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03.06 - 90 rocznica śmierci Franza Kafki (8)

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PHOTO: LASKI DIFFUSION / EAST NEWS Franz Kafka (1883-1924) – niemieckojezyczny pisarz zydowskiego pochodzenia. N/Z:Franz Kafka i Felice Bauer, Budapeszt, 1917.


PHOTO: LASKI DIFFUSION / EAST NEWS Franz Kafka (1883-1924) – niemieckojezyczny pisarz zydowskiego pochodzenia.


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/LASKI COLLECTION RYSUNEK WYKONANY PRZEZ FRANZA KAFKE. Kafka, whose writings depict the despair of the individual against an uncaring modern state, spent most of his life in the Prague Ghetto, which no longer exists. He was a neurotic, repulsed with sexuality and made little reference to the Jewish world that his name has become synonymous with. Kafka wrote "The Trial" and an over-analysed "The Castle", but these rambling texts don't demonstrate his craziness as much as his short stories, notably "Metamorphosis": "As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning after disturbing dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into an enormous bug" may be the most famous opening in modern literature. Kafka died in 1924 before the Holocaust but several family members were murdered in the Nazi camps. Today in Prague, his face is more famous than the image of the President of the Czech Republic. Kafka is buried outside the former Ghetto in the New Cemetery in Prague, a few miles from Prague's better-known Old Jewish Cemetery.


PHOTO: LASKI DIFFUSION / EAST NEWS Franz Kafka (1883-1924) – niemieckojezyczny pisarz zydowskiego pochodzenia. N/Z: Franz Kafka ok. 1923.


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/LASKI COLLECTION RYSUNEK WYKONANY PRZEZ FRANZA KAFKE Kafka, whose writings depict the despair of the individual against an uncaring modern state, spent most of his life in the Prague Ghetto, which no longer exists. He was a neurotic, repulsed with sexuality and made little reference to the Jewish world that his name has become synonymous with. Kafka wrote "The Trial" and an over-analysed "The Castle", but these rambling texts don't demonstrate his craziness as much as his short stories, notably "Metamorphosis": "As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning after disturbing dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into an enormous bug" may be the most famous opening in modern literature. Kafka died in 1924 before the Holocaust but several family members were murdered in the Nazi camps. Today in Prague, his face is more famous than the image of the President of the Czech Republic. Kafka is buried outside the former Ghetto in the New Cemetery in Prague, a few miles from Prague's better-known Old Jewish Cemetery.


PHOTO: LASKI DIFFUSION / EAST NEWS Franz Kafka (1883-1924) – niemieckojezyczny pisarz zydowskiego pochodzenia.


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/LASKI COLLECTION RYSUNEK WYKONANY PRZEZ FRANZA KAFKE Kafka, whose writings depict the despair of the individual against an uncaring modern state, spent most of his life in the Prague Ghetto, which no longer exists. He was a neurotic, repulsed with sexuality and made little reference to the Jewish world that his name has become synonymous with. Kafka wrote "The Trial" and an over-analysed "The Castle", but these rambling texts don't demonstrate his craziness as much as his short stories, notably "Metamorphosis": "As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning after disturbing dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into an enormous bug" may be the most famous opening in modern literature. Kafka died in 1924 before the Holocaust but several family members were murdered in the Nazi camps. Today in Prague, his face is more famous than the image of the President of the Czech Republic. Kafka is buried outside the former Ghetto in the New Cemetery in Prague, a few miles from Prague's better-known Old Jewish Cemetery.


PHOTO: LASKI DIFFUSION / EAST NEWS Franz Kafka (1883-1924) – niemieckojezyczny pisarz zydowskiego pochodzenia. N/Z: rodzinny dom Franza Kafki, Praga, Czechy.
