Tuesday, July 23, 2024
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Bydgoszcz (3)

New Rada


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Pope John Paul II holds up a host as he celebrates Mass at the Bydgoszcz airport, Monday, June 7, 1999. A goal of John Paul's 13-day pilgrimage to his homeland, the longest trip to any single country of his papacy, is to fortify the church's influence in Poland a decade after communist rule ended. (AP Photo/Rudi Blaha)


Pope John Paul II stands on the altar 07 June 1999 during an open air mass in the city of Bydgoszcz. The Pope also blessed a huge new Roman Catholic basilica being built in the middle of the Polish countryside in Lichen as he continued a 13-days trip to his homeland. (ELECTRONIC IMAGE)


le Pape Jean-Paul II ecoute, le 07 juin 1999, l'archeveque de la ville de Bydgoszcz (situee r 300 kilomctres au nord de Varsovie), o? le Saint Pcre celcbre la messe r l'occasion d'une visite pastorale en Pologne de 13 jours. (IMAGE ELECTRONIQUE) Pope John Paul II stands on the altar 07 June 1999 during an open air mass in the city of Bydgoszcz. The Pope also blessed a huge new Roman Catholic basilica being built in the middle of the Polish countryside in Lichen as he continued a 13-days trip to his homeland. (ELECTRONIC IMAGE)
