszy od lewej kardynal Franciszek Macharski, Zakopane, 07.06.1997. 6th apostolic journey of Pope John Paul II to Poland. Pictured: John Paul II celebrates a mass in the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fatima at Krzeptowki, first from the left cardinal Franciszek Macharski, Zakopane, Poland, 07/06/1997.


Pope John Paul II blesses the host during communion at Giants Stadium in East Rutherford, N.J. Thursday Oct. 5, 1995. (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast III)


PHOTO: WOJTEK LASKI / EAST NEWS Msza swieta na wzgorzu Kaplicowka w Skoczowie - w czasie kilkugodzinnej wizyty papieza w Polsce, podczas jego 64. podrozy zagranicznej, Skoczow, 22.05.1995. N/Z: papiez Jan Pawel II celebruje msze swieta, pierwszy od lewej kardynal Franciszek Macharski. On his 64th foreign tour the Pope visited his homeland for several hours. The mass at the Kaplicowka Hill (Chapel Hill) in Skoczow, POLAND, 22/05/1995. Pictured: Pope John Paul II celebrates the mass, first on the left cardinal Franciszek Macharski.


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/AFP Pope John Paul II holding a monstrance in the form of a sun-burst 07 May 1988 in Montevideo in front of more than 80,000 faithful gathered of an open-air mass. The pontiff was on the beginning of his 37th International Pastoral visit to Uruguay, Bolivia, Paraguay and Peru, from 07 to 19 May.


Pope John Paul II holding a monstrance in the form of a sun-burst 07 May 1988 in Montevideo in front of more than 80,000 faithful gathered of an open-air mass. The pontiff was on the beginning of his 37th International Pastoral visit to Uruguay, Bolivia, Paraguay and Peru, from 07 to 19 May.


(FILES) Pope John Paul II is seen in this file picture taken 06 October 1986 in Ars, near Lyon, presenting the host to the faithful, during a mass.


Pope John Paul II gives the host for communion to a Zairean woman 15 August 1985 during an Eucharistic mass in Kinshasa. The pontiff was visiting from 08 to 19 August Togo, the Ivory Coast, Cameroon, the Republic of Central Africa, Zaire, Kenya and Morocco (it was his 27th International Pastoral visit). AFP PHOTO GEORGES GOBET
