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Intronizacja , konklawe i msza 15-22.10 .1978 (92)

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Cardinals Pignedoli, left, and Nasalli Rocca in St. Peter's Basilica Oct. 14, 1978 for a special mass to be held a few hours before the cardinals assemble for the conclave later this day. 111 prince of church will enter the Sistine Chapel for the conclave to elect a successor to late Pope John Paul I. (Ap Photo)


The Papal chamberlain, French Cardinal Jean Villot, wears miter and has his hands in prayer as he enters St. Peter's Basilica Oct. 14, 1978 for a special mass to be held a few hours before the cardinals assemble for the conclave later this day. 111 prince of church will enter the Sistine Chapel for the conclave to elect a successor to late Pope John Paul I. (Ap Photo)


Pope John Paul II at St. Peter's Square during the official installation ceremonies for the new Pontiff, in Vatican City, Oct. 22, 1978. (Ap Photo)


Pope John Paul II is seen October 17, 1978.


Pope John Paul II, the third Pontiff of 1978, sits on the papal throne in Vatican City in this November 1978 photo. Formerly Cardinal Wojtyla of Krakow, Poland, the new Pope was elected to succeed John Paul I, who reigned only 34 days before dying of a heart attack at age 65. John Paul I had been named to succeed Pope Paul VI, who died in August. (AP Photo)


Pope John Paul II sits and reads message during mass inside Sistine Chapel Tuesday morning, October 17, 1978. He is in full Papal dress. (AP Photo)


Pope John Paul II presides over his first mass in the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City, on Tuesday, October 17, 1978. (AP Photo)


The newly-elected Pope John Paul II, acknowledges cheers from pilgrims crowding Saint Peter's Square from an overlooking balcony during his first appearance as pope in this Oct. 16, 1978, photo. (AP Photo/Massimo Sambucetti)


Black smoke pours out of the chimney atop the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City, at noon Oct.16,1978, the sign that the 111 cardinals again failed to elect a successor to the late Pope John Paul I after the sixth balloting. In foreground are the huge stone statues atop the Bernini colonade. (AP Photo)


Newly-elected Pope John Paul II, the former Polish Cardinal Karol Wojtyla, raises his arms in greeting the crowd from the balcony of St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City on Oct. 16, 1978. The new Pope was making his first public appearance, flanked by Virgilio Cardinal Noe, on the balcony overlooking the St. Peter's Square. (AP Photo)


Pope John Paul II. is seen during the official installation ceremony outside St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City, October 22, 1978. (AP Photo)


This October 22, 1978 photo shows the official installation celebration of Pope John Paul II in Vatican City, Italy. Cardinals are lined up on the steps of St. Peter's Basilica to pay obedience to the newly elected pontiff. (AP Photo)


Paul Emile Cardinal Leger from Canada is seen as he pays obedience to the newly installed Pope John Paul II on the steps of St. Peter Basilica, during the official installation ceremony on October 22, 1978, in Vatican City, Italy. (AP Photo)


Pope John Paul II greets the cheering crowd from the balcony of St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City, Monday evening, Oct. 16, 1978, shortly after his election to succeed the late Pope John Paul I, Oct. 16, 1978. The new head of the Catholic Church, the former archbishop of Krakow, Poland, Karol Cardinal Wojtyla, is the first non-Italian since 450 years. The pontiff is flanked by, from left to right, Polish Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski; Msgr. Orazio Cocchetti of the pontifical ceremonies office; cardinal Bertoli of Italy; cardinal Siri of Italy; and Msgr. Virgilio Noe of the pontifical cermonies office. (AP Photo)


The newly-elected Pope John Paul II, acknowledges cheers from pilgrims crowding Saint Peter's Square from an overlooking balcony during his first appearance as pope in this Oct. 16, 1978 photo. Pope John Paul II, the Polish pontiff who led the Roman Catholic Church for more then a quarter century and became history's most-travelled Pope, died Saturday, April 2, 2005 in his Vatican apartment. He was 84.. (AP Photo/Massimo Sambucetti)


Photo prise le 16 octobre 1978 au Vatican, du cardinal polonais Karol Wojtyla, devenu le 16 octobre Jean-Paul II, le premier pape non italien depuis Adrian VI de Hollande en 1542. Picture taken 16 October 1978 in Vatican City of cardinal Karol Wojtyla of Poland, who was elected 16 October successor to Pope John Paul I, the 264th Pope of the Catholic Church, the first non-Italian Pope since Adrian VI of Holland in 1542.


Pope John Paul II, 50, former Polish cardinal Karol Wojtyla, smiles at the Vatican 16 October 1978, after being named at the head of the Catholic Church. Karol Wojtyla became a bishop in Krakow in 1958, and then archbishop in 1963, before ascending to the papacy as John Paul II. AFP PHOTO


Pope John Paul II, 58, gives a speech during his coronation ceremony 22 October 1978 at Saint Peter Basilica in Vatican city. Cardinal Karol Wojtyla of Poland, former Archbishop of Cracow, became 16 October 1978 the first non-Italian Pope since Adrian VI of Holland in 1542. He is a fierce anti-Communist and his election was seen as a challenge to Poland's Communist government. AFP PHOTO/LEHTIKUVA-HANS PAUL


General view of the Pope John Paul II coronation ceremony 22 October 1978 at Saint Peter Basilica in Vatican city. Cardinal Karol Wojtyla of Poland, former Archbishop of Cracow, became 16 October 1978 the first non-Italian Pope since Adrian VI of Holland in 1542. He is a fierce anti-Communist and his election was seen as a challenge to Poland's Communist government. AFP PHOTO/LEHTIKUVA-HANS PAUL


General view of Pope John Paul II's coronation ceremony 22 October 1978 at Saint Peter Basilica in Vatican city.


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