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Leading the march against the Vietnam conflict are Dr. Benjamin Spock, tall, white-haired man, and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., third from right, in a parade on State St. in Chicago, Ill., March 25, 1967. Dr. Spock is co-chairman of the National Committee for Sane Nuclear Policy. (AP Photo)


Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. walks between seven-year-old Eva Gracelemon, left, and 10-year-old Aritha Willis as he escorts black school children to formerly all-white schools in Grenada, Miss., Tuesday morning, Sept. 20, 1966. Violence erupted at the school last Monday when the schools were integrated. (AP Photo)


Civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. addresses an impromptu press conference, Aug. 19, 1966, after circuit court issued a temporary injunction restricting civil rights marches in Chicago. King said the marchers may defy the court ban and termed the injunction


Civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., right, and his aide Rev. Jesse Jackson are seen in Chicago, Aug. 19, 1966. Dr. King holds a Chicago Daily News paper with a headline that reads


African American students of Chicago???s Ogden School went to school and are shown playing with other students during recess time on May 17, 1966 despite the request of Dr. Martin Luther King ??sto take a holiday from school??? on the 12th anniversary of the Supreme Court school desegregation decision. King???s Southern Christian Leadership Conference wanted to show Chicago and Mayor Richard Daley that the education system has not changed since the 1954 decision, but gotten worse. (AP Photo/HLH)


PHOTO: EAST NEWS MARTIN LUTHER KING INAUGURUJE "RUCH DLA POKOJU". KING ZOSTAL ZAMORDOWANY 4 KWIETNIA 1968 W MEMPHIS. DO ZASTRZELENIA PRZYZNAL SIE JAMES EARL JONES I ZOSTAL SKAZANY NA 99 LAT WIEZIENIA The US clergyman and civil rights leader Martin Luther King addresses, 29 March 1966 in Paris' Sport Palace the militants of the "Movement for the Peace". "Martin Luther King was assassinated on 04 April 1968 in Memphis, Tennessee. James Earl Ray confessed to shooting King and was sentenced to 99 years in prison. King's killing sent shock waves through American society at the time, and is still regarded as a landmark event in recent US history.


This is a photo of Julian Bond and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. casting their ballots to fill Bond's vacant seat in the U.S. House of Representatives in Atlanta, Ga., on Feb. 23, 1966. Bond was refused his seat in congress because of his endorsement of a statement which charged th U.S. with committing aggression in Vietnam. (AP Photo)


Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., right, who is campaigning to clean up slum areas in Chicago, Ill., helps roll a barrel of ashes at a building on the west side of the city, Feb. 23, 1966. Looking at left is the Rev. Owen Ateer of St. Agatha Catholic Church. King is the head of the Southern Leadership Conference, a civil rights organization. (AP Photo)


Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., left, and his wife, Coretta Scott King, second from left, join pickets during a tour of an Atlanta slum area, Feb. 1, 1966, which King described as


Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his wife Coretta Scott King wave to crowd in street from center window of a third-floor walk-up apartment he rented in a slum area on Chicago's West Side, Jan. 26, 1966. Dr. King announced he will spend two or three days a week in Chicago directing a campaign against slum conditions. Mrs. King said she would stay in the flat for tonight only, and then return to Atlanta. Dr. King pays $90 a month rent for the four-room apartment. (AP Photo/Edward Kitch)


Part of the large crowd of civil rights demonstrators who marched on the Georgia Capitol in Atlanta, Georgia, Jan. 14, 1966 in protest of Rep.-elect Julian Bond being denied a seat in the House because of his statements opposing the draft and denouncing U.S. participation in Viet Nam as aggression. One segment of the marchers was led by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (AP Photo/Horace Cort)


Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., (bottom, 5th from left) leads this long line of demonstrators toward Georgia's State Capitol in Atlanta, Jan. 14, 1966, in protest of the Georgia House's barring Rep.-elect Julian Bond. Bond, a 26-year-old civil rights worker, was refused his seat in the House for his statements opposing the draft and denouncing U.S. participation in Viet Nam. (AP Photo/Horace Cort)


Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., right, speaks at a news conference in Chicago, Ill., Jan. 7, 1966. King, the head of the Southern Leadership Conference, a civil rights organization, announced Chicago as the target of his first major effort in the North in his campaign to clean up slum neighborhoods. Seated at left is Albert Raby, head of the Coordinating Council of Community Organizations, also working for civil rights. (AP Photo)


Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is seen at a press conference in 1966. (AP Photo)


Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. right, urges an audience of African Americans to redouble their efforts in voter registration and continue to pressure against segregated justice, Dec. 14, 1965, Birmingham, Al. The civil rights leader addressed the meeting at a local church. The men on the left are unidentified. (AP Photo)


The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., right, and Rep. Adam Clayton Powell, are shown at a news conference at the Abyssinian Baptist Church in New York's Harlem, November 14, 1965. (AP Photo/David Pickoff)


Queen Juliana of the Netherlands congratulates Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., after the American civil rights leader received an honorary degree in social science by the Amsterdam Free University, on October 20, 1965. At left is Prince Bernhard, husband of Queen Juliana, who also received an honorary degree. (AP Photo)


Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., right, is seen addressing a public gathering in the riot-torn area of Los Angeles on Aug. 18, 1965. King attended many meetings in an attempt to solve the problems connected with the uprising. At left is King's aide, Bayard Rustin. (AP Photo)


The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., tells a Miami, Fla. news conference, August 16, 1965, that he is flying to Los Angeles Tuesday to meet with black and white leaders and help create


The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. telephones aides during a stopover in afternoon on August 14, 1965 in Miami. Dr. King, enroute to San Juan, Puerto Rico on a speaking engagement, said he deplored the rioting in the Negro area of Los Angeles. (AP Photo/JAB)


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