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Okno Papieża (27)

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PHOTO: EAST NEWS Papiez Benedykt XVI w slynnym oknie Domu Arcybiskupow Krakowskich przy Franciszkanskiej 3. First visit of pope Benedict XVI to Poland Visit to Cracow, pope shows in "papal window"


PHOTO:EAST NEWS/WOJTEK LASKI Polska po wyborze kardynala Karola Wojtyly na papieza. Wadowice, pazdziernik 1978 N/Z: udekorowany kosciol w rodzinnym miescie papieza. Poland few days after cardinal Karol Wojtyla was elected Pope John Paul II. Wadowice, POLAND - 10/1978 Pictured: decorated church in Pope's home town.


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/AFP Pope John Paul II grimaces as he addressES pilgrims from his apartment's window at the Vatican 30 March 2005. The 84-year-old ailing pontiff tried in vain to speak to the faithful and made the sign of the cross several times overlooking the crowd that cheered and clapped loudly in St. Peter's Square. AFP PHOTO/ Vincenzo PINTO


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/AFP Pope John Paul II touches his forehead as he addresses pilgrims from his apartment's window at the Vatican 30 March 2005. The 84-year-old ailing pontiff tried in vain to speak to the faithful and made the sign of the cross several times overlooking the crowd that cheered and clapped loudly in St. Peter's Square. AFP PHOTO/ Andreas SOLARO


** EDS: ALTERNATIVE CROP OF VAT101 ** In this photo made available by the Vatican newspaper Osservatore Romano, Pope John Paul II looks out of his studio's window overlooking St. Peter's Square prior to giving Easter Sunday blessing at the Vatican, Sunday, March 27, 2005. For the first time since his papacy began in 1978, the pontiff skipped Easter Sunday Mass at midmorning while he continues his convalescence following two recent hospitalizations for breathing problems. (AP Photo/Osservatore Romano, ho)


** RECROP OF VAT202 ** In this photo made available by the Vatican newspaper Osservatore Romano, Pope John Paul II looks at sheets of paper as he looks out of his studio's window overlooking St. Peter's Square prior to giving Easter Sunday blessing at the Vatican, Sunday, March 27, 2005. For the first time since his papacy began in 1978, the pontiff skipped Easter Sunday Mass at midmorning while he continues his convalescence following two recent hospitalizations for breathing problems. (AP Photo/Osservatore Romano, ho)


In this photo made available by the Vatican newspaper Osservatore Romano, Pope John Paul II looks at sheets of paper as he looks out of his studio's window overlooking St. Peter's Square prior to giving Easter Sunday blessing at the Vatican, Sunday, March 27, 2005. For the first time since his papacy began in 1978, the pontiff skipped Easter Sunday Mass at midmorning while he continues his convalescence following two recent hospitalizations for breathing problems. (AP Photo/Osservatore Romano, ho)


In this photo made available by the Vatican newspaper Osservatore Romano, Pope John Paul II gives his Easter Sunday blessing from his window at the Vatican, Sunday, March 27, 2005. For the first time since his papacy began in 1978, the pontiff skipped Easter Sunday Mass at midmorning while he continues his convalescence following two recent hospitalizations for breathing problems. (AP Photo/Osservatore Romano, ho)


In this photo made available by the Vatican newspaper Osservatore Romano, Pope John Paul II looks out of his studio's window overlooking St. Peter's Square prior to giving Easter Sunday blessing at the Vatican, Sunday, March 27, 2005. For the first time since his papacy began in 1978, the pontiff skipped Easter Sunday Mass at midmorning while he continues his convalescence following two recent hospitalizations for breathing problems. (AP Photo/Osservatore Romano, ho)


In this photo made available by the Vatican newspaper Osservatore Romano, Pope John Paul II gives his Easter Sunday blessing from his studio's window at the Vatican, Sunday, March 27, 2005. For the first time since his papacy began in 1978, the pontiff skipped Easter Sunday Mass at midmorning while he continues his convalescence following two recent hospitalizations for breathing problems. (AP Photo/Osservatore Romano, ho)


In this photo released by the Vatican paper Osservatore Romano Pope John Paul II delivers his blessing during the noon Angelus prayer from a window of Rome's Gemelli Polyclinic hospital where he is hospitalized, Sunday, March 13, 2005. The 84-year-old pontiff is getting breathing and speech therapy after Feb. 24 throat surgery to ease his second respiratory crisis in a month. (AP Photo/Osservatore Romano)


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/AFP The lighted windows of Pope John Paul II's room at the Policlinico Gemelli Hospital in Rome, 24 February 2005. Pope John Paul ll was hospitalized at the Policlinico Gemelli in Rome earlier in the day with a fresh episode of acute breathing difficulties. Vatican spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls said the pope had been readmitted to Rome's Gemelli clinic because he had suffered a flu relapse and would undergo specialized treatment and tests. AFP PHOTO / Andreas SOLARO


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/AFP Pope John Paul II launches two doves from the window of his appartment at the end of his weekly Angelus prayer 30 January 2005 at the Vatican. On World Leprosy Day, the Pope also called to eradicate the disease as many thousands continue to suffer, despite a cure being available for decades. AFP PHOTO / Patrick HERTZOG


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/AFP A combo shows Pope John Paul II blessing pilgrims and faithful from the window of his private apartment overlooking Saint-Peter's Square at the Vatican on the day of his election 16 October 1978 (L) and during a Sunday mass 06 January 2004. Pope John Paul II will pass a new milestone next 14 March 2004, officially becoming the third longest-reigning pontiff in the history of the Roman Catholic Church, according to the Vatican. AFP PHOTO FILES ANSA AND FILES Vincenzo PINTO


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/AFP Pope John Paul II launches two doves from the window of his appartment at the end of his weekly Angelus prayer, 25 January 2004 at the Vatican. On World Leprosy Day, the Pope also raised the plight of the many thousands who continue to suffer from the disease, despite a cure being available for decades. AFP PHOTO / Patrick HERTZOG


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/AFP Pope John Paul II looks at a dove he just launched from the window of his appartment at the end of his weekly Angelus prayer, 25 January 2004 at the Vatican. On World Leprosy Day, the Pope also raised the plight of the many thousands who continue to suffer from the disease, despite a cure being available for decades. AFP PHOTO Patrick HERTZOG


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/AFP Pope John Paul II blesses the pilgrims gathered on St-Peter's square, after he launched two doves from the window of his appartment at the end of his weekly Angelus prayer, 25 January 2004 at the Vatican. On World Leprosy Day, the Pope also raised the plight of the many thousands who continue to suffer from the disease, despite a cure being available for decades. AFP PHOTO/Patrick HERTZOG


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/WOJTEK LASKI Osma pielgrzymka papieza Jana Pawla II do Polski, Krakow, 18.08.2002 N/z: tzw. "okno papieskie" z ktorego pozdrawial papiez, Palac Arcybiskupi


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/WOJTEK LASKI Osma pielgrzymka papieza Jana Pawla II do Polski, Krakow, 18.08.2002 N/z: wyjazd papieza z kurii biskupiej


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/WOJTEK LASKI Osma pielgrzymka papieza Jana Pawla II do Polski, Krakow, 18.08.2002 N/z: wyjazd papieza z kurii biskupiej


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