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Historical artwork (136)

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The Poncelet Wheel, 1826, a drawing from a model in the Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers, Paris, France. At the time, the Poncelet water wheel offered a more efficient design in hydraulic power. Jean-Victor Poncelet (1788-1867) was a French engineer and mathematician. He is known for having revived projective geometry.


This is a myological plate, originally done by Crisostomo Martinez. This is a copy done by Johann Ludwig Choulant, (1791-1861). Color enhancement of 9N0094.


This is a myological plate, originally done by Crisostomo Martinez. This is a copy done by Johann Ludwig Choulant, (1791-1861). Color enhancement of 9N0094.


Drawing of the brain and pineal gland from a physiology textbook by Rene Descartes (French, 31 March 1596 - 11 February 1650). Descartes believed that the pineal gland is where the human soul resides. Aside from his influential thinking in philosophy, Descartes made important contributions to mathematics, physiology, and optics. He also wrote a compendium of music. Color enhancement of BD8012.


Drawing of the brain and pineal gland from a physiology textbook by Rene Descartes (French, 31 March 1596 - 11 February 1650). Descartes believed that the pineal gland is where the human soul resides. Aside from his influential thinking in philosophy, Descartes made important contributions to mathematics, physiology, and optics. He also wrote a compendium of music. Color enhancement of BD8012.


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/W. LASKI Mapa Polski zatwierdzona podczas spotkania Jozefa Stalina z Franklinem Rooseweltem i Winstonem Churchillem na konferencji w Teheranie - czerwonym olowkiem Stalin wyrysowal nowe granice


An illlustration of the northern constellation Perseus. It is named after the Greek Hero who slew the gorgon Medusa. The variable star Algol represents the eye of Medusa.


Illustration of Luigi Galvani's experiments to discover bioelecricity, which involves static voltage of biological cells and the electric currents that flow in living tissues. Colored Version of BD5972.


Line drawing of an early sixteenth-century woodcut of the universe, showing a man thrusting his head through the starry firmament into infinity. From "And There Was Light, " by Rudolf Thiel.


Antique map of the world


Antique map of the world


Fot. Wojtek Laski / East News Otwarcie wystawy "Zaglada polskich elit. Akcja AB - Katyn". Stara Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. Warszawa, Polska, 28.09.2006. Z materialow IPN: "Instytut Pamieci Narodowej prezentuje wystawe poswiecona jednem z najtragiczniejszych momentow w dziejach Polski. Przeprowadzony we wrzesniu 1939 przez hitlerowska III Rzesze i komunistyczny ZSRS, IV rozbior Polski zapoczatkowal bezwzgledne represje wobec jej obywateli. W latach 1939-1941 dwa owczesni sojusznicy dokonali planowych masowych mordow na wyselekcjonowanych grupach Polakow, uznanych przez nich za przywodcza warstwe narodu. Ze szczegolna zajadloscia przesladowani byli przedstawiciele polskich elit: naukowcy, dzialacze polityczni i gospodarczy, oficerowie, policjanci, lekarze, ksieza i nauczyciele. Na obszarze ZSRS byla to Zbrodnia Katynska oraz zwiazane z nia przesladowania, na terenach okupowanych przez Niemcy - akcja AB oraz inne o podobnym zbrodniczym charakterze. Przywracamy dzis pamiec o ludobojstwie, jego ofiarach i sprawcach." N/z: plansza prezentuajaca IV rozbior Polski


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/AVANTIS Bell Helicopters over Afghanistan. After a sweeping victory in northern Afghanistan, the United States and its Afghan allies are now positioned to wage a more targeted campaign to root out Taliban leaders and Osama bin Laden in the south. With the Taliban now confined to the south, the U.S. warplanes can concentrate more firepower on a smaller area. And with the Taliban chased out of most cities, the American planes will presumably be carrying out fewer missions over urban areas. Finding Taliban targets in the rugged mountains and caves will remain a challenge, and a fear for America. If the airstrikes doesn't reach talibans and Osama Bin Laden the army will have to send troops between the mountains. A hard ground for americans, but well known by Talibans and Bin Laden's troops.It is the fearest part of the american operation because it recalls Vietnam. Not in the ideological view, but in some points.


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/WOJTEK LASKI REPRODUKCJA MAPY WOLYNIA W LATACH 1939-45 ZBRODNIE NACJONALISTOW UKRAINSKICH POPELNIONYCH NA POLAKACH, IPN W latach 1943-44 dochodzilo na Wolyniu do zbiorowych morderstw dokonywanych przez nacjonalistow ukranskich na ludnosci polskiej. W Instytucie Pamieci Narodowej w Warszawie znajduja sie zeznania swiadkow zdarzen, ktorym udalo sie przezc gehenne. Strony oswiadczen zawieraja przerazajace opisy okrutnych czynow, ktorych celem byla eliminacja Polakow na obszarze Wolynia. Mordowano bowiem wszystkich: dzieci, kobiety, mlodziez. In the years of 1943-1944 mass murders took place in Wolyn - the eastern part of before-war Poland that was incorporated by Soviet Union in 1939. The Ukrainian nacionalists murdered thousands of Poles. There is an evidence of survivors in the National Memory Institute in Warsaw. Pages of declarations contain horryfing descriptions of cruelty that aimed in elimination the Poles from Wolyn. Everyone was murdered: children, women, youth. There was no mercy.


PHOTO: EAST NEWS MAPA BITWY POD VERDUN, JEDNEJ Z NAJDLUZSZYCH PODCZAS I WOJNY SWIATOWEJ Carte de la bataille de Verdun, la plus longue bataille de la Premi??re Guerre Mondiale. Elle fit 163.000 morts c


Fot. Zbiory D.B. Lomaczewska / East News Mapa Polski 1939-1945.


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