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Okno Papieża (27)

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PHOTO: EAST NEWS/W. LASKI Osma pielgrzymka papieza Jana Pawla II do Polski, Krakow, 18.08.2002 N/z: wyjazd papieza z kurii biskupiej - Palacu Arcybiskupow


Pope John Paul II watches the crowd gathered at Tor Vergata, as he arrives by helicopter to attend a vigil of pray for the World Youth Day at Rome's Tor Vergata compound Saturday, August 19 2000. (AP Photo/Arturo Mari)


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/AFP PAPIEZ JAN PAWEL II WYGLASZA OREDZIE "URBI ET ORBI" PODCZAS SWIAT BOZEGO NARODZENIA WATYKAN 25/12/1999 Pope John Paul II blesses the crowd during his traditional Christmas Day "Urbi and Orbi" message, in front of thousands of faithful gathered in Saint Peter Square at the Vatican, 25 December 1999. Last night, Pope John Paul II unlocks the Holy Door in Saint Peter Basilica for the last time before the start of the third millennium and kicked off Holy Year celebrations. (ELECTRONIC IMAGE)


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/AFP PAPIEZ JAN PAWEL II BLOGOSLAWI WIERNYCH ZGROMADZONYCH NA PLACU SW PIOTRA WATYKAN 12/12/1999 Pope John Paul II blesses the crowd in front of the Christmas tree on Saint Peter Square in Vatican, 12 December 1999, during the weekly Angelus. (ELECTRONIC IMAGE)


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/WOJTEK LASKI VII pielgrzymka papieza Jana Pawla II do Polski, Krakow, 15.06.1999. N/Z: poznym wieczorem papiez Jan Pawel II pojawil sie w oknie rezydencji arcybiskupow krakowskich by pozdrowic i poblogoslawic zebranych ludzi. Bylo to w dniu, w ktorym z powodow zdrowotnych musial odwolac spotkania z wiernymi w Krakowie i Gliwicach. 7th apostolic journey of Pope John Paul II to Poland, Cracow, 15/06/1999. Pictured: late in the evening Pope John Paul II appeared in the window of bishops' residence to welcome and bless people who gathered there. It was on the day, when he had to cancel all his meetings with worshippers due to his illness. POPE'S VISIT TO POLAND. CRACOVIE


PHOTO: WOJTEK LASKI / EAST NEWS VII pielgrzymka papieza Jana Pawla II do Polski, Krakow, 15.06.1999. N/Z: poznym wieczorem papiez Jan Pawel II pojawil sie w oknie rezydencji arcybiskupow krakowskich by pozdrowic i poblogoslawic zebranych ludzi. Bylo to w dniu, w ktorym z powodow zdrowotnych musial odwolac spotkania z wiernymi w Krakowie i Gliwicach. 7th apostolic journey of Pope John Paul II to Poland, Cracow, 15/06/1999. Pictured: late in the evening Pope John Paul II appeared in the window of bishops' residence to welcome and bless people who gathered there. It was on the day, when he had to cancel all his meetings with worshippers due to his illness.


PHOTO: EASTNEWS/WOJTEK LASKI Pierwsza pielgrzymka papieza Jana Pawla II do Polski. Wizyta na Wawelu, Krakow, 06.06.1979


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