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9.11- День української писемності та мови (2)

New Rada


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TOPSHOTS An opposition member of the Ukrainian parliament sits next to huge Ukrainian flags decorating the sits of the opposition deputies who left the parliament session to protest against the vote of a highly polarising bill increasing the role of the Russian language in linguistically-divided Ukraine in Kiev on June 5, 2012. The Ukrainian parliament backed a controversial bill making Russian the country's de-facto second national language as several thousand protesters rallied in the city centre. AFP PHOTO/ SERGEI SUPINSKY


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/AFP Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma holds his book "Ukraine is not Russia" during its presentation at the 16th Moscow International Book Fair, 03 September 2003. More than 100 000 new titles go on sale at the 16th Moscow International Book Fair opening with a prize of a place at next month's Frankfurt Book Fair on offer for the most successful titles, organisers said.