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IMAGO 10.02 - 17.02.2021 (3278)

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fruhlingshafte Temperaturen erwartet. Wandlitz, Barnim, Brandenburg, Deutschland, 16.02.2021 *** Spring-like temperatures expected Wandlitz, Barnim, Brandenburg, Germany, 16 02 2021


Der zugefrorene Liepnitzsee am letzten kalten Wintertag. Am Wochenende werden bereits fruhlingshafte Temperaturen erwartet. Wandlitz, Barnim, Brandenburg, Deutschland, 16.02.2021 *** The frozen Liepnitzsee on the last cold winter day At the weekend already springlike temperatures are expected Wandlitz, Barnim, Brandenburg, Germany, 16 02 2021


Der zugefrorene Liepnitzsee am letzten kalten Wintertag. Am Wochenende werden bereits fruhlingshafte Temperaturen erwartet. Wandlitz, Barnim, Brandenburg, Deutschland, 16.02.2021 *** The frozen Liepnitzsee on the last cold winter day At the weekend already springlike temperatures are expected Wandlitz, Barnim, Brandenburg, Germany, 16 02 2021


Der zugefrorene Liepnitzsee am letzten kalten Wintertag. Am Wochenende werden bereits fruhlingshafte Temperaturen erwartet. Wandlitz, Barnim, Brandenburg, Deutschland, 16.02.2021 *** The frozen Liepnitzsee on the last cold winter day At the weekend already springlike temperatures are expected Wandlitz, Barnim, Brandenburg, Germany, 16 02 2021


Saarbrucken. Ein Wohnhausbrand in der Burbacher Fenner Stra?e hat am Dienstagmittag einen Gro?einsatz von Polizei, Feuerwehr und Rettungsdienst nach sich gezogen. Als die Feuerwehr um 13:37 alarmiert wurde, gingen in der Notrufzentrale bereits eine Vielzahl von Anrufen ein. Sofort wurden beide L?schzuge der Berufsfeuerwehr, die Freiwillige Feuerwehr Malstatt-Burbach und weitere Freiwillige Wehren als Reservekrafte alarmiert. Nach Auskunft des Einsatzleiters der Feuerwehr sahen die Einsatzkrafte schon von weitem eine Rauchsaule uber Burbach und in der Stra?e den Flammenschlag aus dem Erdgeschoss des betroffenen Mehrfamilienhauses. Eine Person habe man dann uber die Drehleiter aus dem Obergeschoss gerettet und zwei Personen uber das Treppenha bub


Saarbrucken. Ein Wohnhausbrand in der Burbacher Fenner Stra?e hat am Dienstagmittag einen Gro?einsatz von Polizei, Feuerwehr und Rettungsdienst nach sich gezogen. Als die Feuerwehr um 13:37 alarmiert wurde, gingen in der Notrufzentrale bereits eine Vielzahl von Anrufen ein. Sofort wurden beide L?schzuge der Berufsfeuerwehr, die Freiwillige Feuerwehr Malstatt-Burbach und weitere Freiwillige Wehren als Reservekrafte alarmiert. Nach Auskunft des Einsatzleiters der Feuerwehr sahen die Einsatzkrafte schon von weitem eine Rauchsaule uber Burbach und in der Stra?e den Flammenschlag aus dem Erdgeschoss des betroffenen Mehrfamilienhauses. Eine Person habe man dann uber die Drehleiter aus dem Obergeschoss gerettet und zwei Personen uber das Treppenha bub


Zwei Menschen sterben bei einem schweren Verkehrsunfall am Dienstag 16.2.2021 auf der A6 zwischen Waldmphr und Homburg im Baustellenbereich. Ein Lastwagen fuhr auf zwei Lieferwagen auf und zerquetschte die Lieferwagen zwischen sich und einem weiteren vorausfahrenden Lkw. *** Two people die in a serious road accident on Tuesday 16 2 2021 on the A6 between Waldmphr and Homburg in a roadworks area A lorry rear-ended two vans, crushing the vans between itself and another lorry in front of it bub


LTW BW 2021. Wahlplakate verschiedener Parteien an einer Stra?e in Stuttgart. // 16.02.2021, Deutschland, Baden-Wurttemberg, Stuttgart. *** LTW BW 2021 election posters of different parties at a street in Stuttgart 16 02 2021, Germany, Baden Wurttemberg, Stuttgart


LTW BW 2021. Wahlplakate verschiedener Parteien an einer Stra?e in Stuttgart. Foto ist bearbeitet. Unscharfe an den Seiten hinzugefugt. // 16.02.2021, Deutschland, Baden-Wurttemberg, Stuttgart. *** LTW BW 2021 election posters of different parties on a street in Stuttgart photo is edited blur added to the sides 16 02 2021, Germany, Baden Wurttemberg, Stuttgart


LTW BW 2021. Wahlplakate verschiedener Parteien an einer Stra?e in Stuttgart. Foto ist bearbeitet. Unscharfe an den Seiten hinzugefugt. // 16.02.2021, Deutschland, Baden-Wurttemberg, Stuttgart. *** LTW BW 2021 election posters of different parties on a street in Stuttgart photo is edited blur added to the sides 16 02 2021, Germany, Baden Wurttemberg, Stuttgart


Frankreich, Sitzung der Nationalversammlung in Paris Paris, France February 16, 2021 - Weekly session of questions to the government at the French National Parliament - Nicolas Dupont-Aignan NEWS, QAG, POLITIQUE, ASSEMBLEE NATIONALE, HEMICYCLE PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRA Copyright: xVincentxIsorex


Frankreich, Sitzung der Nationalversammlung in Paris Paris, France February 16, 2021 - Weekly session of questions to the government at the French National Parliament - Jean Castex NEWS, QAG, POLITIQUE, ASSEMBLEE NATIONALE, HEMICYCLE PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRA Copyright: xVincentxIsorex


Frankreich, Sitzung der Nationalversammlung in Paris Paris, France February 16, 2021 - Weekly session of questions to the government at the French National Parliament - Julien Aubert NEWS, QAG, POLITIQUE, ASSEMBLEE NATIONALE, HEMICYCLE PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRA Copyright: xVincentxIsorex


Frankreich, Sitzung der Nationalversammlung in Paris Paris, France February 16, 2021 - Weekly session of questions to the government at the French National Parliament - Olivier Faure NEWS, QAG, POLITIQUE, ASSEMBLEE NATIONALE, HEMICYCLE PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRA Copyright: xVincentxIsorex


Frankreich, Sitzung der Nationalversammlung in Paris Paris, France February 16, 2021 - Weekly session of questions to the government at the French National Parliament - Olivier Faure NEWS, QAG, POLITIQUE, ASSEMBLEE NATIONALE, HEMICYCLE PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRA Copyright: xVincentxIsorex


Frankreich, Sitzung der Nationalversammlung in Paris Paris, France February 16, 2021 - Weekly session of questions to the government at the French National Parliament - jean castex, elisabeth Borne NEWS, QAG, POLITIQUE, ASSEMBLEE NATIONALE, HEMICYCLE PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRA Copyright: xVincentxIsorex


Frankreich, Sitzung der Nationalversammlung in Paris Paris, France February 16, 2021 - Weekly session of questions to the government at the French National Parliament - Roland Lescure, Jean Castex NEWS, QAG, POLITIQUE, ASSEMBLEE NATIONALE, HEMICYCLE PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRA Copyright: xVincentxIsorex


Frankreich, Sitzung der Nationalversammlung in Paris Paris, France February 16, 2021 - Weekly session of questions to the government at the French National Parliament - Arnaud Viala NEWS, QAG, POLITIQUE, ASSEMBLEE NATIONALE, HEMICYCLE PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRA Copyright: xVincentxIsorex


Frankreich, Sitzung der Nationalversammlung in Paris Paris, France February 16, 2021 - Weekly session of questions to the government at the French National Parliament - olivier veran NEWS, QAG, POLITIQUE, ASSEMBLEE NATIONALE, HEMICYCLE PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRA Copyright: xVincentxIsorex


Frankreich, Sitzung der Nationalversammlung in Paris Paris, France February 16, 2021 - Weekly session of questions to the government at the French National Parliament - Clement Beaune NEWS, QAG, POLITIQUE, ASSEMBLEE NATIONALE, HEMICYCLE PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRA Copyright: xVincentxIsorex


Frankreich, Sitzung der Nationalversammlung in Paris Paris, France February 16, 2021 - Weekly session of questions to the government at the French National Parliament - Jean-Yves Le Drian NEWS, QAG, POLITIQUE, ASSEMBLEE NATIONALE, HEMICYCLE PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRA Copyright: xVincentxIsorex


Frankreich, Sitzung der Nationalversammlung in Paris Paris, France February 16, 2021 - Weekly session of questions to the government at the French National Parliament - Grald Darmanin, Jean-Michel Blanquer NEWS, QAG, POLITIQUE, ASSEMBLEE NATIONALE, HEMICYCLE PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRA Copyright: xVincentxIsorex


Frankreich, Sitzung der Nationalversammlung in Paris Paris, France February 16, 2021 - Weekly session of questions to the government at the French National Parliament - jean castex NEWS, QAG, POLITIQUE, ASSEMBLEE NATIONALE, HEMICYCLE, CRAVATE PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRA Copyright: xVincentxIsorex


Frankreich, Sitzung der Nationalversammlung in Paris Paris, France February 16, 2021 - Weekly session of questions to the government at the French National Parliament - Jean-Yves Le Drian NEWS, QAG, POLITIQUE, ASSEMBLEE NATIONALE, HEMICYCLE PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRA Copyright: xVincentxIsorex


Brasilien, Proteste gegen Gouverneur von Amazonas Wilson Lima MANAUS, AM - 16.02.2021: MANIFESTANTES PEDEM FORA WILSON LIMA AM - Street vendors, marketers, application drivers and others, made a demonstration, this Tuesday morning 16, in front of the Legislative Assembly of Amazonas Aleam in Manaus AM. Protesters call for impeachment of Governor Wilson Lima, the reopening of commerce and accuse the Governor of lack of oxygen and of deaths in the state. x2033033x PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxBRA SandroxPereira


Brasilien, Proteste gegen Gouverneur von Amazonas Wilson Lima MANAUS, AM - 16.02.2021: MANIFESTANTES PEDEM FORA WILSON LIMA AM - Street vendors, marketers, application drivers and others, made a demonstration, this Tuesday morning 16, in front of the Legislative Assembly of Amazonas Aleam in Manaus AM. Protesters call for impeachment of Governor Wilson Lima, the reopening of commerce and accuse the Governor of lack of oxygen and of deaths in the state. x2033023x PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxBRA SandroxPereira


Brasilien, Proteste gegen Gouverneur von Amazonas Wilson Lima MANAUS, AM - 16.02.2021: MANIFESTANTES PEDEM FORA WILSON LIMA AM - Street vendors, marketers, application drivers and others, made a demonstration, this Tuesday morning 16, in front of the Legislative Assembly of Amazonas Aleam in Manaus AM. Protesters call for impeachment of Governor Wilson Lima, the reopening of commerce and accuse the Governor of lack of oxygen and of deaths in the state. x2033024x PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxBRA SandroxPereira


Brasilien, Proteste gegen Gouverneur von Amazonas Wilson Lima MANAUS, AM - 16.02.2021: MANIFESTANTES PEDEM FORA WILSON LIMA AM - Street vendors, marketers, application drivers and others, made a demonstration, this Tuesday morning 16, in front of the Legislative Assembly of Amazonas Aleam in Manaus AM. Protesters call for impeachment of Governor Wilson Lima, the reopening of commerce and accuse the Governor of lack of oxygen and of deaths in the state. x2033025x PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxBRA SandroxPereira


Brasilien, Proteste gegen Gouverneur von Amazonas Wilson Lima MANAUS, AM - 16.02.2021: MANIFESTANTES PEDEM FORA WILSON LIMA AM - Street vendors, marketers, application drivers and others, made a demonstration, this Tuesday morning 16, in front of the Legislative Assembly of Amazonas Aleam in Manaus AM. Protesters call for impeachment of Governor Wilson Lima, the reopening of commerce and accuse the Governor of lack of oxygen and of deaths in the state. x2033026x PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxBRA SandroxPereira


Brasilien, Proteste gegen Gouverneur von Amazonas Wilson Lima MANAUS, AM - 16.02.2021: MANIFESTANTES PEDEM FORA WILSON LIMA AM - Street vendors, marketers, application drivers and others, made a demonstration, this Tuesday morning 16, in front of the Legislative Assembly of Amazonas Aleam in Manaus AM. Protesters call for impeachment of Governor Wilson Lima, the reopening of commerce and accuse the Governor of lack of oxygen and of deaths in the state. x2033027x PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxBRA SandroxPereira


Brasilien, Proteste gegen Gouverneur von Amazonas Wilson Lima MANAUS, AM - 16.02.2021: MANIFESTANTES PEDEM FORA WILSON LIMA AM - Street vendors, marketers, application drivers and others, made a demonstration, this Tuesday morning 16, in front of the Legislative Assembly of Amazonas Aleam in Manaus AM. Protesters call for impeachment of Governor Wilson Lima, the reopening of commerce and accuse the Governor of lack of oxygen and of deaths in the state. x2033028x PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxBRA SandroxPereira


Brasilien, Proteste gegen Gouverneur von Amazonas Wilson Lima MANAUS, AM - 16.02.2021: MANIFESTANTES PEDEM FORA WILSON LIMA AM - Street vendors, marketers, application drivers and others, made a demonstration, this Tuesday morning 16, in front of the Legislative Assembly of Amazonas Aleam in Manaus AM. Protesters call for impeachment of Governor Wilson Lima, the reopening of commerce and accuse the Governor of lack of oxygen and of deaths in the state. x2033029x PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxBRA SandroxPereira


Brasilien, Proteste gegen Gouverneur von Amazonas Wilson Lima MANAUS, AM - 16.02.2021: MANIFESTANTES PEDEM FORA WILSON LIMA AM - Street vendors, marketers, application drivers and others, made a demonstration, this Tuesday morning 16, in front of the Legislative Assembly of Amazonas Aleam in Manaus AM. Protesters call for impeachment of Governor Wilson Lima, the reopening of commerce and accuse the Governor of lack of oxygen and of deaths in the state. x2033030x PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxBRA SandroxPereira


Brasilien, Proteste gegen Gouverneur von Amazonas Wilson Lima MANAUS, AM - 16.02.2021: MANIFESTANTES PEDEM FORA WILSON LIMA AM - Street vendors, marketers, application drivers and others, made a demonstration, this Tuesday morning 16, in front of the Legislative Assembly of Amazonas Aleam in Manaus AM. Protesters call for impeachment of Governor Wilson Lima, the reopening of commerce and accuse the Governor of lack of oxygen and of deaths in the state. x2033031x PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxBRA SandroxPereira


Brasilien, Proteste gegen Gouverneur von Amazonas Wilson Lima MANAUS, AM - 16.02.2021: MANIFESTANTES PEDEM FORA WILSON LIMA AM - Street vendors, marketers, application drivers and others, made a demonstration, this Tuesday morning 16, in front of the Legislative Assembly of Amazonas Aleam in Manaus AM. Protesters call for impeachment of Governor Wilson Lima, the reopening of commerce and accuse the Governor of lack of oxygen and of deaths in the state. x2033032x PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxBRA SandroxPereira


Zwei Menschen sterben bei einem schweren Verkehrsunfall am Dienstag 16.2.2021 auf der A6 zwischen Waldmphr und Homburg im Baustellenbereich. Ein Lastwagen fuhr auf zwei Lieferwagen auf und zerquetschte die Lieferwagen zwischen sich und einem weiteren vorausfahrenden Lkw. *** Two people die in a serious road accident on Tuesday 16 2 2021 on the A6 between Waldmphr and Homburg in a roadworks area A lorry rear-ended two vans, crushing the vans between itself and another lorry in front of it bub


Zwei Menschen sterben bei einem schweren Verkehrsunfall am Dienstag 16.2.2021 auf der A6 zwischen Waldmphr und Homburg im Baustellenbereich. Ein Lastwagen fuhr auf zwei Lieferwagen auf und zerquetschte die Lieferwagen zwischen sich und einem weiteren vorausfahrenden Lkw. *** Two people die in a serious road accident on Tuesday 16 2 2021 on the A6 between Waldmphr and Homburg in a roadworks area A lorry rear-ended two vans, crushing the vans between itself and another lorry in front of it bub


News Bilder des Tages 210217 -- BUDAPEST, Feb. 17, 2021 -- Staff members transfer the first batch of China s Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccine purchased by Hungary at the Liszt Ferenc International Airport in Budapest, Hungary, Feb. 16, 2021. Photo by /Xinhua HUNGARY-BUDAPEST-COVID-19-VACCINE FROM CHINA-ARRIVAL AttilaxVolgyi PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


News Bilder des Tages Saarbrucken. Ein Wohnhausbrand in der Burbacher Fenner Stra?e hat am Dienstagmittag einen Gro?einsatz von Polizei, Feuerwehr und Rettungsdienst nach sich gezogen. Als die Feuerwehr um 13:37 alarmiert wurde, gingen in der Notrufzentrale bereits eine Vielzahl von Anrufen ein. Sofort wurden beide L?schzuge der Berufsfeuerwehr, die Freiwillige Feuerwehr Malstatt-Burbach und weitere Freiwillige Wehren als Reservekrafte alarmiert. Nach Auskunft des Einsatzleiters der Feuerwehr sahen die Einsatzkrafte schon von weitem eine Rauchsaule uber Burbach und in der Stra?e den Flammenschlag aus dem Erdgeschoss des betroffenen Mehrfamilienhauses. Eine Person habe man dann uber die Drehleiter aus dem Obergeschoss gerettet und zwei Personen uber das Treppenha bub


210215 -- MELBOURNE, Feb. 15, 2021 -- Rafael Nadal of Spain competes during the men s singles match against Fabio Fognini of Italy at Australian Open in Melbourne Park in Melbourne, Australia, Feb. 15, 2021. SPAUSTRALIA-MELBOURNE-TENNIS-AUSTRALIAN OPEN-DAY 8 BaixXuefei PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


210216 -- JOHANNESBURG, Feb. 16, 2021 -- A teacher checks a student s information at a primary school in Johannesburg, South Africa, Feb. 15, 2021. Over 20,000 public schools in South Africa were reopened in accordance with strict adherence to the COVID-19 protocol on Monday. Photo by /Xinhua SOUTH AFRICA-JOHANNESBURG-COVID-19-PUBLIC SCHOOL-REOPEN MatthewxMartinxBrink PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


210216 -- JOHANNESBURG, Feb. 16, 2021 -- Pupils wait in line to get their body temperature checked at the gate of a primary school in Johannesburg, South Africa, Feb. 15, 2021. Over 20,000 public schools in South Africa were reopened in accordance with strict adherence to the COVID-19 protocol on Monday. Photo by /Xinhua SOUTH AFRICA-JOHANNESBURG-COVID-19-PUBLIC SCHOOL-REOPEN MatthewxMartinxBrink PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


210216 -- JALALABAD, Feb. 16, 2021 -- Photo taken on Feb. 15, 2021 shows a damaged house at the site of a military operation against Islamic State IS group in Ghochko area of Jalalabad city of Nangarhar province, Afghanistan. Afghan government forces during a special operation have killed seven armed insurgents affiliated with the Islamic State IS group in the eastern Nangarhar province, said a statement of the provincial government released here Monday. Photo by /Xinhua AFGHANISTAN-NANGARHAR-MILITARY OPERATION SaifurahmanxSafi PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


210216 -- JALALABAD, Feb. 16, 2021 -- Photo taken on Feb. 15, 2021 shows a damaged house at the site of a military operation against Islamic State IS group in Ghochko area of Jalalabad city of Nangarhar province, Afghanistan. Afghan government forces during a special operation have killed seven armed insurgents affiliated with the Islamic State IS group in the eastern Nangarhar province, said a statement of the provincial government released here Monday. Photo by /Xinhua AFGHANISTAN-NANGARHAR-MILITARY OPERATION SaifurahmanxSafi PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


210215 -- CAIRO, Feb. 15, 2021 -- Rescuers work near the site where a two-storey building collapsed in Cairo, Egypt, Feb. 15, 2021. At least four were killed in a two-storey building collapse on Monday in Shoubra district in the heart of the Egyptian capital Cairo, state-run Ahram website reported. EGYPT-CAIRO-BUILDING-COLLAPSE AhmedxGomaa PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


210215 -- CAIRO, Feb. 15, 2021 -- Rescuers work near the site where a two-storey building collapsed in Cairo, Egypt, Feb. 15, 2021. At least four were killed in a two-storey building collapse on Monday in Shoubra district in the heart of the Egyptian capital Cairo, state-run Ahram website reported. EGYPT-CAIRO-BUILDING-COLLAPSE AhmedxGomaa PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


210215 -- CAIRO, Feb. 15, 2021 -- Rescuers and security personnel are seen near the site where a two-storey building collapsed in Cairo, Egypt, Feb. 15, 2021. At least four were killed in a two-storey building collapse on Monday in Shoubra district in the heart of the Egyptian capital Cairo, state-run Ahram website reported. EGYPT-CAIRO-BUILDING-COLLAPSE AhmedxGomaa PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


210215 -- CAIRO, Feb. 15, 2021 -- Rescuers work near the site where a two-storey building collapsed in Cairo, Egypt, Feb. 15, 2021. At least four were killed in a two-storey building collapse on Monday in Shoubra district in the heart of the Egyptian capital Cairo, state-run Ahram website reported. EGYPT-CAIRO-BUILDING-COLLAPSE AhmedxGomaa PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


News Bilder des Tages 210216 -- JOHANNESBURG, Feb. 16, 2021 -- Pupils wait in line to get their body temperature checked at the gate of a primary school in Johannesburg, South Africa, Feb. 15, 2021. Over 20,000 public schools in South Africa were reopened in accordance with strict adherence to the COVID-19 protocol on Monday. Photo by /Xinhua SOUTH AFRICA-JOHANNESBURG-COVID-19-PUBLIC SCHOOL-REOPEN MatthewxMartinxBrink PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


210215 -- BEIRUT, Feb. 15, 2021 -- Elderly people receive the COVID-19 vaccine at a nursing home in Beirut, Lebanon on Feb. 15, 2021. Lebanon recorded on Monday 1,793 new COVID-19 cases, raising the total number of infections to 340,861, the Health Ministry reported. Lebanon launched on Sunday its vaccination campaign against COVID-19. LEBANON-BEIRUT-COVID-19-VACCINATION-ELDERLY PEOPLE BilalxJawich PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


210215 -- BEIRUT, Feb. 15, 2021 -- An elderly woman receives the COVID-19 vaccine at a nursing home in Beirut, Lebanon on Feb. 15, 2021. Lebanon recorded on Monday 1,793 new COVID-19 cases, raising the total number of infections to 340,861, the Health Ministry reported. Lebanon launched on Sunday its vaccination campaign against COVID-19. LEBANON-BEIRUT-COVID-19-VACCINATION-ELDERLY PEOPLE BilalxJawich PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


210215 -- BEIRUT, Feb. 15, 2021 -- Elderly people wait to receive the COVID-19 vaccine at a nursing home in Beirut, Lebanon on Feb. 15, 2021. Lebanon recorded on Monday 1,793 new COVID-19 cases, raising the total number of infections to 340,861, the Health Ministry reported. Lebanon launched on Sunday its vaccination campaign against COVID-19. LEBANON-BEIRUT-COVID-19-VACCINATION-ELDERLY PEOPLE BilalxJawich PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


210215 -- BEIRUT, Feb. 15, 2021 -- An elderly woman receives the COVID-19 vaccine at a nursing home in Beirut, Lebanon on Feb. 15, 2021. Lebanon recorded on Monday 1,793 new COVID-19 cases, raising the total number of infections to 340,861, the Health Ministry reported. Lebanon launched on Sunday its vaccination campaign against COVID-19. LEBANON-BEIRUT-COVID-19-VACCINATION-ELDERLY PEOPLE BilalxJawich PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


210215 -- HOUSTON, Feb. 15, 2021 -- Vehicles move on a snow-capped road in Houston, Texas, the United States, on Feb. 15, 2021. Up to 2.5 million customers were without power in the U.S. state of Texas Monday morning as the state s power generation capacity is impacted by an ongoing winter storm brought by Arctic blast. Photo by /Xinhua U.S.-TEXAS-HOUSTON-WINTER STORM-POWER OUTAGE ChengyuexLao PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


210215 -- HOUSTON, Feb. 15, 2021 -- Vehicles move on a snow-capped road in Houston, Texas, the United States, on Feb. 15, 2021. Up to 2.5 million customers were without power in the U.S. state of Texas Monday morning as the state s power generation capacity is impacted by an ongoing winter storm brought by Arctic blast. Photo by /Xinhua U.S.-TEXAS-HOUSTON-WINTER STORM-POWER OUTAGE ChengyuexLao PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


210215 -- HOUSTON, Feb. 15, 2021 -- Vehicles move on a snow-capped road in Houston, Texas, the United States, on Feb. 15, 2021. Up to 2.5 million customers were without power in the U.S. state of Texas Monday morning as the state s power generation capacity is impacted by an ongoing winter storm brought by Arctic blast. Photo by /Xinhua U.S.-TEXAS-HOUSTON-WINTER STORM-POWER OUTAGE ChengyuexLao PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


210215 -- HOUSTON, Feb. 15, 2021 -- A highway is closed due to snow and ice in Houston, Texas, the United States, on Feb. 15, 2021. Up to 2.5 million customers were without power in the U.S. state of Texas Monday morning as the state s power generation capacity is impacted by an ongoing winter storm brought by Arctic blast. Photo by /Xinhua U.S.-TEXAS-HOUSTON-WINTER STORM-POWER OUTAGE ChengyuexLao PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


210215 -- HOUSTON, Feb. 15, 2021 -- Vehicles move on a snow-capped road in Houston, Texas, the United States, on Feb. 15, 2021. Up to 2.5 million customers were without power in the U.S. state of Texas Monday morning as the state s power generation capacity is impacted by an ongoing winter storm brought by Arctic blast. Photo by /Xinhua U.S.-TEXAS-HOUSTON-WINTER STORM-POWER OUTAGE ChengyuexLao PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


210215 -- HOUSTON, Feb. 15, 2021 -- The on-ramp to a highway is closed due to snow and ice in Houston, Texas, the United States, on Feb. 15, 2021. Up to 2.5 million customers were without power in the U.S. state of Texas Monday morning as the state s power generation capacity is impacted by an ongoing winter storm brought by Arctic blast. Photo by /Xinhua U.S.-TEXAS-HOUSTON-WINTER STORM-POWER OUTAGE ChengyuexLao PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


210215 -- HOUSTON, Feb. 15, 2021 -- A gas station is closed due to power outage in Houston, Texas, the United States, on Feb. 15, 2021. Up to 2.5 million customers were without power in the U.S. state of Texas Monday morning as the state s power generation capacity is impacted by an ongoing winter storm brought by Arctic blast. Photo by /Xinhua U.S.-TEXAS-HOUSTON-WINTER STORM-POWER OUTAGE ChengyuexLao PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


210215 -- COLOMBO, Feb. 15, 2021 -- A man receives a dose of COVID-19 vaccine in Colombo, Sri Lanka, Feb. 15, 2021. Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa on Monday instructed health authorities to start vaccinating members of the general public in the country s Western Province with the Oxford Astra Zeneca against the COVID-19 virus. Officials said they had started vaccinating those who are at high risk of exposure of the virus, such as port workers, private hospital staff members and even garbage collectors who were based in Western Province. Photo by /Xinhua SRI LANKA-COLOMBO-COVID-19-VACCINATION AjithxPerera PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


210215 -- COLOMBO, Feb. 15, 2021 -- A man receives a dose of COVID-19 vaccine in Colombo, Sri Lanka, Feb. 15, 2021. Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa on Monday instructed health authorities to start vaccinating members of the general public in the country s Western Province with the Oxford Astra Zeneca against the COVID-19 virus. Officials said they had started vaccinating those who are at high risk of exposure of the virus, such as port workers, private hospital staff members and even garbage collectors who were based in Western Province. Photo by /Xinhua SRI LANKA-COLOMBO-COVID-19-VACCINATION AjithxPerera PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


210215 -- AUCKLAND, Feb. 15, 2021 -- People drive to a temporary COVID-19 testing site in Auckland, New Zealand, Feb. 15, 2021. New Zealand reported five new cases of COVID-19 in managed isolation as Auckland entered Alert Level 3 on Monday. Auckland is now at Alert Level 3 until midnight Wednesday, and the rest of New Zealand is at Alert Level 2. Photo by /Xinhua NEW ZEALAND-AUCKLAND-COVID-19-LOCKDOWN ZhaoxGang PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


210216 -- JALALABAD, Feb. 16, 2021 -- Photo taken on Feb. 15, 2021 shows a damaged truck at the site of a military operation against Islamic State IS group in Ghochko area of Jalalabad city of Nangarhar province, Afghanistan. Afghan government forces during a special operation have killed seven armed insurgents affiliated with the Islamic State IS group in the eastern Nangarhar province, said a statement of the provincial government released here Monday. Photo by /Xinhua AFGHANISTAN-NANGARHAR-MILITARY OPERATION SaifurahmanxSafi PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


210216 -- JALALABAD, Feb. 16, 2021 -- Photo taken on Feb. 15, 2021 shows a damaged house at the site of a military operation against Islamic State IS group in Ghochko area of Jalalabad city of Nangarhar province, Afghanistan. Afghan government forces during a special operation have killed seven armed insurgents affiliated with the Islamic State IS group in the eastern Nangarhar province, said a statement of the provincial government released here Monday. Photo by /Xinhua AFGHANISTAN-NANGARHAR-MILITARY OPERATION SaifurahmanxSafi PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


210216 -- LONDON, Feb. 16, 2021 -- An airplane flies over a hotel near Heathrow Airport in London, Britain, on Feb. 15, 2021. From Monday, all British and Irish citizens and British residents who arrive in England after being in the red list of more than 30 high-risk countries now have to self-isolate in hotels. The red list countries include South Africa, Portugal and South American nations. Photo by /Xinhua BRITAIN-LONDON-COVID-19-HOTEL QUARANTINE STAY RayxTang PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


210216 -- LONDON, Feb. 16, 2021 -- Passengers from Heathrow Airport arrive at Radisson Blu Edwardian Hotel, a quarantine hotel in London, Britain, on Feb. 15, 2021. From Monday, all British and Irish citizens and British residents who arrive in England after being in the red list of more than 30 high-risk countries now have to self-isolate in hotels. The red list countries include South Africa, Portugal and South American nations. Photo by /Xinhua BRITAIN-LONDON-COVID-19-HOTEL QUARANTINE STAY RayxTang PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


210216 -- LONDON, Feb. 16, 2021 -- Passengers from Heathrow Airport taking a bus arrive at Radisson Blu Edwardian Hotel, a quarantine hotel in London, Britain, on Feb. 15, 2021. From Monday, all British and Irish citizens and British residents who arrive in England after being in the red list of more than 30 high-risk countries now have to self-isolate in hotels. The red list countries include South Africa, Portugal and South American nations. Photo by /Xinhua BRITAIN-LONDON-COVID-19-HOTEL QUARANTINE STAY RayxTang PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


210215 -- BEIRUT, Feb. 15, 2021 -- Elderly people receive the COVID-19 vaccine at a nursing home in Beirut, Lebanon on Feb. 15, 2021. Lebanon recorded on Monday 1,793 new COVID-19 cases, raising the total number of infections to 340,861, the Health Ministry reported. Lebanon launched on Sunday its vaccination campaign against COVID-19. LEBANON-BEIRUT-COVID-19-VACCINATION-ELDERLY PEOPLE BilalxJawich PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


210215 -- AUCKLAND, Feb. 15, 2021 -- People drive to a temporary COVID-19 testing site in Auckland, New Zealand, Feb. 15, 2021. New Zealand reported five new cases of COVID-19 in managed isolation as Auckland entered Alert Level 3 on Monday. Auckland is now at Alert Level 3 until midnight Wednesday, and the rest of New Zealand is at Alert Level 2. Photo by /Xinhua NEW ZEALAND-AUCKLAND-COVID-19-LOCKDOWN ZhaoxGang PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


210215 -- AUCKLAND, Feb. 15, 2021 -- Medical workers work at a temporary COVID-19 testing site in Auckland, New Zealand, Feb. 15, 2021. New Zealand reported five new cases of COVID-19 in managed isolation as Auckland entered Alert Level 3 on Monday. Auckland is now at Alert Level 3 until midnight Wednesday, and the rest of New Zealand is at Alert Level 2. Photo by /Xinhua NEW ZEALAND-AUCKLAND-COVID-19-LOCKDOWN ZhaoxGang PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


210215 -- AUCKLAND, Feb. 15, 2021 -- People drive to a temporary COVID-19 testing site in Auckland, New Zealand, Feb. 15, 2021. New Zealand reported five new cases of COVID-19 in managed isolation as Auckland entered Alert Level 3 on Monday. Auckland is now at Alert Level 3 until midnight Wednesday, and the rest of New Zealand is at Alert Level 2. Photo by /Xinhua NEW ZEALAND-AUCKLAND-COVID-19-LOCKDOWN ZhaoxGang PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


210216 -- LONDON, Feb. 16, 2021 -- Passengers from Heathrow Airport take a bus to Radisson Blu Edwardian Hotel, a quarantine hotel in London, Britain, on Feb. 15, 2021. From Monday, all British and Irish citizens and British residents who arrive in England after being in the red list of more than 30 high-risk countries now have to self-isolate in hotels. The red list countries include South Africa, Portugal and South American nations. Photo by /Xinhua BRITAIN-LONDON-COVID-19-HOTEL QUARANTINE STAY RayxTang PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


210216 -- JOHANNESBURG, Feb. 16, 2021 -- Pupils wait to enter the classroom at a primary school in Johannesburg, South Africa, Feb. 15, 2021. Over 20,000 public schools in South Africa were reopened in accordance with strict adherence to the COVID-19 protocol on Monday. Photo by /Xinhua SOUTH AFRICA-JOHANNESBURG-COVID-19-PUBLIC SCHOOL-REOPEN MatthewxMartinxBrink PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


210216 -- JALALABAD, Feb. 16, 2021 -- An Afghan security force member inspects the site of a military operation against Islamic State IS group in Ghochko area of Jalalabad city of Nangarhar province, Afghanistan, Feb. 15,2021. Afghan government forces during a special operation have killed seven armed insurgents affiliated with the Islamic State IS group in the eastern Nangarhar province, said a statement of the provincial government released here Monday. Photo by /Xinhua AFGHANISTAN-NANGARHAR-MILITARY OPERATION SaifurahmanxSafi PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


15.02.2021, Deutschland,Sachsen, Sachsische Schweiz, Sebnitz : Neue Grenzregelungen fur die Grenzubergange nach Tschechien. Weil das Nachbarland als Risikogebiet fur Corona-Mutationen eingestuft wurde, ist der Grenzubertritt nur noch in Ausnahmefallen, mit negativen Corona-Tests und Quarantane-Regelungen m?glich. *** 15 02 2021, Germany,Saxony, Saxon Switzerland, Sebnitz New border regulations for border crossings to the Czech Republic Because the neighbouring country has been classified as a risk area for corona mutations, border crossing is now only possible in exceptional cases, with negative corona tests and quarantine regulations


Winter im Hafen Sassnitz Eingefrorene Schiffe und Boote liegen im Hafen Sassnitz Landkreis Vorpommern-Ruegen. Sassnitz Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Deutschland *** Winter in the harbour of Sassnitz Frozen ships and boats are lying in the harbour of Sassnitz County Vorpommern Ruegen Sassnitz Mecklenburg Vorpommern Germany


Tutzing, Deutschland 15. Februar 2021: Ein Tag im Winter bei Schnee und Eis mit klarer Luft in Tutzing am Starnberger See. Blick vom Garatshausener Freibad auf das Karwendel Bayern *** Tutzing, Germany 15 February 2021 A day in winter with snow and ice with clear air in Tutzing at the Starnberger See View from the Garatshausen outdoor pool to the Karwendel Bavaria Copyright: xFotostandx/xWagnerx


Tutzing, Deutschland 15. Februar 2021: Ein Tag im Winter bei Schnee und Eis mit klarer Luft in Tutzing am Starnberger See. Blick vom Garatshausener Freibad auf das Karwendel Bayern *** Tutzing, Germany 15 February 2021 A day in winter with snow and ice with clear air in Tutzing at the Starnberger See View from the Garatshausen outdoor pool to the Karwendel Bavaria Copyright: xFotostandx/xWagnerx


Tutzing, Deutschland 15. Februar 2021: Ein Tag im Winter bei Schnee und Eis mit klarer Luft in Tutzing am Starnberger See. Der kalte Ostwind hat Eisgebilde und Eiszapfen an einem Zaun entstehen lassen. Bayern *** Tutzing, Germany 15 February 2021 A day in winter with snow and ice with clear air in Tutzing at Lake Starnberg The cold east wind has created ice formations and icicles on a fence Bayern Copyright: xFotostandx/xWagnerx


In einer Seniorenresidenz in Achim fuhren Soldaten der Bundeswehr Corona Antigen Schnelltests durch. FOTO C: Bj?rn Hake, Achim Deutschland *** In a senior citizens residence in Achim, soldiers of the German Armed Forces perform Corona Antigen rapid tests PHOTO C Bj?rn Hake, Achim Germany Copyright: xBj?rnxHakex


In einer Seniorenresidenz in Achim fuhren Soldaten der Bundeswehr Corona Antigen Schnelltests durch. FOTO C: Bj?rn Hake, Achim Deutschland *** In a senior citizens residence in Achim, soldiers of the German Armed Forces perform Corona Antigen rapid tests PHOTO C Bj?rn Hake, Achim Germany Copyright: xBj?rnxHakex


In einer Seniorenresidenz in Achim fuhren Soldaten der Bundeswehr Corona Antigen Schnelltests durch. FOTO C: Bj?rn Hake, Achim Deutschland *** In a senior citizens residence in Achim, soldiers of the German Armed Forces perform Corona Antigen rapid tests PHOTO C Bj?rn Hake, Achim Germany Copyright: xBj?rnxHakex


In einer Seniorenresidenz in Achim fuhren Soldaten der Bundeswehr Corona Antigen Schnelltests durch. FOTO C: Bj?rn Hake, Achim Deutschland *** In a senior citizens residence in Achim, soldiers of the German Armed Forces perform Corona Antigen rapid tests PHOTO C Bj?rn Hake, Achim Germany Copyright: xBj?rnxHakex


Winter im Hafen Sassnitz Das Ausflugsschiff Alexander kaempft sich durch die Eisdecke im Hafen Sassnitz Landkreis Vorpommern-Ruegen. Sassnitz Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Deutschland *** Winter in the harbour of Sassnitz The excursion ship Alexander fights its way through the ice cover in the harbour of Sassnitz County Vorpommern Ruegen Sassnitz Mecklenburg Vorpommern Germany


Winter im Hafen Sassnitz Das Ausflugsschiff Alexander kaempft sich durch die Eisdecke im Hafen Sassnitz Landkreis Vorpommern-Ruegen. Sassnitz Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Deutschland *** Winter in the harbour of Sassnitz The excursion ship Alexander fights its way through the ice cover in the harbour of Sassnitz County Vorpommern Ruegen Sassnitz Mecklenburg Vorpommern Germany


NEWS - Froneri Ice Cream Deutschland am 15.02.2021 in Osnabruck Der FRONERI Ice Cream Deutschland GmbH im Standort Osnabruck. ALLE BILDER AUS ?FFENTLICHEN RAUM Foto: osnapix NEWS - Coronausabruch bei Froneri Ice Cream Deutschland - Standort Osnabruck *** NEWS Froneri Ice Cream Germany on 15 02 2021 in Osnabruck The FRONERI Ice Cream Deutschland GmbH at the Osnabruck site ALL PICTURES FROM PUBLIC Photo osnapix NEWS Coronaus demolition at Froneri Ice Cream Germany site Osnabruck MT


Spreewald, zugefrorene Kanale und Flie?e zwischen Lubbenau und Lehde, im Bild: Brucke am Hafen in Lubbenau, 15.02. 2021, *** Spreewald, frozen canals and rivers between Lubbenau and Lehde, in the picture bridge at the harbour in Lubbenau, 15 02 2021, Copyright: xMatthiasxKochx


Spreewald, zugefrorene Kanale und Flie?e zwischen Lubbenau und Lehde, im Bild: Eishockey nahe der Orangerie von Schloss Lubbenau, 15.02. 2021, *** Spreewald, frozen canals and rivers between Lubbenau and Lehde, in the picture ice hockey near the orangery of Lubbenau castle, 15 02 2021, Copyright: xMatthiasxKochx


Spreewald, zugefrorene Kanale und Flie?e zwischen Lubbenau und Lehde, im Bild: Museumsdorf Lehde, 15.02. 2021, *** Spreewald, frozen canals and rivers between Lubbenau and Lehde, in the picture museum village Lehde, 15 02 2021, Copyright: xMatthiasxKochx


Spreewald, zugefrorene Kanale und Flie?e zwischen Lubbenau und Lehde, im Bild: Museumsdorf Lehde, 15.02. 2021, *** Spreewald, frozen canals and rivers between Lubbenau and Lehde, in the picture museum village Lehde, 15 02 2021, Copyright: xMatthiasxKochx


Spreewald, zugefrorene Kanale und Flie?e zwischen Lubbenau und Lehde, im Bild: Museumsdorf Lehde, 15.02. 2021, *** Spreewald, frozen canals and rivers between Lubbenau and Lehde, in the picture museum village Lehde, 15 02 2021, Copyright: xMatthiasxKochx


Spreewald, zugefrorene Kanale und Flie?e zwischen Lubbenau und Lehde, im Bild: Museumsdorf Lehde, 15.02. 2021, *** Spreewald, frozen canals and rivers between Lubbenau and Lehde, in the picture museum village Lehde, 15 02 2021, Copyright: xMatthiasxKochx


Spreewald, zugefrorene Kanale und Flie?e zwischen Lubbenau und Lehde, im Bild: Museumsdorf Lehde, 15.02. 2021, *** Spreewald, frozen canals and rivers between Lubbenau and Lehde, in the picture museum village Lehde, 15 02 2021, Copyright: xMatthiasxKochx


Spreewald, zugefrorene Kanale und Flie?e zwischen Lubbenau und Lehde, 15.02. 2021, *** Spreewald, frozen canals and rivers between Lubbenau and Lehde, 15 02 2021, Copyright: xMatthiasxKochx


Spreewald, zugefrorene Kanale und Flie?e zwischen Lubbenau und Lehde, im Bild: dunneres Eis in Richtung Lehde, 15.02. 2021, *** Spreewald, frozen canals and rivers between Lubbenau and Lehde, in the picture thinner ice towards Lehde, 15 02 2021, Copyright: xMatthiasxKochx


Spreewald, zugefrorene Kanale und Flie?e zwischen Lubbenau und Lehde, Hinweisschilder am Sudumfluter, 15.02. 2021, *** Spreewald, frozen canals and rivers between Lubbenau and Lehde, signs at the Sudumfluter, 15 02 2021, Copyright: xMatthiasxKochx


Spreewald, zugefrorene Kanale und Flie?e zwischen Lubbenau und Lehde, im Bild: Hafen in Lubbenau, 15.02. 2021, *** Spreewald, frozen canals and rivers between Lubbenau and Lehde, in the picture harbour in Lubbenau, 15 02 2021, Copyright: xMatthiasxKochx


Spreewald, zugefrorene Kanale und Flie?e zwischen Lubbenau und Lehde, im Bild: Hafen in Lubbenau, 15.02. 2021, *** Spreewald, frozen canals and rivers between Lubbenau and Lehde, in the picture harbour in Lubbenau, 15 02 2021, Copyright: xMatthiasxKochx


15.02.2021,Berlin,Deutschland,GER,Kneipe imma Uff.Kantstra?e. *** 15 02 2021,Berlin,Germany,GER,Kneipe imma Uff Kantstra?e


15.02.2021,Berlin,Deutschland,GER,Kantstra?e.Die Fahrradspur ist nicht von Schnee und Eis befreit. *** 15 02 2021,Berlin,Germany,GER,Kantstra?e The bike lane is not cleared of snow and ice


15.02.2021,Berlin,Deutschland,GER,BVG Autobus M49,Haltestelle S-Bahnhof Messe Nord. *** 15 02 2021,Berlin,Germany,GER,BVG Bus M49,Stop S Station Messe Nord


15.02.2021,Berlin,Deutschland,GER,S-Bahnhof Messe Nord. *** 15 02 2021,Berlin,Germany,GER,S Station Messe Nord


15.02.2021,Berlin,Deutschland,GER, BerlinGegenCorona,Hardenbergplatz am Bahnhof Zoo. *** 15 02 2021,Berlin,Germany,GER, BerlinGegenCorona,Hardenbergplatz am Bahnhof Zoo


LTW BW 2021. Wahlplakat der Partei GR?NE.// 15.02.2021, Deutschland, Baden-Wurttemberg, Stuttgart. *** LTW BW 2021 election poster of the party GR?NE 15 02 2021, Germany, Baden Wurttemberg, Stuttgart


LTW BW 2021. Wahlplakat der Partei DIE LINKE. // 15.02.2021, Deutschland, Baden-Wurttemberg, Stuttgart. *** LTW BW 2021 election poster of the party DIE LINKE 15 02 2021, Germany, Baden Wurttemberg, Stuttgart


LTW BW 2021. Wahlplakat der Partei CDU.// 15.02.2021, Deutschland, Baden-Wurttemberg, Stuttgart. *** LTW BW 2021 election poster of the party CDU 15 02 2021, Germany, Baden Wurttemberg, Stuttgart


LTW BW 2021. Wahlplakat der Partei KLIMALISTE. // 15.02.2021, Deutschland, Baden-Wurttemberg, Stuttgart. *** LTW BW 2021 election poster of the party KLIMALISTE 15 02 2021, Germany, Baden Wurttemberg, Stuttgart


Deutschland, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Seebad Ahlbeck Heringsdorf, Seebrucke, 15.02.2021 *** Germany, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Seebad Ahlbeck Heringsdorf , pier, 15 02 2021


Winter im Hafen Sassnitz Eingefrorene Fischerbotte liegen im Hafen Sassnitz Landkreis Vorpommern-Ruegen. Sassnitz Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Deutschland *** Winter in the harbour of Sassnitz Frozen fishing boats lying in the harbour of Sassnitz County Vorpommern Ruegen Sassnitz Mecklenburg Vorpommern Germany


News Bilder des Tages Leisnig im Winter Burg Mildenstein zur blauen Stunde im Winter. Leisnig Sachsen GERMANY *** Leisnig in winter Mildenstein Castle at blue hour in winter Leisnig Saxony GERMANY


15.02.2021, Eltern stehen auf -Demo in Wurzburg als Faschingszug unterwegs, Wuerzburg, City Bild: Die Gruppe Eltern stehen auf hat am Rosenmontag demonstriert - mit Partymusik und in Kostuemen *** 15 02 2021, Parents stand up demo in Wuerzburg as carnival procession on the way, Wuerzburg, City Bild The group Parents stand up demonstrated on Rosenmontag with party music and in costumes Copyright: HMBxMedia/xHeikoxBecker


Momentaufnahme von den Mautstation von Afidnes am Montag, 15. Februar 2021. Ab dem fruhen Morgen war die Autobahn Athen-Lamia auf H?he von Kalyftaki Kifissia nach Lamia wegen schlechten Wetters durch das Tiefdruckgebiet Medea , geschlossen. Die Intensitat des Schneefalls war so stark, dass die Autobahn trotz der Bemuhungen der Schneeraummaschinen und der standig arbeitenden Salzstreuer geschlossen blieb. Schon in der Nacht waren Autos und Lastwagen auf den Parallelstrecken der Autobahn wegen eines Schneesturms steckengeblieben. Geschlossene Autobahn *** Snapshot taken from the Afidnes toll booths on Monday, February 15, 2021 From early morning, the Athens Lamia motorway was closed at the level of Kalyftaki Kifissia to Lamia due to bad we PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxGRE ANE5244582


News Bilder des Tages In einer Seniorenresidenz in Achim fuhren Soldaten der Bundeswehr Corona Antigen Schnelltests durch. FOTO C: Bj?rn Hake, Achim Deutschland *** In a senior citizens residence in Achim, soldiers of the German Armed Forces perform Corona Antigen rapid tests PHOTO C Bj?rn Hake, Achim Germany Copyright: xBj?rnxHakex


DEUTSCHLAND, NIEDERSACHSEN, HANNOVER, 15.02.2021 - Unterzeichnung Kooperationsvertrag 1700 Jahre judisches Leben in Deutschland zwischen dem Land Niedersachsen und dem Verein 321 - 2021: 1700 Jahre judisches Leben in Deutschland e.V. - Gastehaus der Landesregierung - Stephan Weil SPD, Ministerprasident von Niedersachsen rechts, halt vor der Unterzeichnung des Vertrages einen Redebeitrag. Links stehen Andrei Kovacs, Geschaftsfuhrer des Vereins, und Sylvia L?hrmann Grune, Generalsekretarin des Vereins. Mit dem Vertrag soll im Festjahr angestrebt werden, m?glichst viele Menschen in Niedersachsen judisches Leben nahezubringen und einen Beitrag gegen erstarkenden Antisemitismus zu leisten. *** GERMANY, LOWER SAXONY, HANOVER


Tesla hat vom brandenburgischen Umweltministerium die Erlaubnis zum Einbau weiterer Maschinen in die bereits errichteten Gebaude der sogenannten Gigafactory in Grunheide erhalten. Der US-Elektroautohersteller darf nun weitere Anlagenteile und Ausrustungen fur die Lackieranlage, das Presswerk und den Karosseriebau einbauen. Neue Flachen mussen dafur nicht versiegelt werden, es handelt sich um Gebaude, die bereits gebaut wurden. Deshalb gehen auch keine Naturschutzfragen mit der Zulassung einher, betonte das Ministerium in Potsdam. Quelle: golem.de Grunheide, 15.02.2021 *** Tesla has received permission from the Brandenburg Ministry of the Environment to install additional machines in the already constructed buildings of the so-cal Foto:xS.xGabschx/xFuturexImage


Motivwagen des Mainzer Carneval-Vereins 2021 15.02.2021 Mainz x1x Motivwagen des Mainzer Carneval Vereins MCV werden fur nachstes Jahr eingepackt. Fastnacht 2021 fallt wegen dem Corona-Virus aus. Mainz Mainz Rheinland-Pfalz Germany *** Motive floats of the Mainzer Carneval Vereins 2021 15 02 2021 Mainz x1x Motive floats of the Mainzer Carneval Vereins MCV are packed for next year Fastnacht 2021 is cancelled because of the Corona Virus Mainz Mainz Rheinland Pfalz Germany


Mittlerweile sorgen die Grenzkontrollen fur massive Verkehrsbehinderungen wie hier an der A17 bei Breitenau. Zwar kontrolliert die Polizei den LKW-Verkehr nur noch sporadisch, versucht den Brummis uberwiegend laufen zu lassen, doch die vielen PKW, welche uberpruft werden mussen stauen sich immer wieder weiter nach hinten zum Punkt, wo die Beamten vorfiltern. Das DRK baute ein weiteres Zelt auf zur Versorgung und Betreuung der Reisenden. BAB17/Breitenau - Grenzkontrollen sorgen fur lange Stau auf tschechischer Seite der A17 *** In the meantime, the border controls are causing massive traffic jams, such as here on the A17 near Breitenau Although the police are only sporadically checking the truck traffic, trying to keep the


Mittlerweile sorgen die Grenzkontrollen fur massive Verkehrsbehinderungen wie hier an der A17 bei Breitenau. Zwar kontrolliert die Polizei den LKW-Verkehr nur noch sporadisch, versucht den Brummis uberwiegend laufen zu lassen, doch die vielen PKW, welche uberpruft werden mussen stauen sich immer wieder weiter nach hinten zum Punkt, wo die Beamten vorfiltern. Das DRK baute ein weiteres Zelt auf zur Versorgung und Betreuung der Reisenden. BAB17/Breitenau - Grenzkontrollen sorgen fur lange Stau auf tschechischer Seite der A17 *** In the meantime, the border controls are causing massive traffic jams, such as here on the A17 near Breitenau Although the police are only sporadically checking the truck traffic, trying to keep the


Mittlerweile sorgen die Grenzkontrollen fur massive Verkehrsbehinderungen wie hier an der A17 bei Breitenau. Zwar kontrolliert die Polizei den LKW-Verkehr nur noch sporadisch, versucht den Brummis uberwiegend laufen zu lassen, doch die vielen PKW, welche uberpruft werden mussen stauen sich immer wieder weiter nach hinten zum Punkt, wo die Beamten vorfiltern. Das DRK baute ein weiteres Zelt auf zur Versorgung und Betreuung der Reisenden. BAB17/Breitenau - Grenzkontrollen sorgen fur lange Stau auf tschechischer Seite der A17 *** In the meantime, the border controls are causing massive traffic jams, such as here on the A17 near Breitenau Although the police are only sporadically checking the truck traffic, trying to keep the


People out for a walk along a flooded road as melted snow and floodwater still covers the road from Thorney to Whittlesey, Cambridgeshire. The water levels are dropping but it will quite a few days before the road can be cleaned up and re-opened. PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK


News Bilder des Tages Bundesfinanzminister Olaf Scholz, SPD, aufgenommen im Rahmen eines Doorstep, anlaesslich der Sitzung der Eurogruppe in Berlin. 15.02.2021. Berlin Deutschland *** Federal Minister of Finance Olaf Scholz, SPD, taken during a doorstep, at the meeting of the Eurogroup in Berlin 15 02 2021 Berlin Germany Copyright: xFelixxZahn/photothek.netx


News Bilder des Tages Entertainment Bilder des Tages Jecken am Rosenmontag 15.02.2021 auf der Severinstrasse in der Koelner Suedstadt , hier startet normalerweise der Koelner Rosenmontagszug. In normalen Zeiten ist das ein Inferno des Frohsinns. Das Koelsch fliesst schon vormittags in Stroemen, aus Boxen droehnt laute Musik. Wegen der Corona-Pandemie wurde in diesem Jahr der Rosenmontagsumzug abgesagt. Siehe epd-Meldung vom 15.02.2021 Rosenmontag in Koeln in Zeiten von Corona *** Jecken am Rosenmontag 15 02 2021 auf der Severinstrasse in der Koelner Suedstadt , hier startet normalerweise der Koelner Rosenmontagszug In normal times this is an inferno of merriment The Koelsch flows already in the morning in streams, from boxes loud music threatens Because of the Corona pandemic this year th Copyright: epd-bild/GuidoxSchiefer


News Bilder des Tages Bundesfinanzminister Olaf Scholz, SPD, aufgenommen im Rahmen eines Doorstep, anlaesslich der Sitzung der Eurogruppe in Berlin. 15.02.2021. Berlin Deutschland *** Federal Minister of Finance Olaf Scholz, SPD, taken during a doorstep, at the meeting of the Eurogroup in Berlin 15 02 2021 Berlin Germany Copyright: xFelixxZahn/photothek.netx


Motivwagen des Mainzer Carneval-Vereins 2021 15.02.2021 Mainz x1x Motivwagen des Mainzer Carneval-Vereins MCV werden fur nachstes Jahr eingepackt. Fastnacht 2021 fallt wegen dem Corona-Virus aus.Im Bild: MCV Prasident Prof. Reinhard Urban. Mainz Mainz Rheinland-Pfalz Germany *** Motive floats of the Mainzer Carneval Vereins 2021 15 02 2021 Mainz x1x Motive floats of the Mainzer Carneval Vereins MCV are packed for next year Fastnacht 2021 is cancelled because of the Corona Virus In the picture MCV President Prof Reinhard Urban Mainz Mainz Rheinland Pfalz Germany


15.02.2021, Deutschland,Sachsen, Sachsische Schweiz, Sebnitz : Neue Grenzregelungen fur die Grenzubergange nach Tschechien. Weil das Nachbarland als Risikogebiet fur Corona-Mutationen eingestuft wurde, ist der Grenzubertritt nur noch in Ausnahmefallen, mit negativen Corona-Tests und Quarantane-Regelungen m?glich. *** 15 02 2021, Germany,Saxony, Saxon Switzerland, Sebnitz New border regulations for border crossings to the Czech Republic Because the neighbouring country has been classified as a risk area for corona mutations, border crossing is now only possible in exceptional cases, with negative corona tests and quarantine regulations


Plenarsitzung des Saarlandischen Landtages am Montag 15.02.2021 in der Saarlandhalle in Saarbrucken. Im Bild: Regierungserklarung von Ministerprasident Tobias Hans CDU. *** Plenary session of the Saarland Parliament on Monday 15 02 2021 in the Saarland Hall in Saarbrucken In the picture Government statement by Prime Minister Tobias Hans CDU bub


News Bilder des Tages Berlin Mitte, Museumsinsel: Humboldt-Forum Berlin am Schlo?platz Berlin Museumsinsel *** Berlin Mitte, Museum Island Humboldt Forum Berlin am Schlo?platz Berlin Museum Island


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