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PHOTO: EAST NEWS/AFP PHOTO Colorado: Pope John Paul II looks out at the estimated crowd of 200,000 people attending a 14 Aug prayer vigil for World Youth Day. The crowd gathered at Cherry Creek State Park heard the pope lash out at abortion, calling it "the slaughter of innocent human beings.


? Paul Chiasson/CP/ABACA. 36823-1. Toronto-ON-Canada, 27/07/2002. Pope John-Paul IIwaves to the crowd during a welcoming ceremony as part of the World Youth Day.


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/AFP PHOTO Pope John Paul II gives communion to a young man in a wheelchair during the Papal Mass 28 July 2002 at Downsview Lands in Toronto. The Pope held communion for 2002 World Youth Day.


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/AFP PHOTO Pope John Paul II waves from a rain covered Popemobile upon his arrival to the Papal Mass 28 July, 2002, at Downsview Lands, Toronto, Canada. Hundreds of thousands turned out on a wet and overcast Sunday morning here for a papal mass that will mark the end of this year's World Youth Day celebrations.


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/AFP PHOTO Pope John Paul II waves as he departs the stage after the Papal Mass 28 July, 2002, at Downsview Lands, Toronto, Canada. Some 800,000 people, including some 210,000 pilgrims who camped out overnight, were in attendance the mass 28 july at the 130-hectare Downsview Lands park, according to organizers. The figure could not be independently confirmed.


PHOTO: EAST NEWS/AFP Performers work on their routine on the stage, 22 July 2002, that Pope John Paul II will use during the Welcoming Ceremony at Exhibition Place as part of the World Youth Day Ceremonies in Toronto, Ontario, Canada 18-28 July 2002. The Pope will arrive in Canada tomorrow .


PHOTO: EAST NEWS JAN PAWEL II UDZIELA KOMUNII SWIETEJ PODCZAS MSZY NA TERENIE UNIWERSYTETU TOR VERGATA PODCZAS SWIATOWEGO DNIA MLODZIEZY Pope John Paul II gives the communion to a volunteer 20 August 2000 during a mass at the Tor Vergata university campus near Rome at the end of World Youth Day celebrations. Some two million youths took part in the event. AFP PHOTO GABRIEL BOUYS


PHOTO: EAST NEWS JAN PAWEL II ODPRAWIA MSZE SWIETA W CAMPUSIE UNIWERSYTETU TOR VERGATA PODCZAS SWIATOWEGO DNIA MLODZIEZY Pope John Paul II celebrates mass 20 August 2000 at the Tor Vergata university campus near Rome at the end of World Youth Day celebrations. Some two million youths took part in the event. AFP PHOTO GABRIEL BOUYS


PHOTO: EAST NEWS PAPIEZ JAN PAWEL II PATRZY NA TANCERZY PODCZAS SPOTKANIA Z MLODZIEZA W RZYMIE Pope John Paul II (C) watches dancers 20 August 2000 during a mass at the Tor Vergata university campus near Rome at the end of World Youth Day celebrations. Some two million youths took part in the event. AFP PHOTO GABRIEL BOUYS


PHOTO: EAST NEWS PIELGRZYMI NA TERENIE UNIWERSYTETU TOR VERGATA PODCZAS SWIATOWEGO DNIA MLODZIEZY A young pilgrim carries a candle as he listen to Pope John Paul II in Tor Vergata, close to Rome, 19 August 2000 for the vigily of World Youth Day. Two million young people assembled from all over the world to attend ceremonies in Tor Vergata through 20 August. AFP PHOTO GABRIEL BOUYS


PHOTO: EAST NEWS PIELGRZYMI NA TERENIE UNIWERSYTETU TOR VERGATA PODCZAS SWIATOWEGO DNIA MLODZIEZY Young pilgrims pray with Pope John Paul II in Tor Vergata, close to Rome, 19 August 2000 for the vigil of World Youth Day. Two million young people assembled from all over the world to attend ceremonies in Tor Vergata through 20 August. AFP PHOTO GABRIEL BOUYS


PHOTO: EAST NEWS PIELGRZYMI NA TERENIE UNIWERSYTETU TOR VERGATA PODCZAS SWIATOWEGO DNIA MLODZIEZY Young pilgrims wave to Pope John Paul II in Tor Vergata, close to Rome, 19 August 2000 for the vigil of World Youth Day. Two million young people assembled from all over the world to attend ceremonies in Tor Vergata through 20 August 2000. AFP PHOTO GABRIEL BOUYS


PHOTO: EAST NEWS PIELGRZYMI NA TERENIE UNIWERSYTETU TOR VERGATA PODCZAS SWIATOWEGO DNIA MLODZIEZY A French young woman pilgrim waves the national flag to welcome Pope John Paul II in Tor Vergata, on the outskirts of Rome 19 August 2000 for the vigil of World Youth Day. Two millions young people assembled from all over the World are expected to attend ceremonies in Tor Vergata through 20 August 2000.


PHOTO: EAST NEWS JAN PAWEL II NA TERENIE UNIWERSYTETU TOR VERGATA PODCZAS SWIATOWEGO DNIA MLODZIEZY Pope John Paul II celebrates mass 20 August 2000 at the Tor Vergata university campus near Rome at the end of World Youth Day celebrations. Some two million youths took part in the event. AFP PHOTO GABRIEL BOUYS


PHOTO: EAST NEWS PIELGRZYMI NA PLACU SW PIOTRA W RZYMIE PODCZAS SWIATOWEGO DNIA MLODZIEZY Pilgrims are refreshed before being welcomed by Pope John Paul II at Saint Peter's Square 15 August 2000 for the opening ceremony of the 15th World Youth Day. More than 400,000 young Catholics from around the world have arrived in Rome just a few hours ahead of the official opening ceremony. AFP PHOTO GABRIEL BOUYS


PHOTO: EAST NEWS SWIATOWY DZIEN MLODZIEZY 2000 W RZYMIE Pilgrims are protected by hats before Pope John Paul II welcomes young pilgrims on Saint Peter's Square 15 August 2000 for the opening seremony of World Youth Day. A million young people arriving from all over the World are expected to attend ceremonies which start 15 August 2000 and run till 20 August 2000.


PHOTO: EAST NEWS JAN PAWEL II PODCZAS SWIATOWEGO DNIA MLODZIEZY 2000 W WATYKANIE Pope John Paul II delivers his blessing to the youths on his way from St John in Lateran Bsilica in Rome to St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican during the celebration ceremony of the Roman Catholic Church's World Youth Day, 15 August 2000. Over one million youths from 163 countries are expected to take part to the week-long celebrations.


PHOTO: EAST NEWS PAPIEZ NA OTWARCIU SWIATOWEGO DNIA MLODZIEZY 2000 W WATYKANIE Pope John Paul II arrives 15 August 2000 for the opening ceremony of the World Youth Day celebrations in Saint Peter's Square in Vatican city, surrounded by young pligrims waving a French flag. World Youth Days ceremonies will run till 20 August 2000.


PHOTO: EAST NEWS JAN PAWEL II PODCZAS SWIATOWEGO DNIA MLODZIEZY 2000 W RZYMIE .Pope John Paul II (L) welcomes young pilgrim on Saint Peter's Square in Rome 15 August 2000, for the opening ceremony of the World Youth Festival. A million young people arriving from all over the World are expected to attend the ceremonies until 20 August 2000. Pope Jean Paul II called on young people today to serve "Christ and freedom".


PHOTO: WOJTEK LASKI / EAST NEWS 12 Swiatowe Dni Mlodziezy (ogolnoswiatowy zjazd mlodziezy katolickiej), Paryz, Francja, 19-24.08.1997. N/Z: ogolny widok oltarza na hipodromie Longchamp w Paryzu (Hippodrome de Longchamp), Paryz, 24.08.1997. The 12th World Youth Days (gathering of young Catholics from all around the world), Paris, FRANCE, 19-24.08.1997. Pictured: a general view of the altar at the Longchamp Racecourse, Paris, 24/08/1997.


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