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PHOTO: EAST NEWS/AFP PHOTO An unidentified street child hugs 15 October 1991 in Goiania Pope John Paul II during an open-mass celebrated for Brazilian abandoned children during pontiff's visit to Brazil from 12 to 21 October 1991 (his 53rd International Pastoral visit).


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/AFP (FILES) Pope John Paul II is seen in this file picture taken 29 April 1989 in Antanarivo as he reaches out to young well-wishers prior a mass at Youth stadium in capital of Madagascar.


A combo picture of Pope John Paul II jokes after being hugged by an unidentified girl, during his weekly general audience at the Vatican, Wednesday, June 26, 1996. (AP Photo/Giulio Broglio)


Pope John Paul II blesses 06 October 1986 in Ars a baby during the third day of his visit to Lyon's area. The pontiff was visiting from 04 to 07 October East and Central regions of France (it was his 31th International Pastoral visit). AFP PHOTO DANIEL JANIN


Pope John Paul II kisses 19 October 1991 Giselly Acevedo, 10, who broke through security lines during the pontiff's visit of the favelas Do Lixao Sao Pedro on the outskirts of the city of Vitoria. The pontiff spoke on the social doctrine of the Catholic church during this stage of his Pastoral visit to Brazil from 12 to 21 October 1991 and his 53rd International Pastoral visit. AFP PHOTO DERRICK CEYRAC


? Kevin Frayer/CP/ABACA. 36709-12. Toronto-Canada, 23/07/2002. Pope John-Paul II greets Emily Urbaniak, 6, of Mississauga, Ont. upon his arrival at Pearson Airport. The spiritual leader of more than one billion Roman Catholics arrived to take part in his beloved World Youth Day.


? Aaron Harris/CP/ABACA. 36713-2. Toronto-ON-Canada. 23/07/2002. Pope John-Paul II kisses Georgia Rae Giddings, 10, of Baysville, Ont. during a welcoming ceremony at Pearson International Airport in Toronto, Tuesday, July 23, 2002. The spiritual leader of more than one billion Roman Catholics arrived to take part in his beloved World Youth Day.


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/WOJTEK LASKI PAPIEZ VI pielgrzymka papieza Jana Pawla II do Polski, Krakow, 07.06.1997. N/z: Jan Pawel II i dzieci w strojach regionalnych


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/AFP Pope John Paul II launches two doves from the window of his appartment at the end of his weekly Angelus prayer 30 January 2005 at the Vatican. On World Leprosy Day, the Pope also called to eradicate the disease as many thousands continue to suffer, despite a cure being available for decades. AFP PHOTO / Patrick HERTZOG


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/AFP Young Polish musicians cry as they perform for Pope John Paul II as he arrives for his weekly general audience in St Peter's square 15 October 2003. Thousands of Roman Catholic pilgrims packed St Peter's Square in the Vatican to hear Pope John Paul II give his last audience before celebrations to mark his 25 years on the papal throne.The hunched-over pope, crippled by Parkinson's disease that has left his movement severely restricted, waved to cheering pilgrims as he was driven around the square in front of Saint Peter's Basilica.


Pope John Paul II caresses a child during a holy mass, marking the canonization of sister Marije Petkovic, in Dubrovnik, 06 June 2003. Tens of thousands of pilgrims turned out as pope john Paul II beatified a Croatian nun 06 June in the historic city of Dubrovnik, in the highlight of his landmark 100th foreign trip to he predominantly Roman Catholic country. During the beatification ceremony of Maria Petkovic, the 83-year-old pontiff paid tribute to Croatian women who suffered during the country's 1991-1995 war battling rebel Serbs for independence from the former Yugoslavia. AFP PHOTO/POOL/ARTURO MARI


Pope John Paul II caresses a child during an holy mass marking the canonization of sister Marija Petkovic in Dubrovnik, 06 June 2003. Tens of thousands of pilgrims turned out as pope john Paul II beatified a Croatian nun 06 June in the historic city of Dubrovnik, in the highlight of his landmark 100th foreign trip to he predominantly Roman Catholic country. During the beatification ceremony of Maria Petkovic, the 83-year-old pontiff paid tribute to Croatian women who suffered during the country's 1991-1995 war battling rebel Serbs for independence from the former Yugoslavia. AFP PHOTO/POOL/ARTURO MARI


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/WOJTEK LASKI Osma pielgrzymka papieza Jana Pawla II do Polski, Kalwaria Zebrzydowska 19.08.2002 N/z: dziewczynka w stroju krakowskim wrecza kwiaty papiezowi bedacemu w drodze ma msze swieta z okazji 400-lecia konsekracji Sanktuarium Meki Panskiej i Matki Bozej Bolesnej


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/WOJTEK LASKI Osma pielgrzymka papieza Jana Pawla II do Polski, Kalwaria Zebrzydowska 19.08.2002 N/z: dziewczynka w stroju krakowskim wrecza kwiaty papiezowi bedacemu w drodze ma msze swieta z okazji 400-lecia konsekracji Sanktuarium Meki Panskiej i Matki Bozej Bolesnej


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/AFP A tired looking pope John Paul II looks Polish child dressed in traditional costume during the mass in Krakow's Blonie ground 18 August 2002. The pope, who will visit his parent's graves later on Sunday, looked somewhat tired during the mass but completed the three-hour service.


EAST NEWS/AFP PHOTO Pope John Paul II blesses a young girl dressed in a traditional costume during the open-air mass attended by more than two million people at Krakow's Blonia park 18 August 2002. The Pope is in Poland, his homeland, on the third day of his four-day visit, the ninth during his pontificate.


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/AFP PHOTO A tired looking pope John Paul II looks Polish child dressed in traditional costume during the mass in Krakow's Blonie ground 18 August 2002. The pope, who will visit his parent's graves later on Sunday, looked somewhat tired during the mass but completed the three-hour service.


EAST NEWS/AFP PHOTO Pope John Paul II blesses a young girl dressed in a traditional costume during the open-air mass attended by more than two million people at Krakow's Blonia park 18 August 2002. The Pope is in Poland, his homeland, on the third day of his four-day visit, the ninth during his pontificate.


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/WOJTEK LASKI Osma pielgrzymka papieza Jana Pawla II do Polski, Krakow, 18.08.2002 N/z: msza na bloniach krakowskich, podczas ktorej zostali beatyfikowani: arcyciskup Zygmunt Szczesny Felinski, ksiadz Jan Balicki, ojciec Jan Beyzym, siostra Janina Szymkowiak


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/WOJTEK LASKI Osma pielgrzymka papieza Jana Pawla II do Polski, Krakow, 18.08.2002 N/z: msza na bloniach krakowskich, podczas ktorej zostali beatyfikowani: arcyciskup Zygmunt Szczesny Felinski, ksiadz Jan Balicki, ojciec Jan Beyzym, siostra Janina Szymkowiak


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