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Intronizacja , konklawe i msza 15-22.10 .1978 (92)

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PHOTO: EAST NEWS/AFP Former Polish bishop and cardinal Karol Wojtyla, Pope John Paul II, salutes the audience during his coronation ceremony 22 October 1978 at Saint Peter Basilica in Vatican City. Polish Karol Wojtyla became a bishop in Cracow in 1958, and then archbishop in 1963, before ascending to the papacy as John Paul II.


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/AFP General view of Pope John Paul II's coronation ceremony 22 October 1978 at Saint Peter Basilica in Vatican city.


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/AFP General view of Pope John Paul II's coronation ceremony 22 October 1978 at Saint Peter Basilica in Vatican city.


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/AFP General view of Pope John Paul II's coronation ceremony 22 October 1978 at Saint Peter Basilica in Vatican city.


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/AFP Pope John Paul II's is saluted by an Orthodox pope during his coronation ceremony 22 October 1978 at Saint Peter Basilica in Vatican city.


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/AFP Pope John Paul II (C), 58, prays during his coronation ceremony 22 October 1978 at Saint Peter Basilica in Vatican city. Cardinal Karol Wojtyla of Poland, former Archbishop of Cracow, became 16 October 1978 the first non-Italian Pope since Adrian VI of Holland in 1542. He is a fierce anti-Communist and his election was seen as a challenge to Poland's Communist government. AFP


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/AFP Pope John Paul II, 58, gives a speech during his coronation ceremony 22 October 1978 at Saint Peter Basilica in Vatican city. Cardinal Karol Wojtyla of Poland, former Archbishop of Cracow, became 16 October 1978 the first non-Italian Pope since Adrian VI of Holland in 1542. He is a fierce anti-Communist and his election was seen as a challenge to Poland's Communist government


PHOTO:EAST NEWS/WOJTEK LASKI Polskie ulice po wyborze kardynala Karola Wojtyly na papieza. N/z: ludzie czytajacy na ulicy numer 43/1978 "Tygodnika Powszechnego" z wielkim naglowkiem "Habemus Papam", zawierajacy relacje Jerzego Turowicza i pierwsze przemowienie Jana Pawła II, Krakow, pazdziernik 1978. Karol Wojtyla was elected and intronisated on 16 October 1978.


PHOTO:EAST NEWS/WOJTEK LASKI Polska po wyborze kardynala Karola Wojtyly na papieza. Wadowice, pazdziernik 1978 N/Z: udekorowany kosciol w rodzinnym miescie papieza. Poland few days after cardinal Karol Wojtyla was elected Pope John Paul II. Wadowice, POLAND - 10/1978 Pictured: decorated church in Pope's home town.


PHOTO:EAST NEWS/WOJTEK LASKI Polskie ulice po wyborze kardynala Karola Wojtyly na papieza. N/z: zakonnica czytajaca na ulicy numer 43/1978 "Tygodnika Powszechnego" z wielkim naglowkiem "Habemus Papam", zawierajacy relacje Jerzego Turowicza i pierwsze przemowienie Jana Pawła II, Krakow, pazdziernik 1978.


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/WOJTEK LASKI Msza pontyfikalna, bedaca inauguracja pontyfikatu papieza Jana Pawla II, plac sw. Piotra, Watykan, 22.10.1978 N/z: papiez Jan Pawel II i prymas Polski, kardynal Stefan Wyszynski (z prawej) Vatican 22/10/1978 First Holy Mass celebrated by Pope John Paul II at the Saint Peter's Square in Vatican. Inauguration of his pontificate. Beside the Pope cardinal Stefan Wyszynski 30th anniversary of pontificate of Pope John Paul II. Karol Wojtyla was elected and intronisated on 16 October 1978.


Photo prise le 16 octobre 1978 au Vatican, du cardinal polonais Karol Wojtyla, devenu le 16 octobre Jean-Paul II, le premier pape non italien depuis Adrian VI de Hollande en 1542. Picture taken 16 October 1978 in Vatican City of cardinal Karol Wojtyla of Poland, who was elected 16 October successor to Pope John Paul I, the 264th Pope of the Catholic Church, the first non-Italian Pope since Adrian VI of Holland in 1542.


Pope John Paul II, 50, former Polish cardinal Karol Wojtyla, smiles at the Vatican 16 October 1978, after being named at the head of the Catholic Church. Karol Wojtyla became a bishop in Krakow in 1958, and then archbishop in 1963, before ascending to the papacy as John Paul II. AFP PHOTO 000_PAR2003092683298.jpg


Pope John Paul II smiling and blessing cardinals in Vatican City, Oct. 17, 1978, as he leaves Sistine Chapel after celebrating special mass for his election as Roman Catholic Pontiff. (Ap Photo)


Pope John Paul II is seen in Vatican City, Oct. 17, 1978, while celebrating special mass for his election as Roman Catholic Pontiff in the Sistine Chapel. (Ap Photo)


Pope John Paul II, second from right in background, is about to leave Sistine Chapel Oct. 17, 1978, with member of the pontifical ceremonies office, after a mass has been celebrated at the end of the conclave. In foreground left and center the cardinals, who one day before had selected the Polish Karol cardinal Wojtyla as the new Pontiff. (Ap Photo)


Pope John Paul II smiling and blessing cardinals in Vatican City, Oct. 17, 1978, as he leaves Sistine Chapel after celebrating special mass for his election as Roman Catholic Pontiff. (Ap Photo)


Pope John Paul II smiling and blessing cardinals in Vatican City, Oct. 17, 1978, as he leaves Sistine Chapel after celebrating special mass for his election as Roman Catholic Pontiff. (Ap Photo)


Pope John Paul II walks out of the Sistine Chapel Oct. 17, 1978, accompanied by Msgr. Cocchetti and msgr. Noe', right, both of the pontifical ceremonies office, when a Holy mass has been celebrated, a day after the former Polish cardinal was elected head of the catholic church. (Ap Photo)


New elected Pope John Paul II gestures as he walks past Swiss guards out of the conclave area, Oct. 17,1978. He is accompanied by Msgr. Cocchetti, left of him, and Msgr. Noe', right, both of the pontifical ceremonies office. The new pope had been elected by the cardinals and is the first non-Italian pope since 450 years.


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