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PHOTO: EAST NEWS/AFP (FILES)In this file picture taken, 03 February 1986, Mother Teresa and Pope John Paul II wave to well-wishers in Calcutta. Mother Teresa will be beatified, 19 October 2003, in a ceremony in St Peter's Square, Vatican. The beatification ceremony is the penultimate step to being canonised a saint and has been the shortest in modern history. Following the beatification, a second miracle has to be verified by the Vatican before Mother Teresa can be proclaimed a saint.


Mother Teresa ascends the podium to stand side by side with Pope John Paul II as they greet the faithful in this Feb. 3, 1986, photo in Calcutta. The Sisters of Charity in Rome said Friday Sept 5, 1997 that Mother Teresa has died, she was 87.(AP Photo)


Photo dated 03 February 1986 shows Mother Teresa and Pope John Paul II waving to well-wishers in Calcutta. The pontiff was on a 10 days state visit to India.


Photo dated 03 February 1986 shows Mother Teresa and Pope John Paul II waving to well-wishers, at the Nirmal Hriday Home, in Calcutta. The pontiff visited the Home where welcomed by Mother Teresa during his 10-day state visit to India.


Pope John Paul II holds his arm around Mother Teresa as they ride in the Popemobile outside the Home of the Dying in Calcutta, India, February 1986. (AP Photo)


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/AFP Pope John Paul II is accompanied by Zaire President Mobutu Sese Seko while reviewing troops upon his arrival at Kinshasa airport 14 August 1985. The pontiff was visiting from 08 to 19 August Togo, the Ivory Coast, Cameroon, the Republic of Central Africa, Zaire, Kenya and Morocco (it was his 27th International Pastoral visit).


U.S. First Lady Nancy Reagan receives a box containing a Vatican medal from Pope John Paul II when the pontiff granted her a special audience, Saturday, May 4, 1985 in Vatican City. (AP Photo)


Photo: Wojtek laski/ East News Second apostolic journey of Pope John Paul II to Poland. Meeting with representatives of Polish authorities. Warszawa, POLAND - 17/06/1983 Pictured: Pope John Paul II and Prime Minister, First Secretary of the Polish United Workers' Party general Wojciech Jaruzelski


Photo: Wojtek Laski/East News The second apostolic journey of Pope John Paul II to Poland. Pope meets in Belweder with First Secretary of the PUWP general Wojciech Jaruzelski and PRL's authorities, Warsaw, POLAND, 17/06/1983. Pictured: Pope on the right, chairmen of the Council of State Henryk Jablonski, general Wojciech Jaruzelski.


Fot. Laski Diffusion/East News Druga pielgrzymka papieza Jana Pawla II do Polski. Papiez spotkal sie nieoficjalnie z Lechem Walesa i jego rodzina, Dolina Chocholowska, Tatry, 23.06.1983. The second apostolic journey of Pope John Paul II to Poland. Pope participates in unofficial meeting with Lech Walesa and his family, Chocholowska Valley, Tatra Mountains, Poland, 23/06/1983.


Polish Prime minister Wojciech Jaruzelski shakes hands with Pope John Paul II during a welcoming ceremony at Belvedere Palace in Warsaw, 21 June 1983.


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/WOJTEK LASKI Druga pielgrzymka papieza Jana Pawla II do Polski, Warszawa, 16.06.1983 N/Z: Jan Pawel II na lotnisku podczas powitania, przemawia Henryk Jablonski, za nim prymas Jozef Glemp Second apostolic journey of Pope John Paul II to Poland. Warszawa, POLAND - 16/06/1983


Pope John Paul II meets Daniel Ortega, head of Nicaragua's ruling Sandanista junta, in Managua, Nicaragua, March 4, 1983. (AP Photo/Arturo Mari, pool)


Photo: Wojtek Laski/East News Second apostolic journey of Pope John Paul II to Poland. Warszawa, POLAND - 17/06/1983 Pictured: (L-R) general Wojciech Jaruzelski and Pope John Paul II.


President Ronald Reagan's wife Nancy looks to Pope John Paul II as they were greeted by applause during their appearance in the Clementine Hall at the Vatican City Monday, June 7, 1982. (AP Photo)


Pope John Paul II walks with Britain's Queen Elizabeth II through the Marble Hall at Buckingham Palace in London on Friday, May 28, 1982, as he leaves after their private audience. The Pope is visiting Great Britain for six days. (AP Photo/POOL)


Pope John Paul II chats with Britain's Queen Elizabeth II after their meeting in Buckingham Palace, London on Friday, May 28, 1982, the first day of his six-day visit to Britain. The Pope is the first Roman Catholic Pontiff ever to visit Britain. (AP Photo/POOL)


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/AFP (FILES) A picture dated 1982 shows Pope John Paul II meeting Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama at the Vatican City. Pope John Paul II met the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama at the Vatican 27 November 2003 for talks which focused exclusively on religion and did not broach Tibet's struggle for independence from China, the Vatican said.


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/WOJTEK LASKI Spotkanie Jana Pawla II z Ryszardem Reiffem, styczen 1982. N/z: (L-P) Jozef Glemp, Jan Pawel II, Ryszard Reiff Ryszard Reiff - dzialacz polityczny, prawnik, publicysta, czlonek stowarzyszenia Pax, czlonek Rady Panstwa, odwolany ze stanowiska jako przeciwnik stanu wojennego. Lawyer, catholic politician Reiff meets Pope John Paul II


Photo: Wojtek Laski / East News Delegation of Polish trade union "Solidarity" visited Italy invited by Italian trade unions. Audience with Pope John Paul II in Vatican, Rome, Italy, 15.01.1981 Pictured: Pope John Paul II and leader of "Solidarity" Lech Walesa.


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