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CZERNOBYL 4 LATA PO WYBUCHU Skutki katastrofy w elektrowni atomowej w Czarnobylu. N/Z: przygotowywany do ewakuacji kolchoz w wiosce niedaleko Krasnopola na Bialorusi, pomimo wysokiego poziomu promieniowana 100 z 300 dawnych pracownikow nadal tu zamieszkuje, Bialorus, ZSRR, kwiecien 1990. The Kolkhoz "Put Lenin" (lenin's Way) (Lenin's Way) in the village of Nvavlenie near Krasnopol in Belarus which will soon be evacuated, four years after the world's worst civilian nucleat disastor at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant 80 miles north of the Soviet city of Kiev in Ukraine on the weekend of April 26-27, 1986. 100 of the 300 workers still remain despite high levels of radiation. Belarus, USSR - 04/1990. 186177 198177


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/PHANIE Ukraine - Centrale nucl??aire de Tchernobyl. Salle de cont??le.


20.05.2005 Czarnobyl , Zlomowisko pojazdow uczestniczacych w akcji ratunkowej po wybuchu w elektrowni atomowej w Czarnobylu fot. Waldemar Jozwa/REPORTER


20.05.2005 okolice Czarnobyla , Prypec , najwyzszy budynek w centrum opuszczonego miasta , w budynku znalezc mozna wiele sladow po mieszkancach, ktorzy zostali ewakuowani z miasta w ciagu paru godzin fot.Waldemar Jozwa/Reporter


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/AFP Hans Blix, head of Chernobyl Shelter fund and former UN weapons chief inspector in Iraq, holds his hands up to stop journalists questions during his visit on Chernobyl nuclear power plant, 09 July 2003. More than 50 representatives of 20 countries visited Chernobyl's plant prior Assembly of the international donor community of Chernobyl Shelter Fund which will start 10 July in Slavutich, small town not far Chernobyl where live employees and workers of the plant.


Fot. Laski Diffusion/East News Mobilne laboratorium zajmujace sie bezpieczenstwem zywnosci przeprowadza badania produktow pod katem skazania radioaktywnego. Do laboratorium trafiaja probki z moskiewskich bazarow gdzie sprzedawane sa produktu z obszaru Rosji oraz krajow bylego ZSRR, czesto z rejonow dotknietych skazeniem wywolanym przez awarie w elektrowni w Czarnobylu. 05.10.2000 N/Z: wstepne wyrywkowe badania przy pomocy licznikow Geigera. Mobile laboratory for nuclear testing and control of food in Moscow. Scientist are examining food for nuclear and radioactive contamination. The laboratory tests products sold at Moscow market squares that come from Russia and ex-USSR countries also from the areas contaminated after the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant disaster. 05.10.2000 Pictured: preliminary random tests with Geiger counter.


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/LASKI DIFFUSION Okolice Czarnobyla 10 lat po katastrofie w elektrowni atomowej, kwiecien 1996 N/Z: "cmentarzysko" skazonego radioaktywnie sprzetu technicznego i pojazdow, ktore wykorzystywano podczas akcji ratunkowej. Chernobyl area 10 years after the Nuclear Power Plant disaster, April 1996 The abandoned vehicles site. These machines were used during the emergency action.


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/Wojtek Laski Zycie codzienne mieszkancow okolic Czarnobyla cztery lata po katastrofie elektrowni atomowej, 31.03.1990 N/Z: mieszkanka Krasnopola pokazuje ikony z cerkwi, ktora po katastrofie zostala przeksztalcona w przedszkole. Daily life in the region of Chernobyl four years after the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant disaster. 31.03.1990 Woman from Krasnopol village shows icons from Orthodox church, which was turned into nursery school after the disaster.


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/Wojtek Laski Zycie codzienne mieszkancow okolic Czarnobyla cztery lata po katastrofie elektrowni atomowej, 31.03.1990 N/Z: praca w kolchozie "Put Lenina" w poblizu miejscowosci Krasnopol. Daily life in the region of Chernobyl four years after the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant disaster. 31.03.1990 Field work in "Put Lenina" kolkhoz near Krasnopol village.


Photo: Wojtek Laski / East News 4 years after the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant disaster. An orphanage in the village of Blon in Belarus, 31/03/1990. Pictured: children suffering from illnesess caused by radiation.


Photo: Wojtek Laski / East News 4 years after the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant disaster. An orphanage in the village of Blon in Belarus, 31/03/1990. Pictured: children suffering from illnesess caused by radiation.


Photo: Wojtek Laski / East News 4 years after the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant disaster. An orphanage in the village of Blon in Belarus, 31/03/1990. Pictured: children suffering from illnesess caused by radiation.


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/Wojtek Laski Zycie codzienne mieszkancow okolic Czarnobyla cztery lata po katastrofie elektrowni atomowej, 31.03.1990 Daily life in the region of Chernobyl four years after the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant disaster. 31.03.1990


Photo: Wojtek Laski / East News 4 years after the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant disaster. An orphanage in the village of Blon in Belarus, 31/03/1990. Pictured: children suffering from illnesess caused by radiation.


Photo: Wojtek Laski / East News 4 years after the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant disaster. An orphanage in the village of Blon in Belarus, 31/03/1990. Pictured: children suffering from illnesess caused by radiation.


Photo: Wojtek Laski / East News 4 years after the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant disaster. An orphanage in the village of Blon in Belarus, 31/03/1990. Pictured: children suffering from illnesess caused by radiation.


Photo: East News / East News Skutki katastrofy w elektrowni atomowej w Czarnobylu 4 lata po wybuchu. Bialorus, ZSRR, kwiecien 1990. N/Z: Anna Glukowa, urodzona trzy lata po katastrofie - 23 sierpnia 1989 - nie ma oczu, jej rodzice byli poddani wysokiej dawce promieniowania w wyniku katastrofy. 00186177


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/WOJTEK LASKI Okolice Czarnobyla 4 lata po katastrofie w elektrowni atomowej. 31.03.1990 N/Z: porzucone skazone statki i lodzie, ktore byly uzywane podczas akcji ratunkowej. Chernobyl area 4 years after Nuclear Power Plant disaster. 31.03.1990 Abandoned ships that were used during the emergency action.


PHOTO:EAST NEWS/WOJTEK LASKI Daily life in Chernobyl area 4 years after the Nuclear Power Plant disaster, 31.03.1990 Pictured: inhabitants of the village Narodychi in north Ukraine and Wojtek Laski - Polish press photographer, long-term employee of international photo agencies (Sipa, Gamma and others).


Zycie codzienne mieszkancow okolic Czarnobyla cztery lata po katastrofie elektrowni atomowej, 31.03.1990 N/Z: pomiary poziomu napromieniwania. Daily life in the region of Chernobyl four years after the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant disaster. 31.03.1990 Measurement of radiation levels.


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